Let's Debate

i have to laugh at 'olly'shirt' lifters signiture .........it sounds like two gay men ..........ooooooooooooooh you rep me and i rep you back ............you show me your cock ill show you mine back lol
sativa since you're an athiest... You bring me one person who has had their life changed for the better, one prostitute, gangster, murderer, adulterer, thief, any criminal. You show me one person that has turned their life around because of atheism. For every one you mention i'll show you 100 people such as these who have changed their life because of christianity and accepting the existence of God.
For every 100 you show I'll show you 200 that have changed thier life around by following islam. Which is right?
sativa since you're an athiest... You bring me one person who has had their life changed for the better, one prostitute, gangster, murderer, adulterer, thief, any criminal. You show me one person that has turned their life around because of atheism. For every one you mention i'll show you 100 people such as these who have changed their life because of christianity and accepting the existence of God.

athiesm isnt a religion, a group, or cult, its not an organisation a gathering or anything else you are assuming , its simply a stance to a claim ..................when will you guys get the definition of athiesm ?
an athiest is someone who dosent believe in another persons claim , you could be an athiest towards the muslim god , its not a group of people like christianity its simply, a stance against the beliefs of someone , wether they are christian , zeus or the great ju ju up the mountain , i cant believe theres still people out there who simply dont get this lol
I was raised christian. It was so easy! Didin't have a care in the world. Everything I ever did "bad" was always forgiven. Everything good was expected. Then there were times when I was forgiven but sure didn't feel forgiven. Then I realized no one has the answer! And the closest thing to god was myself. I have a hard time believing there is no god just as much as there is one. I am not one of the athiest's you seek kbo ca but thinking about it turned my life around.
I was raised christian. It was so easy! Didin't have a care in the world. Everything I ever did "bad" was always forgiven. Everything good was expected. Then there were times when I was forgiven but sure didn't feel forgiven. Then I realized no one has the answer! And the closest thing to god was myself. I have a hard time believing there is no god just as much as there is one. I am not one of the athiest's you seek kbo ca but thinking about it turned my life around.

why is it you need to believe something is god , you now believe yourself is a god ? what is that all about ?
sativa since you're an athiest... You bring me one person who has had their life changed for the better, one prostitute, gangster, murderer, adulterer, thief, any criminal. You show me one person that has turned their life around because of atheism. For every one you mention i'll show you 100 people such as these who have changed their life because of christianity and accepting the existence of God.

how the fuck is some one suposed to turn their life around with atheism>? its not anything. like the sativa high said its not something you go to. and no god isnt real and if it is i can tell you its not what so calld "christians" belivve which has been changed to fit their new ideas and desires multiple times over the years.