you guys type too fucking fast
lol...@hiesenberg i never stated my beliefs just cant understand your friends philosophy on how we came to be..say you gather all the ingredients to make a pie guess what you ccreated something you are thaat pies creator..the pie exsisted before you created it just in the form of multiple ingredients...correct me if im not as intellectual as u guys so pleez explain in layman terms
You are right, I am assuming your position because rather than take the chance to explain yourself, you offer offensive one liners and personal attacks.
You are making a logical connection which doesn't exist. Assuming that we are the same as a pie. A pie, by definition has a creator. It is not valid to make the same assumption about life. If each life form is a recipe, evolution offers us a completely natural explanation for how that recipe came to be. There is no need, or reason to suggest, a supernatural explanation. Evolution is a well documented, well supported theory backed up by multiple fields of independent study, still it does not provide definitive answers. What is does provide is a direction for us to lean when trying to understand the complexity of reality. When our best minds looks at the big picture and consider all things, it seems random chance is the best explanation. When these people explain to us how they came to their conclusions, it makes sense and is supported by mounds of evidence and logic. When religious people explain their theory, it doesn't make any sense, have any support, and certainly isn't based in logic. Why then, when we have a big arrow pointing towards randomness, should we favor the idea of a deity?