Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

Since we’re discussing the big questions can someone please tell me what is so funny about Biggus Dickus?

What if’s man, nah nah nah nah live for today but please continue your rantings :)
Did anyone else play the original Grand Theft Auto games on PC and PS1? you had the birds eye view for gameplay, and if you could track down a conga chain of hare krishna's and run them all over in one fluid handbrake swipe, power slide or just straight drag line pole-axe (usually uncommon cos they'd weave in a snake-like pattern) you'd get a cash bonus multiplier.

GTA: Running The Hare Krishna Over - YouTube
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i also wish to show you the mirror on your knees with my lollypop into your deep throat ( by pying without invitation )

but being varna sankars i doubt it will effect any of you at all. so low, or the lowest of mankinds.
