1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
Hey don I ordered sone stuff off eBay two week ago but it never arrived so I thought I best email the cunts. When I got it up and seen the name of the seller I Just started laughing. It's basement lighting lol who else tho eh?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hey don I ordered sone stuff off eBay two week ago but it never arrived so I thought I best email the cunts. When I got it up and seen the name of the seller I Just started laughing. It's basement lighting lol who else tho eh?
ahhh shit man. I can only go on my personal experience being fine?!?! tho plenty of others have been shafted by them. hope it wasn't anything big? i think that's why they actually sort me out p[properly cos when i do order its usually a few hundred squid worth.


Well-Known Member
Hey don I ordered sone stuff off eBay two week ago but it never arrived so I thought I best email the cunts. When I got it up and seen the name of the seller I Just started laughing. It's basement lighting lol who else tho eh?
good thing about ebay is the fact that you're buyer protected through paypal ... assuming you used paypal? when that happened to me with nutes I just ordered some from a different place and waited to sort the refund from the other people. if youre that desperate then you could do the same mate.


Well-Known Member
good thing about ebay is the fact that you're buyer protected through paypal ... assuming you used paypal? when that happened to me with nutes I just ordered some from a different place and waited to sort the refund from the other people. if youre that desperate then you could do the same mate.
Yeah I might just do that mate. I reckon it's just down to laziness they are probably stoners


Well-Known Member
Howay Mad-Man! Good to see you'r shrugging the daemon's off man, hope you good bro., just noticed the last post about ordering on-line. Im looking to get some new stuff that i dont want to take the chance with " Adam Ant " at basement after our last beef lol.
Any other site's are good, reliable with decent price's ?


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Howay Mad-Man! Good to see you'r shrugging the daemon's off man, hope you good bro., just noticed the last post about ordering on-line. Im looking to get some new stuff that i dont want to take the chance with " Adam Ant " at basement after our last beef lol.
Any other site's are good, reliable with decent price's ?
demons be damned lad!!! Hell yeah i am. well i hear a lot of folks use 3 counties, 3ch.com growell.co.uk or to be honest these days i google the product i want then hit shopping n see where its cheapest. there's a new hydro shop springing up every day. or you can do the other option go to a local hydro shop slip them a bit of bud and ask for a disco man;) works a charm round my way.
Don I sent a email so let me know...
on it man!

i was sat in the battle cruiser yesterday when me mate phones n says i've just been away out to holy island and caught 2 lobsters, fancy coming over for dinner!? too damn right i do i said. picked up a couple of fat juicy steaks and a bottle of champers i had saved in the cupboard and away i went. so fresh they were still snapping when i got there. best meal ever.
I'm documenting it now and will continue once I start running them. I like the sounds of it all don I will def look forward to seeing this go good. Later off to bed now


Well-Known Member
its only just hit me how much ganja there is in your tent lol, this is just one half .... :| fuckin nice bro!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
I'm documenting it now and will continue once I start running them. I like the sounds of it all don I will def look forward to seeing this go good. Later off to bed now
Amen to that brother! sleep well man.

i'm going to have another stab at this oil lark with the everclear afore heading in to work. it's pishing doon again. still like 20c+ PAH British summer time more like British monsoon season.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its only just hit me how much ganja there is in your tent lol, this is just one half .... :| fuckin nice bro!
haha yeah, tho i have no idea what i'll end up with. see how problematic it is in the next few weeks. just hope the heat dies down or it'll be a poor return for the time.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Morning donny mate, hope ya having a good one if not soggy lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: the very last bit of green i have lol, Dogs 7 weeks tomoz tho lol.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah, tho i have no idea what i'll end up with. see how problematic it is in the next few weeks. just hope the heat dies down or it'll be a poor return for the time.

lookin good in there mate this heat aint no good to man or beast is it hopefully it cools down after today fukin british weather!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Morning donny mate, hope ya having a good one if not soggy lol>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint: the very last bit of green i have lol, Dogs 7 weeks tomoz tho lol.
aye kanny man just struggling with this muggy heat a bit. dun dun duuuuuun the last smoke eh. savour it well man!
lookin good in there mate this heat aint no good to man or beast is it hopefully it cools down after today fukin british weather!!
aye its going to be cooler for a week but also thunderstorms and rain. JOY eh :lol:

cheers man