My pot movie

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what me? what you talkin about back and see whi said it
i didnt say anything on that topic, you sau im tryin to start shit, your accusin me of that, wow im tryin to start shit again..this kids too funny:hump:
god i feel for brown dirt....comon guys! this man has given us something to keep us happy over the past couple of months! he has created this awsome show that we beg for more every chance we get. We shouldn't be pushing him away with rude remarks and arguing on his thread...if a mod could help out, that would be great...
nonstop, there are a lot of things going on there in that grow theatre: Different strains with different yields (low yielding connoisseur, more commercial high yielding strains) mold setting setting in, and that's just to name a few. I'm not sure why you didn't comment about the huge ones that were cut, but that's your prerogative. The straight answer is, when you are out there in the field, you have to work with what you've got, and what nature throws at you. If you have a week of rain setting in, and mold has already started because of cooler than usual morning with warm afternoons that cause condensation which in turn speeds mold because plants are near the end of their life cycle and the natural defenses are weak -- then you cut it below the source and make due with what is salvageable ... namely make hash. So if we could not discuss the finer aspects of what is going on in this thread anymore, that would be great.

Now on to Zekedogg...

This ain't quite over with you. I still see the comment up. And you also have been back on without so much as an apology. You say you can't wait for the next vid. I'm confused here. You call my customers suckers then want to see more videos in the same breath?

If the moderators of this site want my company while I execute this film, I need a basic modicum of respect.

I'm no grow god, I'm no nothing. but I'll let the work stand or fall on its own merits. I want to thank you guys here and now who have supported me, stuck up for me, and brought some sanity to this feeding frenzy (because I won't post another message until A: the zekedogg comment is down. B: he either fully explains what he meant there and apologizes for besmirching my name or C, he is banned from my thread).

thank you. Peace

Dont worry about it crybaby, I will ban myself from your thread.It saddens me that you cant except the least amount of criticism...You will never make it big with a piss poor attitude that way BDW.....I guess im not good enough at riding dick...If you haven't noticed I thoroughly made NUMEROUS(more then 1)posts about how I respected what you are doing but I guess that isn't good enough for you, im not apologizing just because you asked me 2, stop reading only what you want and you will see what Im talking about:hump:
what me? what you talkin about back and see whi said it
i didnt say anything on that topic, you sau im tryin to start shit, your accusin me of that, wow im tryin to start shit again..this kids too funny:hump:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA that is hilarious...I waked and baked that other kids comment and thought it was you that posted it.

Sorry man :peace::blsmoke:
i'm not gonna start personally going thru threads and editing them into prettiness. i just don't have that kind of time. i feel you gotta take the good with the bad. there will always be unwelcome comments, it's how one reacts to them that truly matters.:peace:
Dont worry about it crybaby, I will ban myself from your thread.It saddens me that you cant except the least amount of criticism...You will never make it big with a piss poor attitude that way BDW.....I guess im not good enough at riding dick...If you haven't noticed I thoroughly made NUMEROUS(more then 1)posts about how I respected what you are doing but I guess that isn't good enough for you, im not apologizing just because you asked me 2, stop reading only what you want and you will see what Im talking about:hump:

zeke you still my homie G shizzle to the nizzle.

Man up & tell this man your sorry,it makes you no less a man to say you were wrong ,if you cant see how your post was uncalled for & be decent enough to apologize then we all pay for your comment,and yes saying that his customers are suckers was wrong,weather you meant it as a joke or it simply didnt come out the way you meant it the end result was the same.

The man has allready said that either he get's an apology for the comment or that the post be removed for him to continue participating in this thread,the mod's have gave the verdict that no post will be altered, so now were left with the choice of him no longer taking part in his own thread or you issuing an apology.

Lotsa guy's looking at you right now, hopefully you see fit to make a good choice.
mods edit there posts all the time so why not the same for the warrior?he deserves something in return for the hard work he puts into giving us this entertainment we all want and enjoy.:confused:

Man up & tell this man your sorry,it makes you no less a man to say you were wrong ,if you cant see how your post was uncalled for & be decent enough to apologize then we all pay for your comment,and yes saying that his customers are suckers was wrong,weather you meant it as a joke or it simply didnt come out the way you meant it the end result was the same.

The man has allready said that either he get's an apology for the comment or that the post be removed for him to continue participating in this thread,the mod's have gave the verdict that no post will be altered, so now were left with the choice of him no longer taking part in his own thread or you issuing an apology.

Lotsa guy's looking at you right now, hopefully you see fit to make a good choice.

Thats too bad that the man would be willing to lose all of his fanbase over a comment I made. :peace:
Generally I would agree that you gotta take the good comments with the bad and deal with it, but I absolutely agree that "your customers must be suckers" is a bitch comment. That goes straight to a grower's pride, and in this case it's not even remotely true. At worst, the bud was a bit premature, but I doubt he was ripping anybody off with it. Plus he said he made hash with it if it was in bad shape. That all being said, I do not see how it warrants a mod's attention. Zekedogg didn't violate any rules by saying it, it was just a stupid thing to say. Usually I find you very entertaining, Zekedogg, but I thought that was a pretty ridiculous, false, and unnecessary thing to say.
Lets not turn this into a thread about ZEKE. Im not asking anyone here to like me...Im not in denial to what I said...Im NOT apologizing...Now if you are a BDW fan then you will leave this thread be HIS and not about me:peace::hump:

Lets not turn this into a thread about ZEKE. Im not asking anyone here to like me...Im not in denial to what I said...Im NOT apologizing...Now if you are a BDW fan then you will leave this thread be HIS and not about me:peace::hump:

Then if no one like you and your are bothering the thread's creator, than just stop posting. You can read all you want, just STOP replying and make your own thread about how BDW is an amateur and cuts plants down too early. Hell, even make a movie about it, release it in episodes, and then sell the damn thing. See if you sell more than BDW.
What a whiney bitch brown dirt is being over this whole thing, I mean I respect the guy and all but hey this is the internet and you should expect people to give you shit.

Zeke dont gotta apologize to anybody
yea dude but the thing is that you dont see this type of shit goin on in other people threads. meaning that you dont see people talk down on other peoples grow.. im always tellin people that there grow looks good when they really dont, you know a little courtesy. were all growers here or at least pot smokers so lets stick together and stop this stupid shit. we all know "theres a better grower" behind the keyboard but lets see at least some of your outdoor grow opps people. you have no say in the situation.
it all started from this "simple question", well if you guys werent tryin to catch bdw doin somethin wrong to make yourself seem smart. and look at the situation and remember this is outdoor growing.

also he hasnt answered any questions about his growing this entire thread really..this isnt a Q & A thread, this is a promo for his movie. we all asked questions and didnt bitch when he didnt answer 'em. he told us the whole time that we'll get all the answers when we buy the dvd with the how to guide. and thats how it is ....peace
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