First grow (pics) need advice


Well-Known Member
laid off for 2 weeks. lots of time on my hands. made some changes. moved everything out of shower. maybe utilize that area later. any ideas? I am thinking some t5 and use it for veg room. cause soon I will put the four I have now into flower.

built a wall and divided bathroom. not including shower area, it is 4x5x7.
made some changes to airflow. heat not a problem anymore. ac duct straight in to grow room for summer.
will build some shelves and mount fans in order to get more floor space. not for sure if I will need it.

I have backed off the watering and diluted the nutes. basically added 1 more gallon of water to same mix as before.
temp constant 72 humidity 32% - 40%. lights 24/7. big plant I have been pulling and placing in a light tight area for 12hrs. hopefully it will produce something.

if anybody has any tips or suggestion. hell I even take a "what the hell you do that for stupid" any comment appreciated.




by the way these are 23 day since sprouting.


Well-Known Member
just wondering if anybody has grown any white [SIZE=-1]Russian [/SIZE]or chronic. its one of those deals where a friend gave them to me. he told me thats what strain they were. he had about 4 other strains those i had heard of before. but not these. i researched a little and all i found was chronics revenge and something about white russian being a old 70 strain.


Well-Known Member
Hey, what s up yelo, nice grow. I'm on the verge of doing exactly what u are doing. How long were those roots on your seedlings before you moved them into the bubbler? That is one thing I'm not sure about. You said the bottom of the pots were getting wet, is this with roots showing or not? What are your plans, are you picking your best one or two for mothers, and then flowereing the other ones or flowering all, all mothers? They look great man! I would def keep that shower set up! Mothers under a t5, and clones up on a shelf under cfl's in 100% humidity. You can hang the t5 on the bottom of the shelf about neck/chest high pending on mother height. Then you can take a peak above and check out your babies. For your flowering roomou could do a sog and have 4 bubblers flowering! Six of your best clones in each. Within 8 weeks of having healthy mothers you could be harvesting enery two weeks. I have seen someone on here with a DWC with clones 1wk veg time, right into flowering and they were filling up the area of a 30gal rubbermaid perfectly and he still had a couple weeks to go. Sorry I got a little carried away, I love seeing new growers succeed, it helps me get fired up to start my grow early April


Well-Known Member
I did everything under 1000watts. buy the time I got done spending money. the wife was going crazy so I had to hold off on the t5s. I have been messing with the set up from day one and still have not found the perfect arrangement. I agree with turning the shower into veg area. I like your ideas also.

"How long were those roots on your seedlings before you moved them into the bubbler?"
I started in 1 in rockwool and hand watered for long time. after about 10 days I could see root coming out if the 1in rockwool. so I put them in 4in rookwool then filled the 6in pot nets with hydrotron. 2weeks ago I set up the drip system. had 2 airstones in reservoir. added one more today. still don't have the bubbles and splashing I want. even added a air pump
for a 30-60 gallon tank.
water is pumped with 520 gph. but it seems so slow. it just drips. seems like the whole medium does not get wet. net pots 2in away from water line.

as far a roots showing they come right up to the edge of the nets. that's all. I have seen pics of massive roots hanging from nets. don't know what I am doing wrong. I think I need more nutes of some sort. but wanted to get everything else set before starting to try and figure out that aspect of growing.

all these are bagseed. well one i pick from a good bag of reg. the other 3 a friend gave me said they were skunk #1. but I don't know so I call it bagseed. I have 5 more. I started greming today. again from a friend. they are said to be (2) chronic and (3) white Russian. he also had other strains in unopened packages. so I have more confident in these 5.
last night I broke down and ordered 10 Bubblelicious and 10 skunk #1.

"What are your plans"

shit I don't know. I just wanted to grow some pot. now what? joking.

I think I will have to sweet talk the wife in to the t5s and get that mother and clone room together. and do like you said. 3 good mothers and some clones. then grow (go) nuts in the flower room. I really like that every 2 week harvest. I am going to have to do some more research.

now i got carried away. but man i have not been excited about a project like this in a long time. thanks for the comments


Well-Known Member
the A.D.D. is at it again. i dumped the drip system. for the bubbler. same pump just a little more hardware.
i even added prop-o-gator 0-3-2 food for roots 2 days before the bubbler. suggested by the hydro guy. this is what they looked like before.

8 hours after the bubble.
maybe this is from the bubbler. maybe the root stimulator kicked in. or maybe is because i just got the ph meter and levels are adjusted more accurately. i dont know.

here a few pic of the plants.

this is the bagseed. it 35 day since sprouting.

these are the one said to be skunk #1 these are 28day from sprouting
plant #1

plant #2

plant #3

so would it be acurate to say this is first week of veg.

i am trying to grem those chronic and white Russian. only two have crack one already sprouted

here it is. not much to look at.


Well-Known Member
i have the t5s now. woot woot!! so maybe my clones and seed will survive under less lighting. and my seed wont stretch. i will put pics up later.
woo!!! pics of a light.

anyway got it from local hydro store $135 5t ho 4 bulb 96w combined.
got to take the wife out now for letting me buy the lights.


Well-Known Member
i have the t5s now. woot woot!!

Nice, you hooked up with the t5's too! I think that is a good move. I have heard a lot of bonuses on using those, especially for newer growers, hell even a lot of "pros" have had fantastic success with them especially in the veg stage.


Well-Known Member
t5s will go in the shower for seedling and clones. if i can ever clone one that lives. i was at the hydro store and saw this cloning box. it looked like it would be easy to make. so off to the hardware store. 4 trips later and here it is. i finished about 1 hour ago. would you believe after 4 trips i realized i forgot something to hang the light with. and i am still smoking shit weed.

cloner1.jpgcloner2.jpgcloner 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
cloner up and going. still a little ghetto. need to make a trip to hydro store. the other stuff in the cloner are some stuff the kids are going to try outside.

i went to a 20 gallon tub. i am going to replace the top with 2 hole instead of three. and have a little access panel to feed through and i sure the root s will be a mess after a while. i will build another tub identical to the first. then i will have room for all 4 and not have to change again. plus they wont touch. i swear its like there competing or something. the branch that touches seems to grow big time. like to steal the space of the other. all 4.jpgIMG_1115.jpgIMG_1124.jpgwide.jpgside.jpgside1.jpgsid2.jpgtop1.jpghay3.jpghaycl.jpg

any tips guys.


Well-Known Member
i have read alot of post. watched many vids on the cloning methods and it does not seems to complcated. is it the plant? the human? the gel? any advice would be great. ill go back over the threads and vids maybe i missed something.

Where are the videos you've watched?


Well-Known Member
thank for checking me out cirrus12. i will check out your journal.

i don't know, but i am begin to think that soil would have been easier. more room. less hardware to deal with. the only reason i went hydro was i thought i could better control the environment consistently as far a nutes goes. maybe after i get all the kinks worked out i can stop changing and adding. i guess what i am saying is do the research when your done do some more. i thought i did more than enough, but i am being to think different.

i will see if i can find you some links to the cloning vids.


Well-Known Member
so those chronic and white Russian i was germin. well one was planted and is the one you see in the cloner. only one other even cracked. so i put them in a glass with some water. figured by morning they crack. i sat this glass just outside the grow room way up high on a shelf. man i am talking 8in from the ceiling. nobody will mess with it there. woke up this morning went to look and the glass is gone. went and asked the wife. she washed dished today. thats it time for the big D. lol


Well-Known Member
thank for checking me out cirrus12. i will check out your journal.

i don't know, but i am begin to think that soil would have been easier. more room. less hardware to deal with. the only reason i went hydro was i thought i could better control the environment consistently as far a nutes goes. maybe after i get all the kinks worked out i can stop changing and adding. i guess what i am saying is do the research when your done do some more. i thought i did more than enough, but i am being to think different.

i will see if i can find you some links to the cloning vids.
From what I've heard hydro is supposed to be better for the plants and has a faster grow time, but soil is easier to set up and less complicated.


Well-Known Member
ok now everything is set.
both tubs now 20gal.
2 plants each tub. + access panel
2 12" air stones each tub
air pumps for 60-100 gallon tanks each tub.
325gph water pump each tub
both water pumps are connected to a assembly with 10 misters.
both water pumps are in mesh bag as a filter.

nutes are as follow
sunleaves rockwool 1 part A 5-0-4 1/4 strength
sunleaves rockwool 1 part B 1-5-5 1/4 strength
northern lights enhancer 1/4 strength
prop-o-gator root food 0-3-2 1/4 strength
4 gallons tap water each tub
4gallons r/o water each tub
temp 72-80f
humidity 35%-45%
water temp 66f
i am adding about 1 gallon r/o water every day to each tub.

i plan on adding 1 gallon r/o water with nutes every other day.
i also plan on changing out the water every week.

questions. does this schedule seem ok?
when should i up the nutes to 1/2 strength?

the bushy one is 47 days since sprouting. i going to say about 3 1/2 - 4 week of veg. does this sound right?

the other 3 are 35 days since sprouting. about 3 week veg.
when should i start to flower? are there sings to look for?
i have done some reading (ok maybe not enough)and nothing seems to state a time.

the pics in the last row are of that rescue plant i have been pulling for 12 hours of dark

all 5.jpg



Well-Known Member
so i read your journal all the way through nice job bro arent u glad u didnt listen to the guy and pull the plant up AND IM PRETTY SUR ITS NOT A HERMIE and for GOOD QUALITY BUDS USE ORGANICS OR GOOD SOIL for faster & quanity buds use hydro and the soil is way mor forgiving than hydro in my opinion i would use foxfarm nutes there very good and u should always use only like a third to half of wat the manufactor recomends check out my journal its a real simple and affordabe setup so far still upgrading but its cool ur doing good and i plan on watching all the way