Wormwood Is Coming


Well-Known Member
Since the last post there has been quite a lot of meteorological turmoil. An update, NASA can no longer deny wormwood so it is now called Comet Elenin after the citizen who "discovered" it last year.
So now wormwood is a comet? Elenin looks to be a wimpy for a long period comet, quite small comparatively. The closest approach to Earth will be 22 million miles. This does not sound like what the wormwood doomsayers were claiming.

You need to stop listening to Alex Jones.


Active Member
So now wormwood is a comet?
No, Wormwood has always been a star. It is so close now that any noob can see it with relatively cheap equipment. So NASA needs to acknowledge it.
You need to stop listening to Alex Jones.
I don't care for Alex Jones, just trying to cite the notoriety she received and maybe catch someones eye on here who listens to Alex Jones. It may not happen this fall I am not God. But it sounds plausible. It will happen according to Revelation at some point.
This does not sound like what the wormwood doomsayers were claiming.
...did you even watch the videos...why do you comment as if you did


Well-Known Member
So if im an agnostic and i predict earthquakes and then they occur dose that mean i am an atheist prophet? Or is it the fact that earthquakes have been occuring as a natural phenomenon since the creation of earth and continue to do so as they have for countless ages?The rate of occurring quakes hasent suddenly spiked or decreased because we think its the end times or the incoming wurmwood what have you...there are cycles to every phenomenon in existence,they dont just stop or multiply from some divine hand.I predict that the end of predictions is the best one we will ever make....imagine that no more prophecies= no more delayed apocalypse or off scheduled raptures to look forward to,i marked my calendar for the last one May 21 2011 it went by with no raptures no quakes "as predicted",-except i had a rapture with mother nature and fine sweet chiba- remember that crazy prediction and so many people gave up all their assets for that one and now regret it.


Well-Known Member
This whole thing about Illuminati, Wormshit and revelation is bascially a con meant to sell fear. It's been going on for hundreds of years. All science is in some respect, pseudo to one degree or another. As soon as some scientist or expert on astronomy starts to spout off about end times or Jesus this, Jesus that or UFO's and clandestine secret groups wanting to depopulate us all, it crashes. Basically society is dumb, they'll believe in anything you tell them, put a PhD behind any crackpot and suddenly they're on that other mouthpiece of the buffonnery, Coast to Coast AM. In this day of vast information and the internet, any kook, nutjob and whacko can have a cult-like following. I blame the internet for the massive increase in bullshitedness going on now. And it's only going to get worse when December 2012 comes around, think of all the disappointed wonderloons out there come January 2013.


Well-Known Member
No, Wormwood has always been a star. It is so close now that any noob can see it with relatively cheap equipment. So NASA needs to acknowledge it.

I don't care for Alex Jones, just trying to cite the notoriety she received and maybe catch someones eye on here who listens to Alex Jones. It may not happen this fall I am not God. But it sounds plausible. It will happen according to Revelation at some point.

...did you even watch the videos...why do you comment as if you did
do you even know how gravity works? that thing is NOT a star. if it was, it wouldve thrown off all the orbits of the planets as it came in. im sure nasa wouldve noticed that lol.

just because something sounds plausible, doesnt mean it is fact. you have been tricked into believing this. do you realize how many times the world was supposed to end? but every time it doesnt, they say they got some numbers wrong or something, and change the date to a little bit in the future. now you are scared again because the revelation is coming! OMG! i better start praying real hard and confirming my beliefs in jesus! its the only way out!


Well-Known Member
No, Wormwood has always been a star. It is so close now that any noob can see it with relatively cheap equipment. So NASA needs to acknowledge it.

I don't care for Alex Jones, just trying to cite the notoriety she received and maybe catch someones eye on here who listens to Alex Jones. It may not happen this fall I am not God. But it sounds plausible. It will happen according to Revelation at some point.

...did you even watch the videos...why do you comment as if you did
What videos? There have been thousands of them and I have watched some. Any star would be already having major effects on other planets, especially Jupiter. Even us amateur astronomers can calculate whether the orbits of planets have been disturbed yet no one can see anything. I guess your "star" doesn't have the gravitational effect that a real star would have, it seems to have the same mass as a small comet, imagine that.

Truth be told, you're an idiot for believing all of this crap. You can go out today and buy a telescope and software and confirm everything I just said but instead you listen to other idiots on the webz. Grow up and learn how to apply some skeptical reasoning.


Active Member
I blame the internet for the massive increase in bullshitedness going on now.
The internet just so happens to be arguably the only interface enabling advocates for the hemp industry and marijuana legalization to disseminate their information. It's statements like these that Obama and other government officials are promulgating in order to convince people that we need an internet czar...their real goal is to control the dissemination of the aforementioned information and other ideas like it.

do you even know how gravity works? that thing is NOT a star. if it was, it wouldve thrown off all the orbits of the planets as it came in. im sure nasa wouldve noticed that lol.
In 1983 the perturbations you are referring to were first noticed, maybe earlier. I think it was first pulling on the planet Uranus (which may have been the first planet whose perturbations were large enough to see IDK) They were actually even documented in some science magazines. I dont know exactly which one look it up. It was mentioned numerous times by different scientific communities, and each time the object was documented as being closer than the last. The IRAS was launched the next year 1984. There are now all kinds of telescopes that many think are used solely for watching the inbound approach. No proof for that. The Vatican even has their own now, called "Lucifer"

BTW I have never put a date on anything until now...thinking about it I guess it is foolish but the Japanese may think otherwise given the same info. I mean think about what all has happened in just over a year and a half that this thread has been active? AM I really that far off the mark? Chile, Haiti Japan just to name a few? I certainly have no idea when the rapture will happen I hope before the long-overdue tribulations of the country take place. But something tells me the US is going to endure a lot before the rapture. Only God knows. All I am saying is there is good evidence for a serious catastrophe this fall along the lines of the catastrophes that have happened with increasing frequency of the past few years. That's all. And if NASA knows, just like our government and oil companies know of the myriad benefits of hemp and marijuana but don't share them, that maybe they're not telling news agencies because the entire world would go NUTS! People would quit paying their bills and the like. Am I really so crazy for saying "hey, they're lying about reefer and we know that, I think they're lying about global warming and we have a second star in our solar system, the proximity of which is causing major effects on the sun which we interpret here as climate change" I just wanted to reach out in whatever capacity I could to say that if there are any out there searching for the truth and are tired of what the world has been giving then look up. Maybe there won't be an earthquake or other catastrophe this fall. But sometimes we go through low points in our lives and God is trying to tell us something; He is knocking on the door. He can't open it and force you to love Him. You have to answer the door and let Him in. Tune me out but maybe someone will hit rock bottom and remember that...that's what it took for me...reality sucks sometimes but I am so thankful for it all now.

you are scared again because the revelation is coming! OMG! i better start praying real hard and confirming my beliefs in jesus! its the only way out!
You can sneer at Christians all you want, its the only group PC to attack anyway right. For me I know I'm only a human I'm going to die someday. So each person has their own armageddon to face. You can be a tough guy about it or say that your consciousness/spirit dies with you, but every man will have his day. I know that day to be the day that I will have to answer to God for my life.

Even us amateur astronomers can calculate whether the orbits of planets have been disturbed yet no one can see anything.
Yes they can, and have, see underlined above. It was documented in a science magazine. (later retracted, and covered up, and self contradictions were made, and so on...)
Truth be told, you're an idiot for believing all of this crap. You can go out today and buy a telescope and software and confirm everything I just said but instead you listen to other idiots on the webz. Grow up and learn how to apply some skeptical reasoning.
And instead you listen to the same people who tell you marijuana is poison, who is the fool?


Active Member
And why was this thing discovered by some schmuck in Russia, not even affiliated with any astro/cosmo agency? Even more curiously, it was already closer to the sun than Jupiter by then. So we're supposed to believe that it wasn't even discovered until Dec 2010, by someone not even paid to look for these things, and it had already made it closer to us than half the planets in our own solar system? So the Hubble can see 10.5 BILLION LIGHT YEARS AWAY, but this comet, on a course that would lead it to a proximity to earth of ~.2 AU, was discovered Dec '10, at a distance <10 AU, by a commoner.


Well-Known Member
lol,Since christianity began,Every prediction anyone has ever made for the end times has been wrong,We try to speculate about the day as we make end dates and time of occurance we will still be wrong.Jesus Christ discouraged people from making predictions of such events as well.But one cannot help but notice how the events in this world are progressing at a more unprecedented rate than ever before.But this could be a precursor for things to come,or it wont happen the way we fear it will.Just because things seem ominous dose not make it a sign of the apocalypse,it is humankind and its out of control nature presenting itself once more,we are chaotic yet are capacitated to do something about our actions and the direction we are headed.It will however be at a precipice of this chaos in order to decide hey its time to get our act together before we actually kill ourselves as a species.So wurmwood is humming around in outerspace and recently it was discovered,well there are many other objects we havent discovered just buzzing around out there.So if one of the undiscovered objects is coming right for us dose that in turn make it the catastrophic Wurmwood?,or is it the other one 9 million miles off i just cant seem find that star or comet or asteroid again its a slippery one.


Active Member
Dislexic, thanks for your constructive input, I think you're spot on saying that Jesus discouraged people from predicting things.
I emailed Gilbert Eriksen and asked him about these predictions. I may be eating my words after all. Here's an email I sent the author of "Millennium Prophecy" in reference to the youtube vids from my phone:

the aforementioned predictions appear to be seeing things in 2d, and the diagram was in 2d, and the alignments did not account for the 3d plane created rather than just a 2d line. I remember from your book you said wornwood cones from the south pole, did you think we have anything to worry about sept 26-nov 5 2011? Sry im sloppy at work on phone but I wanted to ask you asap. Thanks

Here's the response he was kind enough to give:

Many of the diagrams and explanations have a tendency to draw or define in terms of the ecliptic plane. It&#8217;s cheaper and easier. The 3D stuff is harder to do. But according to the sources I was privy to, Wormwood&#8217;s orbital pattern does indeed intersect the ecliptic plane at 90 degrees coming up from the skies of the southern hemisphere&#8230; from the southern side of the ecliptic plane. So the problem becomes a 3D problem. So that&#8217;s why we use the 3D to explain what&#8217;s happening&#8230; http://www.millenniumprophecy.com/imagegallery.php ... also see the Wormwood perihelion animation&#8230; http://www.millenniumprophecy.com/wormwoodanimation.php . It gives a better explanation of the real situation.

Comet Elenin is about 4 km diameter and will only come within 21 million miles of Earth at its closest point&#8230; basically a good light show. Wormwood can be as much as 150,000 to 160,000 km max diameter and will get a lot closer when it comes through. Do the math. For Comet Elenin to be really destructive, it would have to impact Planet Earth not just fly by it. Wormwood is so big and heavy that it only has to get close and it will destroy civilization as we know it. And then it has a bad habit of throwing off all that space junk and methane ice&#8230; the stuff it picks up from the Oort Cloud and the Kuiper Belt. Revelation 8 describes the first round judgment as an Incineration Event that burns up one-third of the surface of the Earth. That&#8217;s pretty serious. How many hundreds of millions of people will be burned to death when that happens? So Wormwood is the main event. Comet Elenin is just a preliminary distraction. It is useful as a distraction and a reason to dispense more disinformation and misinformation but that&#8217;s about it.

I hope that helps&#8230;


Active Member
5.9 in virginia just hours after a 5.5 in colorado..I know those aren't massive but the sure are in 'divers places' and are increasing in frequency like 'birth pangs' closer and closer together, just like the Christ said


Active Member
Some are saying that due to the lack of P or primary waves coming off of the colorado and virginia quakes, there is speculation that these were underground nukes that went off in the underground tunnels connecting the D.U.M.B.
G. Eriksen has sent out a mass email since my last exchange with him and apparently he is at least partially endorsing the Elenin idea. (That elenin is actually the brown dwarf star) His change of thought is based on Omerbashich of the euro royal society's study on alignments as the cause of major seismic events. Here is the video he was sent, and it is followed by his response. (or maybe his wifes?) sorry no time for a better write up/
Hello again Les,

I have copies of Dr. Omerbashich&#8217;s published papers (.pdf files) and I have been going through them and trying to make sense of them. Some of the stuff he comments on makes sense&#8230; like correlation of gravity behaviors and planetary alignments with planetary seismicity. Some of his ideas are not as easy to chew on (without stomach upset)&#8230; gravity as a &#8220;push&#8221; instead of a baryonic &#8220;pull&#8221;&#8230; also his invocation of the late 1800&#8217;s notion of an &#8220;ether&#8221; in the empty space between solar objects. He was able to extract a workable pattern from the very noisy signals of the gravity transducer system in Canada&#8230; and he is to be commended for that. As it turned out, there were indeed gravity fluctuation signals that did correlate with planetary alignments and seismic events at about the 67% confidence/prediction level. Granted, 67% is not 100% accurate but it is a lot better than a 50% probability (like tossing a coin). But then again, some of his analysis seems counter intuitive&#8230; ex: the planet Mars has little or no seismic &#8220;influence&#8221; during its alignments but Comet Elenin has a great deal of influence even though it is only 4 km long&#8230; and it has had this gravitational alignment &#8220;influence&#8221; since it came within the orbital radius of Neptune&#8230; not bad for a piece of inter-planetary solar pea gravel&#8230; not good for a planet like Mars. Go figure&#8230; How could this kind of &#8220;inverted/inconsistent gravitational value system&#8221; be true? Answer: I don&#8217;t know. But Professor Omerbashich tries to make such a case.

The video mentions &#8220;gravity wells&#8221; and &#8220;gravity troughs&#8221; in passing. I will grant the possibility of a &#8220;gravity well&#8221; proximate to a large baryonic mass like the Sun or a planet or a moon, but I have trouble with the notion of a gravity &#8220;trough&#8221; per se. Why? Because gravity is a special distortion field that reaches out in all directions from baryonic center point. And when you spin a large baryonic mass (like the way the Sun is spinning) the gravity &#8220;troughs&#8221; are actually concentric/periodic circles where the planets orbit based approximately on Bode&#8217;s Law (not precisely but approximately). But then it turns out that those gravitational &#8220;troughs&#8221; or concentric gravitational &#8220;grooves&#8221; in the fabric of time-space are &#8220;stabilized&#8221;, &#8220;influenced&#8221;, &#8220;modified&#8221;, or somehow made &#8220;permanently workable&#8221; by the EM field of the same baryonic mass that generates them&#8230; an &#8220;interactive process&#8221; that we have not yet deciphered.

Personally I think Angie Zee&#8217;s comments about a super cold &#8220;imploded star&#8221; are absurd. The coldest brown dwarf found to date is over 200 degrees C&#8230; hardly near absolute 0 degrees (Kelvin). The brown dwarf stars are easily visible in the near infrared&#8230; anything the temperature of the human body or hotter. Also the Sun is a solid core body just like the Earth. Its core is not made of gas. Its atmosphere is but not its main body. Earth&#8217;s atmosphere is made of gasses but it also has a solid core. It&#8217;s the same for the Sun&#8230; absent the liquid water that Earth has. The Sun and the inner planets of the solar system are all made up of the same left over supernova star dust. That&#8217;s how we got here. Brown dwarf stars are not super cold objects. It&#8217;s not physically possible given their size and metallic composition.

For what it&#8217;s worth, we won&#8217;t have long to wait for the September 11 &#8211; 26 &#8220;critical dates&#8221; when Comet Elenin is due to cross the ecliptic plane at perigee. The odds are 67% that there will be some seismicity from it&#8230; maybe&#8230; theoretically. Conversely, the odds are 33% that there will be no seismicity from it. Take your pick. We might get a good light show from it&#8230; or we might have to use binoculars to see the light show&#8230; if there is one.

Meanwhile Wormwood keeps approaching from RA 18. Maybe that&#8217;s why we can&#8217;t see it when we look in the direction of RA 12. Hmmmm.

What I don&#8217;t want to do is discount the Professor&#8217;s oscillator theories, his gravity &#8220;push&#8221; ideas or his ether theories if parts of them might be true&#8230; albeit for reasons different from what he proposes. New ideas can be tough to deal with sometimes. As an inventor I run into it fairly consistently. There&#8217;s always someone who will tell you why your idea can&#8217;t be true. And then one day you prove that it is true. The naysayer&#8217;s facial expressions are different once you have &#8220;full chain of custody&#8221; for your new idea. At that point the idea moves over to the &#8220;fact&#8221; side of the ledger instead of just being on the &#8220;idea&#8221; side of the ledger.

But the hard reality is that new ideas usually don&#8217;t always have nice tight &#8220;chains of custody&#8221; with clean traceable lineage. All too often they start off as just correlations with big gaps in between them where the nice clean conceptual &#8220;chains of custody&#8221; should be. But that&#8217;s how it is. Nicola Tesla believed there was an ether and that it was very real. So does Professor Omerbashich. Maybe one day we will find out that the &#8220;ether&#8221; is really a kind of &#8220;trans-dimensional (non-Euclidean) space fabric&#8221; surrounding all solid objects&#8230; Suns, planets and moons&#8230; permeating our more familiar Euclidean space. If that happens, then we have to look at the structure of our 3 dimensions a little differently and we would be looking at 3+ dimensions instead of just 3 dimensions. Would that be weird or what? Yes, it would be. It would also require us to &#8220;retool&#8221; our concepts of how gravity physics works and provide a better &#8220;chain of custody&#8221; for the physical evidence we gather within the confines of the 3 dimensions that we can see, touch and experience.

Gravity does indeed seem to have a kind of &#8220;trans-dimensional&#8221; quality about it. But is that extra dimensional quality defined by time or defined by co-mingling fabric of non-Euclidean space? It might take some time to learn to think of 3 dimensions as 3+ dimensions just like it took time for us to get used to the idea of the fabric of &#8220;time-space&#8221; rather than just 3 dimensions of space. Only 100 years ago, the notion of time and space being tightly related/coupled would not have made sense. But that was before Einstein. Professor Einstein changed our views on the relationship between time and space. Right now a trans-dimensional &#8220;ether&#8221; doesn&#8217;t make conceptual sense. But if we eventually figure it out mathematically and it turns out to be factually true, then we will have to learn to think in 3D+&#8230; and so be it. But then Nicola Tesla, Professor Omerbashich and others will be &#8220;justified&#8221; in the light of better conceptual &#8220;chains of custody&#8221; for their weird ideas.

I wish I could give you the preprocessed answers you are probably looking for, Les, but I can&#8217;t. I am still having to puzzle through some of this stuff just like you are. And these materials are not that easy to chew on. Math and science are that way some times. Sorry about that&#8230;

I hope this helps&#8230;

Regards and thanx for the &#8220;heads up&#8221;,

Gill Eriksen


5.9 in virginia just hours after a 5.5 in colorado..I know those aren't massive but the sure are in 'divers places' and are increasing in frequency like 'birth pangs' closer and closer together, just like the Christ said
I haven't read through this whole thread in it's entirety -- but look up HAARP.....