Reasoning: Why does everyone hate America?


Well-Known Member
I don't think Americans are widely hated but let's face there is a stereotypical loud mouth braggart American that we see everyday here in America. Unfortunately this is what the world sees as well because of the media. Plus there are those that are green with envy but that has nothing to do with what country they are from, more to do with the type of person they are.


Well-Known Member
ding ding ding! We have a winner! But I partly disagree. Imo china is the worlds new super power. They may as well own 2/3s of our nation. The way things r goin well be talkn ¥ instead of $ we need a change
Except we're broke. They're beat for billions. Lol. We ain't payin. Don't they know we cheat at everything.

cary schellie

Active Member
absolutely, but the main problem is supporting the jews in israel THAT is the reason terrorist want to kill all of us because our leaders sided with them. everybody wants to know why muslims jihad on us all the time but nobody has the balls to say it. in the history of the world people been trying to kill those people egypt they were slaves, germany hollocaust, then we put them smack dab in the middle of everyone who currently wants to kill them and give them the "holy land" hahaha i mean think about it
they gotta side with israel, israel spends more money on there military then anyone,but i say nuke the whole middle east, just like they did to japan
in ww2, i got no use for wild arabs

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
im from england and i dont really see everyone hating americans most people here hate muslims and eastern europeans as we feel our country is under invasion from these . , theres decent people , and knob heads in every country .
one thing i would say british people find annoying about americans is how loud and self assured they are , it seems every american has got something to say about everything ......english people are more reserved and try to keep there opinions to themselves ....but its just a cultural thing i dont think its hatred .


Well-Known Member
what i really find annoying is a british accent and their messed up grillzzz!!!!!

im from england and i dont really see everyone hating americans most people here hate muslims and eastern europeans as we feel our country is under invasion from these . , theres decent people , and knob heads in every country .
one thing i would say british people find annoying about americans is how loud and self assured they are , it seems every american has got something to say about everything ......english people are more reserved and try to keep there opinions to themselves ....but its just a cultural thing i dont think its hatred .


Well-Known Member
what i really find annoying is a british accent and their messed up grillzzz!!!!!

im from england and i dont really see everyone hating americans most people here hate muslims and eastern europeans as we feel our country is under invasion from these . , theres decent people , and knob heads in every country .
one thing i would say british people find annoying about americans is how loud and self assured they are , it seems every american has got something to say about everything ......english people are more reserved and try to keep there opinions to themselves ....but its just a cultural thing i dont think its hatred .


Reasons to hate America

You have a world series in a sport that no-one else is invited too (because you know the Cubans would kick your arse).
That same sport I think you call baseball is a game played by school girls over here, it’s called Rounders.

You think you won the Second World War

You call proper Football soccerball

You call that fucked up made for TV crash test dummy sport Football

You elect actors & half-wits as presidents

You are a nation of immigrants complaining about immigrants entering your country

The American signal crayfish is endangering our own white-clawed species

You fucked up the Olympics in Atlanta by selling out to big business (now they all do it)

Coke is not it

You are screwing up your neighbours (Mexico) because of your anti-drug laws

You think restaurants have a big M on the roof

You have no understanding of other cultures outside of your own

You have Sarah Palin (we have Michael Palin)

You sold us your lies over WMD’s so you could steal Iraq’s oil and set up big rebuilding contracts, which were given out to all of president shrub’s pals

You can’t spell colour

You remake European film’s because you can’t read subtitles

You ate all the buffalo

You can’t walk to the shops you have to drive

You make rubbish motorbikes

You have shit bread

You think cheese comes in a tube

and breath...


Well-Known Member
Reasons to hate America

You have a world series in a sport that no-one else is invited too (because you know the Cubans would kick your arse).
That same sport I think you call baseball is a game played by school girls over here, it’s called Rounders.

You think you won the Second World War

You call proper Football soccerball

You call that fucked up made for TV crash test dummy sport Football

You elect actors & half-wits as presidents

You are a nation of immigrants complaining about immigrants entering your country

The American signal crayfish is endangering our own white-clawed species

You fucked up the Olympics in Atlanta by selling out to big business (now they all do it)

Coke is not it

You are screwing up your neighbours (Mexico) because of your anti-drug laws

You think restaurants have a big M on the roof

You have no understanding of other cultures outside of your own

You have Sarah Palin (we have Michael Palin)

You sold us your lies over WMD’s so you could steal Iraq’s oil and set up big rebuilding contracts, which were given out to all of president shrub’s pals

You can’t spell colour

You remake European film’s because you can’t read subtitles

You ate all the buffalo

You can’t walk to the shops you have to drive

You make rubbish motorbikes

You have shit bread

You think cheese comes in a tube

and breath...
Hey, at least "American" petroleum didnt spill 4.9 million barrels of crude oil into your gulf. One of the worst f*ck ups from a British company. F*ck Iraq, we should be bombing the shit out of the UK for their insolence.


Well-Known Member
LMAOOOO!!!!!!! dude, layoff the internet for awhile, it is really affecting your brain!

a jackass like you i pay no attention to in real life, what makes you think im going to actually listen to what you have to say bitch?

your probably some goof ball that was molested by those catholic priests! its ok, you can show where the man touched on the doll, go on!

NO , what you find annoying is being owned on the other thread and having to seriousley reconsider your life and belief system .


Well-Known Member
wow! are you really serious? you are one dumb motherfucker!

what fat bitch of a pussy man was crying all over the radio waves, asking for help from the US?

Reasons to hate America

You have a world series in a sport that no-one else is invited too (because you know the Cubans would kick your arse).
That same sport I think you call baseball is a game played by school girls over here, it’s called Rounders.

You think you won the Second World War

You call proper Football soccerball

You call that fucked up made for TV crash test dummy sport Football

You elect actors & half-wits as presidents

You are a nation of immigrants complaining about immigrants entering your country

The American signal crayfish is endangering our own white-clawed species

You fucked up the Olympics in Atlanta by selling out to big business (now they all do it)

Coke is not it

You are screwing up your neighbours (Mexico) because of your anti-drug laws

You think restaurants have a big M on the roof

You have no understanding of other cultures outside of your own

You have Sarah Palin (we have Michael Palin)

You sold us your lies over WMD’s so you could steal Iraq’s oil and set up big rebuilding contracts, which were given out to all of president shrub’s pals

You can’t spell colour

You remake European film’s because you can’t read subtitles

You ate all the buffalo

You can’t walk to the shops you have to drive

You make rubbish motorbikes

You have shit bread

You think cheese comes in a tube

and breath...


Well-Known Member
you know, you are too stupid too really argue with...

most of what you said made me laugh!

and dont you think the "royal family" is a joke! I do! what a bunch of dictators! keeping the power within the family, greedy bastards...

you and your messed up teeth...

oh and btw, i would rather think that cheese comes in tubes then have a fucked grill like you all... how do you all kiss? Oh, yea that rights, your stupid bitches have fucked up grills too....

Reasons to hate America

You have a world series in a sport that no-one else is invited too (because you know the Cubans would kick your arse).
That same sport I think you call baseball is a game played by school girls over here, it’s called Rounders.

You think you won the Second World War

You call proper Football soccerball

You call that fucked up made for TV crash test dummy sport Football

You elect actors & half-wits as presidents

You are a nation of immigrants complaining about immigrants entering your country

The American signal crayfish is endangering our own white-clawed species

You fucked up the Olympics in Atlanta by selling out to big business (now they all do it)

Coke is not it

You are screwing up your neighbours (Mexico) because of your anti-drug laws

You think restaurants have a big M on the roof

You have no understanding of other cultures outside of your own

You have Sarah Palin (we have Michael Palin)

You sold us your lies over WMD’s so you could steal Iraq’s oil and set up big rebuilding contracts, which were given out to all of president shrub’s pals

You can’t spell colour

You remake European film’s because you can’t read subtitles

You ate all the buffalo

You can’t walk to the shops you have to drive

You make rubbish motorbikes

You have shit bread

You think cheese comes in a tube

and breath...


Well-Known Member
we spread our capitalism violently throughout the world. our corporations forcefully demand everyone follows this imperialistic system and pay tribute. sucks but it is the truth


Active Member
I love America and I think it is a great country, we help out a lot of nations with aid and such, I just dont understand.
Spoken like someone who is completely ignorant of Americas sad history of using claims of humanitarian aid to disguise secret wars. Laos is a wonderful example that older members should remember.

Also aid is often just loans to warlords who pocket the cash while exploiting their people.


To further the point let me quote from Noam Chomsky's "Failed States"
The first trial [of Saddam Hussein] dealt with atrocities he had committed in 1982-the year when the Regan administration dropped Iraq from the list of states supporting terrorism so that military and other aid could flow to the murderous tyrant, aid that continued until he commited the first crime that mattered: disobeying (or possibly misunderstanding) US orders in August 1990. The facts are hardly obscure but fall under the "general tacit agreement that 'it wouldn't do' to mention that particular fact," in Orwell's phrase.


Well-Known Member
Reasons to hate America

You can’t walk to the shops you have to drive
This is a pretty common misunderstanding - in the few places in the U.S. where things are as close together as places in Europe or the UK, people walk or take mass transit. On the other hand, the vast majority of people in the U.S. don't live anywhere near that close together. If I want to go to the store, it's a 30 minute drive each direction. That would be a minimum of four hours walking. My area has the very highest population density in the country. This is why even though our gas prices are about half of yours, when they go up, our economy falls directly into the shitter.

In other words, you're right. We literally can't walk to the shops. We have to drive.


Well-Known Member
everyone else from another country can kiss my AMerican ass! I could care less about individuals from other countries, i know back home where they are from, they are full of greed and jealousy towards us Americans' and would try to harm us in a heart beat...

thats why i dont travel anywhere if aint in the US... I know everywhere else in the world we are prime targets to everyone... they know they will get a good ransom for some Americans...
This is a childish and misinformed attitude that discounts the sheer number of Americans who travel internationally each year with no harm coming to them at all. It also fails to consider the number of people who are kidnapped right here in america, by other Americans. You speak as if America is totally free of greed and jealousy. Even if it were, that does not justify intolerance and ill consideration of your fellow humans.

Jesus taught: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, do not repay evil with evil. Your statements about foreigners suggests you're a bigot, and the contradiction of god's word suggests you are a hypocrite.