Reasoning: Why does everyone hate America?


Well-Known Member
I recently made a trip to England and I when I told people I was from America, they seemed to look at me differently. It wasn't until later that I found out that a lot of people in England dont like Americans, but I couldnt understand why?

I mean, we were their allies in both the Afgan and Iraq wars our governments have good relations with each other.

When I got back home, I was told it is more of a jealousy thing, like how we are the most powerful nation in the world and they want to be or something.

Anyone that isnt an American care to explain your views on us as a nation?

I love America and I think it is a great country, we help out a lot of nations with aid and such, I just dont understand.


Well-Known Member
Hate America? now your just putting words into peoples mouths my friend.

I for one, have never said I "hated" America.

I love this country!! But, lets face it.. things aren't look good for it... and its because of the people that run this country.




Well-Known Member
Hate America? now your just putting words into peoples mouths my friend.

I for one, have never said I "hated" America.

I love this country!! But, lets face it.. things aren't look good for it... and its because of the people that run this country.


Hey man, no problem.

I understand not "everyone" hates america, just a lot of people overseas seem to.


Well-Known Member
dude check it out america is like that self righteous wanna be super hero of the world that nobody can stand, until they need our help. we go and poke around in other people affairs because nobody can do shit about it lol. england used to be the shit and a dominant power back in the days then america took over so jealousy is there im sure. the muslim world hates america because we back israel. if we let them go we would probably have a lot less issues in the world. let the north koreans or chinese bomb some british interests and we will see who likes who then :)

hard facts but its true people can't stand seeing how we live we are so wasteful we dont give a shit about anybody and most people that they see on TV are greedy and rediculous ie. jersey shore and other reality tv shows. that is what most people see of our country. they dont understand that most of us think it is retarded and humorous because we have idiots that actually idolize that dumb fat bitch snookie haha we bring it on ourselves


Well-Known Member
We stick our nose in everyone else's business , then blow up their country. I would say that is reason enough.


Well-Known Member
dude check it out america is like that self righteous wanna be super hero of the world that nobody can stand, until they need our help. we go and poke around in other people affairs because nobody can do shit about it lol. england used to be the shit and a dominant power back in the days then america took over so jealousy is there im sure. the muslim world hates america because we back israel. if we let them go we would probably have a lot less issues in the world. let the north koreans or chinese bomb some british interests and we will see who likes who then :)

hard facts but its true people can't stand seeing how we live we are so wasteful we dont give a shit about anybody and most people that they see on TV are greedy and rediculous ie. jersey shore and other reality tv shows. that is what most people see of our country. they dont understand that most of us think it is retarded and humorous because we have idiots that actually idolize that dumb fat bitch snookie haha we bring it on ourselves

You can blame that last paragraph you typed.. on the media. media outlets are the main source, for exposing and giving Americans a bad look and reputation. If it weren't for the media.. I strongly believe.. almost know for a fact, that we wouldn't have the current problems that we currently have.



Well-Known Member
dude check it out america is like that self righteous wanna be super hero of the world that nobody can stand, until they need our help. we go and poke around in other people affairs because nobody can do shit about it lol. england used to be the shit and a dominant power back in the days then america took over so jealousy is there im sure. the muslim world hates america because we back israel. if we let them go we would probably have a lot less issues in the world. let the north koreans or chinese bomb some british interests and we will see who likes who then :)

hard facts but its true people can't stand seeing how we live we are so wasteful we dont give a shit about anybody and most people that they see on TV are greedy and rediculous ie. jersey shore and other reality tv shows. that is what most people see of our country. they dont understand that most of us think it is retarded and humorous because we have idiots that actually idolize that dumb fat bitch snookie haha we bring it on ourselves
I lawled so hard when I read your post. It is true about the Snookie thing, as sad as it is, she is the new poster girl for America.



Well-Known Member
You can blame that last paragraph you typed.. on the media. media outlets are the main source, for exposing and giving Americans a bad look and reputation. If it weren't for the media.. I strongly believe.. almost know for a fact, that we wouldn't have the current problems that we currently have.

absolutely, but the main problem is supporting the jews in israel THAT is the reason terrorist want to kill all of us because our leaders sided with them. everybody wants to know why muslims jihad on us all the time but nobody has the balls to say it. in the history of the world people been trying to kill those people egypt they were slaves, germany hollocaust, then we put them smack dab in the middle of everyone who currently wants to kill them and give them the "holy land" hahaha i mean think about it


Well-Known Member
dude check it out america is like that self righteous wanna be super hero of the world that nobody can stand, until they need our help. we go and poke around in other people affairs because nobody can do shit about it lol. england used to be the shit and a dominant power back in the days then america took over so jealousy is there im sure. the muslim world hates america because we back israel. if we let them go we would probably have a lot less issues in the world. let the north koreans or chinese bomb some british interests and we will see who likes who then :)

hard facts but its true people can't stand seeing how we live we are so wasteful we dont give a shit about anybody and most people that they see on TV are greedy and rediculous ie. jersey shore and other reality tv shows. that is what most people see of our country. they dont understand that most of us think it is retarded and humorous because we have idiots that actually idolize that dumb fat bitch snookie haha we bring it on ourselves
ding ding ding! We have a winner! But I partly disagree. Imo china is the worlds new super power. They may as well own 2/3s of our nation. The way things r goin well be talkn ¥ instead of $ we need a change

Serial Violator

Well-Known Member
On the original topic the rest of Europe hates us so i wouldn't worry to much about it bottom line is we both have it real good and everyone hates it


Well-Known Member
ding ding ding! We have a winner! But I partly disagree. Imo china is the worlds new super power. They may as well own 2/3s of our nation. The way things r goin well be talkn ¥ instead of $ we need a change
they are headed toward an economic crash soon. they are "new money" in the scheme of the world. they are spending it too fast on things that dont matter. just because they are super powerful as in rich doesnt mean if we decided to go to war we would smash them. honestly i think that is what we need if we went to war it would jump start american industry again we would stop out sourcing to china and make more jobs get our economy back on track. dumb dumb bush didnt figure that out he thought starting a war like ww1 or ww2 would boost economy but back then it did because AMERICANS made everything now we import and out source labor so that only the upper 1% makes the profits when working class americans (not me by the way lol) go without jobs to a bunch of 4 year olds in a sweatshop in china. (funny note spell check didnt red line "sweatshop" kinda sad) anyway a war with them would 1 put those fuckers in their place and 2 fix our economy 3. wipe out 2/3 of our debt haha i should be president :)