First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
Oh dude, for sure...50lb c02 tank, ozone generator, sentinel light timers, sentinel c02 controller, central air, 6x39 phresh filter, my 70 pint dehumidifier and I'm bringing over my 4 box fans to help with the air movement. I might just ask if I can sleep in the damn tent haha

This weekend I'll try to take some pics.


Active Member
Oh dude, for sure...50lb c02 tank, ozone generator, sentinel light timers, sentinel c02 controller, central air, 6x39 phresh filter, my 70 pint dehumidifier and I'm bringing over my 4 box fans to help with the air movement. I might just ask if I can sleep in the damn tent haha

This weekend I'll try to take some pics.
Goddamn.. that is just way too legit. I am really intrigued by the light mover though, it really does seem like the pinnacle of lighting for a grow lol. I'm really curious about the induction bulbs. Not that the room really needs any improvement but why not install HPS bulbs instead of MH if the girls are flowering?

There must be a reason for it like the MH gives more light spectrum for photosynthesis but I'm a thinker like that haha


Well-Known Member
DOPE BRO.. SOOOO happy for you.... I would give him 3 girls lol.. thats not stress on ur girls.. its a phucking vacation lol!

Off topic but.. those Ceramic Metal Halide are insane .. they dont put out tons of lumens.. but when mixed with hps.. PHuck N dope .. im serious.. The results are insane... Phillips makes a realllly good one. Just dont look at it directly it will burn the SHYT out of your eyes.


Well-Known Member
DOPE BRO.. SOOOO happy for you.... I would give him 3 girls lol.. thats not stress on ur girls.. its a phucking vacation lol!

Off topic but.. those Ceramic Metal Halide are insane .. they dont put out tons of lumens.. but when mixed with hps.. PHuck N dope .. im serious.. The results are insane... Phillips makes a realllly good one. Just dont look at it directly it will burn the SHYT out of your eyes.
Thanks bro! but 3 girls is too many! lol and yea he was telling me about the ceramic MH's. They're supposedly equal to a 1200w MH? I don't know anything about them except they are Phillips. He said you could get a tan under them lol

Pumped for you dubbz! Glad everything is looking on up, it's like the Jeffersons in this bitch!
ahahaha thanks LL! Just trying to get a piece of that pie, you know


Well-Known Member
Goddamn.. that is just way too legit. I am really intrigued by the light mover though, it really does seem like the pinnacle of lighting for a grow lol. I'm really curious about the induction bulbs. Not that the room really needs any improvement but why not install HPS bulbs instead of MH if the girls are flowering?

There must be a reason for it like the MH gives more light spectrum for photosynthesis but I'm a thinker like that haha
Shit sorry I skipped ya there. There will be both in the flower tent. 4 - 400w MH's and 3 - 1000w HPS for a perfectly mixed spectrum. I don't know the science behind my boys madness, but I am a fan of it lol


Well-Known Member
Goddamn.. that is just way too legit. I am really intrigued by the light mover though, it really does seem like the pinnacle of lighting for a grow lol. I'm really curious about the induction bulbs. Not that the room really needs any improvement but why not install HPS bulbs instead of MH if the girls are flowering?

There must be a reason for it like the MH gives more light spectrum for photosynthesis but I'm a thinker like that haha
The reason behind this is cause, the SUN gives a full light spectrum.
The HPS is more Red Spectrum.
The MH is more Blue Spectrum.
Since most growers just switch out the lights, over the years they come to conclusions that one is better than the other for different cycles for different reasons.
BUT, it's a hell of a lot better to grow under both cause it's duping the sun pretty much.
I've also read that MH makes your plant produce UV-B which makes your plant defend themselves against UV light by producing more trichomes, resin, and higher THC content.
But then again i've also read that we had some guy named HayZeus die on a cross and come back to life.
crazy world man.

and I hate you dub, I deleted my entire envious reponse and decided to answer this guys question.
we all know you don't have a 900$ 10x10 secret jardin tent for your plants, quit lying! grrrrrrrr >.<


Well-Known Member
Yea he mentioned mimicking the sun once I add my 2 bulbs lol Sounds like my girls are in for a treat.

Dude, just wait til you see this thing. It's FAHKING RIDICULOUS. And don't get envious... it's not my stuff! lol. Actually then maybe I should be envious as well... nahhhhhhh. It may take some time and a lot of effort but we can all get there bro. I doubt I'll post the camera ip on my journal but I'll send it to a few of you guys.


Well-Known Member
Lol a 10x10 is pretty epic though, i'm hoping for a 5x10 but that alone is like 450$ !
your girls are going to love it :]

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
hey are you? your new place sounds amazing. what a fuckin set up! your going to be so stylin and profilin with all your new toys. Remember to take lots of pictures for us to see everything. Im really happy for you.
How did you fix your heat issue? you mentioned an innovative stoner idea that im really really curious about. Best wishes for the girls smooth ride to their new home. take it easy and have an awesome weekend.


Well-Known Member
Lol a 10x10 is pretty epic though, i'm hoping for a 5x10 but that alone is like 450$ !
your girls are going to love it :]
You can grab that after your harvest, no?

hey are you? your new place sounds amazing. what a fuckin set up! your going to be so stylin and profilin with all your new toys. Remember to take lots of pictures for us to see everything. Im really happy for you.
How did you fix your heat issue? you mentioned an innovative stoner idea that im really really curious about. Best wishes for the girls smooth ride to their new home. take it easy and have an awesome weekend.
Thanks DAT!! I'm doing good now that I know my girls have a place to go. I will definitely post up some pics tomorrow night. It may not be all put together but at least you'll have an idea just how badass this is going to be for a temporary home. As for my stoner innovation... lol The pics are on page 49. It's ghetto as hell but it's really working. Temps are still at 83-85F during lights on.

Have a great weekend DAT! I'll be with my little boy tomorrow and Sunday. I'm pretty excited about that :)


Rebel From The North
You can grab that after your harvest, no?

Thanks DAT!! I'm doing good now that I know my girls have a place to go. I will definitely post up some pics tomorrow night. It may not be all put together but at least you'll have an idea just how badass this is going to be for a temporary home. As for my stoner innovation... lol The pics are on page 49. It's ghetto as hell but it's really working. Temps are still at 83-85F during lights on.

Have a great weekend DAT! I'll be with my little boy tomorrow and Sunday. I'm pretty excited about that :)
spending time with family is a great thing you enjoy your time!


Well-Known Member
Im about to build myself a 10x10 tent, its BIIIIIIIG, an di cant Wait to see the pic of where ur ladies will be staying.

Just updated my journal with new pics, cheers man^^


Well-Known Member
So last night I gave the master kush girls a 100% nute solution - Micro 9ml per gal. Bloom 9ml per gal. Cal/Mag 3ml per gal. Humic Acid 1/4 tsp per gal. molasses 1tsp per gal.

The run off notes I left on the pots were 6.7-6.8 so I ph'd the solution to 6.2-6.3 expecting a run off closer to 6.5. The run off ended up being low at 6.1-6.2. *scratches head* That was after the first one so I readjusted the solution to an even 6.5. I emptied the drain pan under the first one I fed and dumped another gal. of the 6.5 solution, then finished feeding the other 3. The run off was 6.3-6.4... not sure why but I'm not going to fight it.

I trimmed a bunch of leaves from the kush plants, most of them were all yellow or yellow and mostly red. The red is all the way up to the tops of the plants now. Nothing I've done has fixed this issue. I doubt the strain itself is supposed to be red but I've run out of options. I kept the kush girls run off at 6.5-6.8 for close to two weeks and it keeps spreading. Red leaves = 1 Me = 0

The cheese girls run off notes were 6.5 so I fed them 100% solution (same as above) ph'd to 6.5. The run off was on point at 6.5. I haven't had many issues with these girls but before the lights went off this morning I noticed some downward canoeing on one of them. It wasn't much but I notice even the slightest changes in my plants. I keep being told the upside down canoe is from being under fed. I have been pounding these girls with nutes so that is somewhat confusing. I'll just keep doing what I do and see how it works. Soon they will be receiving a lot more light to finish out their life cycle. I'm hoping my boy will have a solution to some of my frustrating little issues.

Lights: OFF
Temp: 80F
rH: 38%
c02: 1900ppm


Well-Known Member
hehe this nutes seem to be intense, next grow you should try one organic plant to see if you like it better, i think managing beneficial microbes is easier than managing every thing else


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking these nutes are shit... the plan for the second grow was to try using them again, but I think I'm going to end up dumping them. Either that or if someone wants them I'll give them away.


Well-Known Member
hehe nice one, well i think you should switch up soon, but if your gonna do it mid flower i think you should start with very low doses, haha


Well-Known Member
I'm going to finish these 12 girls out with what I have but for my next grow I'm going to do a few things differently. Main thing will be switching nutrients...