Educate me please .... Why Ketamine while on LSD ?

Full Circle

Active Member
I have seen quite a few threads where people reference how K makes Lucy so much better. Care to explain and expound ? I consider GOOD acid to be intense as shit as it is !

Quite frankly, having never taken K before, the very thought of that drug scares me to fucking death !!!
Ketamine is considered by most to be the most euphoric of the dissociatives (well except for possible nitrous) while also having a moderate psychedelic edge to it. Since it is agonistic at the NMDA receptors instead of the 5HT2A like LSD they produce two completely different experiences alone but when together create a truly awe inspiring experience... well so I have heard.. Just good drug synergy, like marijuana and red wine :mrgreen:
Dude... like 2 weeks ago I did K for the first time on Acid and it was mental!! Anyone ever heard of a film called Labyrnith with David Bowe in it?? Yeah watched that as I was k holing, was the craziest trip I think ive had except 5-meo-dmt!! if you have seen the film, that was my reality... haha

I would reccomend it though!! very fun
Hahah ive watched that movie on L before... Fucking epic!

Never tried the K+L combo but i know in the past i had fun with a Mesc+K combo...
Hahah ive watched that movie on L before... Fucking epic!

Never tried the K+L combo but i know in the past i had fun with a Mesc+K combo...

yeah man it is epic! the film was basicaly my trip! litrally going through the different places very quickly haha it was like the film was happening around me
i speak about sky diving on L, with the same people who line up some K on L....

Sky diving is "intense as shit" as it is, but L would make it even cooler, more in depth... raw...

The only problem with that is being cool with the guy your jumping with... and being able to just chill out waiting for the plane...

I would do it with a few other cool experienced cats 8)... one hit of good shit, with someone driving us, and us jumping about 5 hours into our dose

so in essence it would be a valuable tool to push things even further for a short while.... good L lasts me alll freakin day, and I will run out of awesome stuff to do in an average day.

granted I would not be sky diving every time I took L you know what I mean :eyesmoke: rare occasions here
i speak about sky diving on L, with the same people who line up some K on L....

Sky diving is "intense as shit" as it is, but L would make it even cooler, more in depth... raw...

The only problem with that is being cool with the guy your jumping with... and being able to just chill out waiting for the plane...

I would do it with a few other cool experienced cats 8)... one hit of good shit, with someone driving us, and us jumping about 5 hours into our dose

lol I got told by a mate that this guy had some acid 2 days before a sky sive, and when he did it it started to rain as he was going down and as soon as a drop hit him (at very fast speeds im guessing) he thought had turned into that raindrop (not sure for how long though ahahah) he was with someone obviousily

Friends ... You will find me at the end of the Labyrinth !

Lol it was the first time i had seen it as well! Amazing film, have to watch it again sober!
one time i was doin E and i think it had K in it. for about an hour, i felt like my entire self was only in my eyeballs. almost like i was a tiny person standing in my eye holes, looking over the edge. and i was totally still for a longass time. best drug experience ive ever had
one time i was doin E and i think it had K in it. for about an hour, i felt like my entire self was only in my eyeballs. almost like i was a tiny person standing in my eye holes, looking over the edge. and i was totally still for a longass time. best drug experience ive ever had

hehe K is fun like that :P sometimes it makes ya feel reeeally small and sometimes huge! sometimes it gets weird though but when you sober up after like an hour everything is back to normal :-p Sooo fun
ketamine seems to get you in your right spot.

it roots your trip.
it grounds your body and spirit.

i LOVE the mix of K + L + MDMA + Mushrooms.

only have gotten to try that combination once and i would DEFIANTLY try it again

i remember eating 1 hit of regular quality LSD.
ate 0.8 grams of mushrooms [treasure coast cubensis home grown]
0.2 [two tenths] of molly or pure MDMA.
and railed five 35mg ketamine lines.

most euphoric, spiritual expereince ever.
all i could think of was the good things in my life and what I needed to get done.
it was very inspiring.
Labyrinth ....

shit ANY jim henson movie on L or varied dissociative is amazing

try out Dark Crystal
I`m trying this very soon but from thinking I can say:

1)K makes me happy
2)Its a "controlled intensifier" so I can tweak the trip bump by bump :)
3)Its automatic body comfort e.g allows you to meditate if you feel all speedy from the L

And I deffinately expect some contributions from the dissociative side of it too. The way those visuals were up from the mdma with the K kinda shows whats to be expected :)
I`m trying this very soon but from thinking I can say:

1)K makes me happy
2)Its a "controlled intensifier" so I can tweak the trip bump by bump :)
3)Its automatic body comfort e.g allows you to meditate if you feel all speedy from the L

And I deffinately expect some contributions from the dissociative side of it too. The way those visuals were up from the mdma with the K kinda shows whats to be expected :)

Hmm .... controlled intensifier. So can K be taken in small enough doses a person can feel just a bit good, without the couch lock numbing and scary effects ?
Hmm .... controlled intensifier. So can K be taken in small enough doses a person can feel just a bit good, without the couch lock numbing and scary effects ?

Of course it can. Buddy seriously whoever told you about K you shouldn`t listen to.

Basicly, you get your key and start bumping. Give every bump 20 minutes if you like. Threshold is 20mg

The time I did the Khole I chose to get up and dance at 60mg home alone with music from the laptop speakers. That doesn`t sound coutchlock to me lol

Just hold off your thoughts until you try this stuff. K is a drug which has had its reputation hammered into the ground and pissed on top!!

To me a bad trip from K is completely impossible unless your in a Khole :)

A bad experience is completely possible if your careless with how much you take and are just blasting off lines wasted. I almost couldn`t make it home from a punch+weed night after going in the toilet at one point and sniffing a few bumps of K with a friend lol Walking 3 steps forward 2 steps back don`t remember much :D

Further thought, that wouldn`t be bad at the time, you would be unconcious so its impossible :D
Of course it can. Buddy seriously whoever told you about K you shouldn`t listen to.

Basicly, you get your key and start bumping. Give every bump 20 minutes if you like. Threshold is 20mg

The time I did the Khole I chose to get up and dance at 60mg home alone with music from the laptop speakers. That doesn`t sound coutchlock to me lol

Just hold off your thoughts until you try this stuff. K is a drug which has had its reputation hammered into the ground and pissed on top!!

To me a bad trip from K is completely impossible unless your in a Khole :)

A bad experience is completely possible if your careless with how much you take and are just blasting off lines wasted. I almost couldn`t make it home from a punch+weed night after going in the toilet at one point and sniffing a few bumps of K with a friend lol Walking 3 steps forward 2 steps back don`t remember much :D

Further thought, that wouldn`t be bad at the time, you would be unconcious so its impossible :D

Honestly Tenner ? I have spent weeks researching the internet for user's experiences on Ketamine ... and it seems for everyone who just loves it, there is an equal amount of people who claim it was the scariest thing they ever tried. Many have described it saying the now felt they knew what it was like to fucking die ! That is just waaaay fucked up man. Others talk about how equilibrium gets TOTALLY fucked, and standing is impossible, and everything seems to now be sideways ..... That would make me sick as shit man ! Then you have those who talk about not being able to move a muscle .... WTF ??? A tranquilizer ? Man that sounds spooky too !

I have SEVERE sleep apnea ... and any drug that supresses breathing threatens to quite literally KILL me. Although I have read where Ketamine does NOT affect breathing, I am not sure how it doesn't if it has the ability to make you unable to move a muscle .... I mean, if my muscles in my throat relax completely ...... I AM DEAD.

So even though I have done a LOT of drugs in my life, K does scare me.
Honestly Tenner ? I have spent weeks researching the internet for user's experiences on Ketamine ... and it seems for everyone who just loves it, there is an equal amount of people who claim it was the scariest thing they ever tried. Many have described it saying the now felt they knew what it was like to fucking die ! That is just waaaay fucked up man. Others talk about how equilibrium gets TOTALLY fucked, and standing is impossible, and everything seems to now be sideways ..... That would make me sick as shit man ! Then you have those who talk about not being able to move a muscle .... WTF ??? A tranquilizer ? Man that sounds spooky too !

I have SEVERE sleep apnea ... and any drug that supresses breathing threatens to quite literally KILL me. Although I have read where Ketamine does NOT affect breathing, I am not sure how it doesn't if it has the ability to make you unable to move a muscle .... I mean, if my muscles in my throat relax completely ...... I AM DEAD.

So even though I have done a LOT of drugs in my life, K does scare me.

I wouldn`t know how you can have the scaries thing ever and die UNLESS your in a Khole. The Khole is a strong experience but so is taking plenty of LSD for the people not expecting it right?

Just use bumps and I`m assuring you your going to be fine trip-wise. Don`t try it on LSD either, play around with the stuff first. Honestly, did these people ever try sitting down bumping a 30 of K and listening to music, 30 minutes they aren`t happy send another 30. Nope, I bet they just railed away... I`m not saying you can`t start off with a bigger amount I`m just saying its unfair to judge the substance like that if your the one taking down the challenge :)

When you can have people lying down in the snow alone shit there pants in a Khole it shows you how stupid and irresponsible people are with this stuff!! lol

Your a big guy so I`m guessing the coutchlock effect will be harder on you and I`m not sure about the breathing. K is an unusual drug, its an anaesthetic but you get your heart racing when you take it :)

Seriously look up the health aspects of the drug. I don`t feel my throat going numb or breathing difficult below say 100 and you should be fine on lower doses IMO.

Just take it easy with the drug and it will be easy on you. Its really not "terror powder" like those dudes are saying lol

(digeridoo playing rules for sleep apnea :))