Mother of chicks


Well-Known Member
those where not babies full grown chickens and yea it happens alot around here

Glad to see you lacy i been missing ya. Posted some pics earlier all the current chicks are alive and well. here we have like five diffrent kinds of wildlife that love to eat chickens


New Member
Heya kaya. Those sure are some cute little chicks.:clap:

I love country living BUT I wouldn't be able to do the farm thing. :?

Your a tough chick.;)
those where not babies full grown chickens and yea it happens alot around here

Glad to see you lacy i been missing ya. Posted some pics earlier all the current chicks are alive and well. here we have like five diffrent kinds of wildlife that love to eat chickens


Well-Known Member
they are so loud................ and they are starting to fight and my son says they like to play leap frog:) i had a lynx in my yard one day that i saw after hearing the chicks i used to have make alot of noise. Went out to see what it was and a lynx was taking one of my chicks away the dog should help with alot of these problems i hope


New Member
Chicks playing leap frog:mrgreen:

Hahahaha...thats so cute:lol::lol::lol::clap:

Thats funny!!!!!!
they are so loud................ and they are starting to fight and my son says they like to play leap frog:) i had a lynx in my yard one day that i saw after hearing the chicks i used to have make alot of noise. Went out to see what it was and a lynx was taking one of my chicks away the dog should help with alot of these problems i hope


Well-Known Member
they are so loud................ and they are starting to fight and my son says they like to play leap frog:) i had a lynx in my yard one day that i saw after hearing the chicks i used to have make alot of noise. Went out to see what it was and a lynx was taking one of my chicks away the dog should help with alot of these problems i hope
a lynx? that is awesome! you wouldn't happen to have any photos do you?
I love the wildlife - though I'm sure you'd prefer they leave your animals alone.


Well-Known Member
i got no pics it was a spur of the moment thing, if he had not turned around to look at me i would have wondered what he was. They usualy eat rabbit as a main staple so he must have been hungry. He was small but beautiful! With a lynx i will share a little they are not as greedy as the racoons:)


Well-Known Member
i got no pics it was a spur of the moment thing, if he had not turned around to look at me i would have wondered what he was. They usualy eat rabbit as a main staple so he must have been hungry. He was small but beautiful! With a lynx i will share a little they are not as greedy as the racoons:)
and quite a bit more rare as well. i figured it would be hard to get a shot of one but thought i'd ask. I would like to see one in the wild - i've never had the pleasure.


Well-Known Member
yea i have been ordering chickens for years and this is the first time I have lost any, they are often one day old when they arrive but they can live up to three days on the remainder of the inside of the egg. I am excited to hatch my own chicks next year and i will try to avoid shipping but no i have no bad feelings about ordering my chicks. Yes i was upset they didnt all make it but if you eat meat, check out how most chickens people eat live their whole lives in the link i posted. even egg producing hens are caged their entire life stacked ten high to shit on each other. my chicks will have a spoiled life and then i will tie some of them upside down, from a tree and off with the head. Hows that sound:)

Oh they were sent to you as eggs, right I thought you meant as live chicks, my apologies. And I respect you for keeping your own chickens.:peace:


Well-Known Member
here are the latest pics, who cares how i got the chicks guys you fish right titian???? you drag a fish out of its home by tempting it to swallow a bait but then you sink a hook in its mouth? How is one better than another but anyhow!!!!!

the first is one of our fav i hope he is a boy cause he would make pretty babies, they are funny as hell to watch:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen:

