Time to renew - my "chronic pain" is gone

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
and you understand that this is a benefit for people with real problems and it is meant to be a solution for pain not as a way to stay legally high?

I dont know whether to praise you for your honesty or E-kick you in the nuts for scamming the system.
Honesty wins
Well I don't think I should need a doctors or the states permission to consume in the first place. And me scamming the system isn't taking anything away from someone. It's not like a legitimate cancer patient is going to be denied because I filled the last spot or something. The only effect of me scamming the system is to protect my freedom, put a little money into the states budget, and increase the supply of marijuana. I don't see who loses in that scenario.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Guy if you are feeling guilty about having to lie to the doctor "come on over". I like ya enough to do ya right, you want it in the right knee or the left?lol

We can give you the cronic pain if that is your wish.
No guilt, just not sure if I should go with the "no pain, medicine works great" route or lie and say it still hurts. Whichever will work best I will use.


New Member
You don't use marijuana for anything else? How about relaxing? (axiety & stress)...If you use marijuana you should have a card regardless of what you use it for, its the morality of it, you deserve a right to a plant, its a god given human right. It is also freedom of religion. Ask yourself what would Jesus do :) - Jesus said that god gives us every herbs are "meat" given to us by god, he said that a time will come when cannabis will be forbidden and it is our duty to protest. :) source: http://www.equalrights4all.org/religious/bible.htm

God said, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of all the earth.…To you it will be for meat." … And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. (Genesis 1:29-31) The Bible predicts some herb's prohibition. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall … speak lies in hypocrisy … commanding to abstain from meats which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth. (Paul: 1 Timothy 4:1-3)
The Bible speaks of a special plant. "I will raise up for them a plant of renown, and they shall be no more consumed with hunger in the land, neither bear the shame of the heathen any more." (Ezekiel 34:29) A healing plant. On either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielding her fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. (Revelations 22:1-2) A gift from God.
Cannabis - especially medical cannabis...IS A RIGHT ...NOT A PRIVILEGE! Do what is right :)


Well-Known Member
You are are an alright guy after all deprave, can't rep ya again ya know. Deprave is telling the truth Guy, Keep your med card and help us heal the land.


Well-Known Member
No guilt, just not sure if I should go with the "no pain, medicine works great" route or lie and say it still hurts. Whichever will work best I will use.
Do what you have to do dude. The system is as corrupt as it is and you're making honesty a consideration in dealing with the very system the oppresses you by making you 'legally' obtain your god given right for a $100 tax to the state? The system knows no such thing as honesty my friend...


Well-Known Member
Do not think the state will not try take something from you that they are not intitled in your life at least once. Eye for an Eye Guy go get em. It is not like you are ripping off the people or even the state for that matter with the choice to continue.


Active Member
we all know he wont be honest and fess up and say, i have no more pain, he will lie and renew his card...he can even renew it online now...scamming the system to stay "legal" is a Bullsh*t excuse to grow and get legal buds, its people that lie and fruad the system that ruins it for us who actually NEED it. not just because you dont wanna get busted...have someone kick in ur knee cap...then get your card.
we all know he wont be honest and fess up and say, i have no more pain, he will lie and renew his card...he can even renew it online now...scamming the system to stay "legal" is a Bullsh*t excuse to grow and get legal buds, its people that lie and fruad the system that ruins it for us who actually NEED it. not just because you dont wanna get busted...have someone kick in ur knee cap...then get your card.
probably need to read the whole thread before making such big dick statements like that.


New Member
LOL. Umm last time I knew they couldn't tell if you were in pain or not, so in case you're in-able to lie here I don't think there is a problem. See the same doc and get it done, or if you want there are a "ton" of shady docs that will do it too.. join the thousands lying.
LOL. Umm last time I knew they couldn't tell if you were in pain or not, so in case you're UNable to lie here I don't think there is a problem. See the same doc and get it done, or if you want there are a "ton" of shady docs that will do it too.. join the thousands lying.
fixed because I care


Well-Known Member
I absolutley love all of you! All of your personalities are something to cherish. You guys really make me happy not that you are all always fighting but that you are all so diffrent.


Active Member
I would really love to get a card to get 'legal' just so I can grow my own plants, check out dispensaries, or do whatever. However, it costs so much to go through the process to get a card that I feel like I am better off just buying a zip. Not to mention, I have no medical problems whatsoever.

Just an FYI though, you run into cops in the wrong situation, and you could still end up getting boned by the law. My dealer has his card but he ended up in court with a possession charge, and the judge just said that the card means nothing because marijuana is a federally controlled substance. Sounds like a dick judge to me, but just a heads up to everyone, it could happen to you.
My dealer has his card but he ended up in court with a possession charge, and the judge just said that the card means nothing because marijuana is a federally controlled substance. Sounds like a dick judge to me, but just a heads up to everyone, it could happen to you.
your "dealer" that has his card deserves whatever happens to him for selling marijuana under the medical marijuana laws. so it porobably isnt a "dick" judge it probably has to do with your "dealer" being a dunbass and they already know him and are watching him and are probably watching you as well.
Get your card and be protected, its cheaper than the legal fees and fines.
Ask Guy Incognito how to obtain a card with no real medical condition.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The clinic and the doctor don't care about anything other than covering their asses. Told him the pain flares up occasionally, and i'm good to go.


Well-Known Member
I would really love to get a card to get 'legal' just so I can grow my own plants, check out dispensaries, or do whatever. However, it costs so much to go through the process to get a card that I feel like I am better off just buying a zip. Not to mention, I have no medical problems whatsoever.

Just an FYI though, you run into cops in the wrong situation, and you could still end up getting boned by the law. My dealer has his card but he ended up in court with a possession charge, and the judge just said that the card means nothing because marijuana is a federally controlled substance. Sounds like a dick judge to me, but just a heads up to everyone, it could happen to you.

Yet another judge that shoul not be a judge and yet us stupid people allow this so who is stupid... the judge or the people? Would you like to hear the truth about men? No you do not wanna hear that it is ALL of our faults the world in Michigan is the world that it is.

They have instilled their fear tactics on the people and yet I see if hold 1,000,000,000 people at bay. I see no Bravehearts or George Washingtons I cannot find Peter or Paul, Batman is nowhere to be found, superman died awhile ago. The salem witches are dead and the keys of the land have been handed to the beast.

There is no "it is going to get better" you having power is only an illusion. I mean how many of you raise your own food? Not many of you. You hold no power here anymore for the keys... the keys.