Co2 making


Well-Known Member
ok i seen some where on this forums that some one had in ther pic a pop bottle with a hose and some bakin soda and vinger mix to make co2, im wondering if any of you guys seen or know how to make one of these i got a good idea on how but i wanna know whats all needed for sure like how much bakin soda and vinger was used.

if anybody knows or has done this let me know what you did or tryed. and tell me if it worked or not.:joint:


Well-Known Member
Yes I started mine at 4 days old. I would recemmend stopping two weeks prior to harvest though, as if you use it too long, it has been reported to actually reduce potency a little.


Active Member
I also heard you can produce Co2 from Decay

What would be the easiest form of decay you can get?


Active Member
how long this last cuz it seemed like the bakin soda and vinger trick dont last long what like 20sec after mixing and shaking.
Try using Hamster drip bottle from any pet shop..put your vinegar in it..hang it over small bowl of baking soda.


Well-Known Member
ya take like a gallon jug fill it 2/3 full of warmish cold water add 1 cup suger 1 1/2 tbl spoon of ACTIVATED yeast. has to be activated. shake and sit it in the garden. you can run a hose in the top of the lid around the TOP of ur plants co2 is heavier then air so it falls down. so keep the co2 high and shake the mix every couple days. thats it all there is to it and i promise you'll see improvment. leaves will be greener and buds fatter/ denser GOOD LUCK