its not really good to spry your plants unless you have to but it washes the crystals off. but people do it i think its really what works best for you. o and make shore you spry under the leaves thats where the plant sucks up water the best and dont spry on the buds or if the lights are on it will burn your plants. good luck
water washes off THC? this is news to me.. never had that problem with any of my outdoor crop when it rained.
I would say go ahead and spray ur heart out.
I do it 2-3 times per day to keep my humidity up. just make sure U have adequate ventilation and good air circulation in ur grow room and U'll be good.
couple rules of thumb about that:
-never foliar spray nutrients on ur plants, only supplements (superthrive for example is a good supplement to foliar spray before transplanting and cloning.)
-completely stop foliar spraying about 2 weeks prior harvest.
Here is a small pic update... These pics are with the light on as I didnt want to take them out (damn laziness) so let me know what ya think, and if you have any suggestions on things I should be doing.
I got a some what useful tip.
Some digital cameras have an option on them called "white balance". if u have it on ur camera u could play with that option and u should be able to take the "orange" outta the pics.
if not photoshop also has an option called "white balance" that'll let u adjust the "orange".