How much longer should I Veg?


Active Member
These three plants are 7 weeks old and very stunted and small...the biggest one is only 10 in. high the other two are like 5,6 inches tall AT 7 WEEKS! Well, its my first grow and I obviously had A LOT of trial and ERROR! They aint dead yet! But anyways, how much longer you think I should veg before is legit to switch them to 12/12. They are currently at 18/6. I only have about 4.8-5ft of space to work with.


hmmm what lights are you useing? they look kinda small my plant was 12inch at 4 weeks veg and very bushy now nearly 2 weeks into flowering its gone to around 18 inch and bushy as fuck with a massive cola forming and lots n lots of bud sites :) i would post pics but my mem card reader is fooked :(


Well-Known Member
Your lights seem like they should have gave you better results. And the soil from what I have read is amazing too so the only think I can think of is the air flow. whats going on in that situation.
all that aside for your first grow you got some nice plants. Keep it up man


Active Member
Your lights seem like they should have gave you better results. And the soil from what I have read is amazing too so the only think I can think of is the air flow. whats going on in that situation.
all that aside for your first grow you got some nice plants. Keep it up man

105_1199.jpgjust installed a duct fan to the outside of my grow tent with two huge fans outside of the vent/duct fan

105_1200.jpg105_1198.jpglarge 8in. fan on top of tent along with a small hot air exaust fan with nylon filter.

105_1206.jpg unfortunately my temps stay around 82-89 degrees F.


Here are a few more pix to help...but thanks. And doesnt anyone think I should start flowering now...or veg more?


Active Member
Oh and I have a very small, mini-fan blowing into the plants that keep them moving constantly, it is a small breeze though so its not enough to stress them out.


Active Member
its ok...appreciate the help, but do you think I can flower now, or should I give it a few more weeks before switching to 12/12?


Well-Known Member
man to tell you the truth, i would honestly wait it out a bit longer and if progress really starts slowing then i would switch the lights and pump in some flowering nuet of your choice.


Active Member
THose plants are not really at all ready for 12/12 imho. They are really small for 7 weeks. Honestly not sure what to say man the development is really lacking. Did you transplant them at all recently, maybe some stress of some sort stunting them, with temps close to 90 everyday may do it too.. Try to get your temps down, maybe toss them a small dose of B-Vitamins to reduce stress and see if you can get them to Grow and Bulk up a bit before flowing.

Just my .2


Active Member
I had 3-4 plants do that in this last little cycle, so I just cut some more clones and to be honest the new clones are already bigger than the ones that are a month older. I feel your pain brother. I would say it's soil because I believe that's the problem I had, but I was also using PH down, and the water where I live is actually almost PH neutral, so I severely fucked up the PH.

What is your PH at? Sorry if you already said this in another post, I have a bad memory :P. Umm, I'd say transplant into a slightly bigger pot with some more soil and water with PH'd water. All you can really hope for at this point to be honest.

Also, they WILL green up and liven back up if that's all they needed (transplant and better PH), but if it's not that then I have absolutely no idea. Those are very, very small for 7 weeks. I have plants that have been vegging 2 weeks that are bigger than that (I'm not running my mouth at all, like I said, I was having the same problem but worse over here I think), I can compare the ones I have (that are at least 6 weeks old in veg) to the ones that are 2 weeks old and can see that this is not how it's supposed to be.

Live and learn though. :)