S&P threatens downgrade


Well-Known Member
s&p wasn't as concerned about spending as they were about how the US is financing itself. if the bush tax cuts would've expired when they should've then this little party we're having wouldn't be happening.... the US government has historically been able to spend more than any other entity on earth, but it needs revenues, and the government has taken action to increase revenues when necessary.
Ignorance. You could have referred to my post above....

We could lower the long-term rating to 'AA' within the next two years if we see that less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, or new fiscal pressures during the period result in a higher general government debt trajectory than we currently assume in our base case."-S&P


Well-Known Member
here we go. analysis: "..less reduction in spending than agreed to, higher interest rates, OR new fiscal pressures result in..." they are ennumerating a series of scenarios that could either one, the other or all three lead to the same end, a higher general debt trajectory. it's mentioned, it's not singled out.... we could achieve the overall desired result, lower general debt trajectory than assumed in S&Ps, even IF the reduction in spending is less than agreed to....

again, like I said, it's about "higher general government debt trajectory"... if I say: "He would be better off if he takes the high road, promises to do the right thing, or he never looks back, resulting in his achieving more than he ever dreamt"

I say it has to do with his accomplishments and goals, you say "see man, i told you he was high".... such a fixation is irrational.... like if the word spending tickled a nerve somewhere.... geez...


Well-Known Member
Yea you stupid ass fuckers blame the republicians and the teaparty. But your stupid ass puppet obozo is doing just as george soros told him to do and I hope you stupid bastards like living in a third world country its coming.

Come on you stupid mofos blame this one on Bush. Nothing like stupidity ruining the country.

hahahahahaha Go ole stupidass fuck the country up your fucking followers think you are doing a great job. hahahahaha STUPID FUCKERS

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yea you stupid ass fuckers blame the republicians and the teaparty. But your stupid ass puppet obozo is doing just as george soros told him to do and I hope you stupid bastards like living in a third world country its coming.

Come on you stupid mofos blame this one on Bush. Nothing like stupidity ruining the country.

hahahahahaha Go ole stupidass fuck the country up your fucking followers think you are doing a great job. hahahahaha STUPID FUCKERS
Do you always have your head up your ass or do you occasionally come up for air?


Well-Known Member
This is a result of bringing family business out in the street..If that damn Teababbing bastards had not expose all the turmoil with the drama of just simple raising the debt ceiling and being concern more about jobs, we would not see this...after seeing all this play out who wouldn't lower our credit seeing how we can't get anything done with the party of obstuction. Damn Repukes


Well-Known Member
Yea you stupid ass fuckers blame the republicians and the teaparty. But your stupid ass puppet obozo is doing just as george soros told him to do and I hope you stupid bastards like living in a third world country its coming.

Come on you stupid mofos blame this one on Bush. Nothing like stupidity ruining the country.

hahahahahaha Go ole stupidass fuck the country up your fucking followers think you are doing a great job. hahahahaha STUPID FUCKERS
You have nothing to contribute. There is always someone like you who has the misguided perception that insults and namecalling somehow bolster whatever point you are trying to make. What you don't seem to realize is that such a post immediately has zero credibility, regardless how valid the point may be. Grow up.


Well-Known Member
the real compromise?? the 'tea party' holds less than half of one house of congress. they are not the majority and REPUBLICAN leaders failed to bring together unity within their own party.

s&p wasn't as concerned about spending as they were about how the US is financing itself. if the bush tax cuts would've expired when they should've then this little party we're having wouldn't be happening.... the US government has historically been able to spend more than any other entity on earth, but it needs revenues, and the government has taken action to increase revenues when necessary.

the ones pulling america down are conservatives trying to implement their agenda into legislation that typically gets passed just so the government can function, and it's making the US government look dysfunctional. their agenda will only make things worse. their methods are making things worse too....

people are realizing it, not even fox news can spin this fiasco......polls are reflecting it...
I heard an interesting stat yesterday, if you confiscated all the assets, not just income but ALL the assets of every family/individual making over 1 million dollars a year in the United States, it would be around 800 billion dollars. Barely enough to cut the deficit in half FOR ONE YEAR. How the Fuck is letting tax breaks expire going to reduce a deficit that is about to be $17 trillion?

You're fuzzy liberal math doesn't add up. The other thing you always conveniently forget to mention, is revenue is still at ALL TIME HIGHS. What is it these years... $2.2 trillion? Around 10 years ago, our budget was $1.8 trillion, we have PLENTY of revenue...we need to reduce the budget down to 1999 levels and start to lower our debt.

And that agenda you say the Republicans are trying to implement is simply trying to slow down the lunacy of the Progressive agenda, you know, the one that is bankrupting our country with bloated government and failing social ponzi schemes that aren't even providing the benefits they were originally supposed to. But they have become ravenous, debt incurring, money gobblers... and encourage people to be lazy, unmotivated and give control of their lives over to the nanny state.

But THAT was really their purpose all along. Well done you.

jeff f

New Member
the real compromise?? the 'tea party' holds less than half of one house of congress. they are not the majority and REPUBLICAN leaders failed to bring together unity within their own party.

s&p wasn't as concerned about spending as they were about how the US is financing itself. if the bush tax cuts would've expired when they should've then this little party we're having wouldn't be happening.... the US government has historically been able to spend more than any other entity on earth, but it needs revenues, and the government has taken action to increase revenues when necessary.

the ones pulling america down are conservatives trying to implement their agenda into legislation that typically gets passed just so the government can function, and it's making the US government look dysfunctional. their agenda will only make things worse. their methods are making things worse too....

people are realizing it, not even fox news can spin this fiasco......polls are reflecting it...
you are dillusional.

your folks didnt pass a budget when they owned all three branches of govt. look it up fool.

so then the TP takes over 1/3 of 1/3 of the govt and they are to blame?

how about blaming the guys who have driven the deficit to 1.6 trillion per year? maybe those guys are a little at fault? and you wanna blame the guys who are trying to stop the madness.

your redistribution policies are at fault. and guess what? they are going to keep making things worse. not until we start to show that we can live within our means will our situation improve. and you can take that to the bank.


Yeah, because the Tea Party candidates not getting ANYTHING they demanded is what resulted in our downgrade. And the credit agencies telling us ahead of time that neither of the proposals that had been offered were even close to what was needed to avoid the downgrade. Yeah, it was the Tea Party crowd that wanted to give Obama another $2+ trillion dollars to play with over the next year and a half and to not make ANY substantial spending cuts. And since EVERYONE knew we weren't going to default even if there was no deal, waiting to the last couple of days had NO BEARING on the decision to downgrade us at all.

So please, taking into account the above FACTS, please enlighten us on how it's their fault. And please keep in mind, in your reply, that raising taxes in no way increases revenue. Don't even bother with that shit.

Really? Raising taxes doesn't increase government funds Can you please explain this to me? Where did you study your economic/accounting principles?


I heard an interesting stat yesterday, if you confiscated all the assets, not just income but ALL the assets of every family/individual making over 1 million dollars a year in the United States, it would be around 800 billion dollars. Barely enough to cut the deficit in half FOR ONE YEAR. How the Fuck is letting tax breaks expire going to reduce a deficit that is about to be $17 trillion?

You're fuzzy liberal math doesn't add up. The other thing you always conveniently forget to mention, is revenue is still at ALL TIME HIGHS. What is it these years... $2.2 trillion? Around 10 years ago, our budget was $1.8 trillion, we have PLENTY of revenue...we need to reduce the budget down to 1999 levels and start to lower our debt.

And that agenda you say the Republicans are trying to implement is simply trying to slow down the lunacy of the Progressive agenda, you know, the one that is bankrupting our country with bloated government and failing social ponzi schemes that aren't even providing the benefits they were originally supposed to. But they have become ravenous, debt incurring, money gobblers... and encourage people to be lazy, unmotivated and give control of their lives over to the nanny state.

But THAT was really their purpose all along. Well done you.
Duder was it the dems who created the majority of this def? I think not it was the fiscal policies of the tricky dick that started this noise.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
so then the TP takes over 1/3 of 1/3 of the govt and they are to blame?

how about blaming the guys who have driven the deficit to 1.6 trillion per year? maybe those guys are a little at fault? and you wanna blame the guys who are trying to stop the madness.
I like how it boils down to blame - the meaningless cyclic search for a boogeyman to lynch, that ultimately leads nowhere, and changes nothing.

It's almost as productive as reposting Ron Paul support videos.


Well-Known Member
Duder was it the dems who created the majority of this def? I think not it was the fiscal policies of the tricky dick that started this noise.
Really, Nixon is responsible for Social Security, Welfare, endless social programs and the massive growing of the government and the obstruction of this country to utilize it's own natural resources? Well, shit I guess they didn't have that revised history book ready at the time I was in school.

jeff f

New Member
I like how it boils down to blame - the meaningless cyclic search for a boogeyman to lynch, that ultimately leads nowhere, and changes nothing.

It's almost as productive as reposting Ron Paul support videos.
well what does it boil down to? as i see it, you have a group of people,TP, trying to reign in spending. you have another group, the dems and rino republicans wanting to keep spending like they have a money tree in the back yard.

so in your mind, who is going down the right track?

jeff f

New Member
Really, Nixon is responsible for Social Security, Welfare, endless social programs and the massive growing of the government and the obstruction of this country to utilize it's own natural resources? Well, shit I guess they didn't have that revised history book ready at the time I was in school.
i thought the same thing. the only thing i could think of was the gold standard. wasnt it nixon who took us off that?

clearly the problem is redistribution of wealth policy. paying people to be non productive turns them into system sucking specialists. and we have a lot of them.


Really, Nixon is responsible for Social Security, Welfare, endless social programs and the massive growing of the government and the obstruction of this country to utilize it's own natural resources? Well, shit I guess they didn't have that revised history book ready at the time I was in school.
Yes he is responsible for that and what has that doen tohjelp our economy? Nothing its actually been a huge detriment to our econmomy and our ability to be fiscally responsible. How did his tax policies do for our country? Oh thats right its what started the killing of the middle class. So welfare has helped our economy and budgeting?


Yes he is responsible for that and what has that doen tohjelp our economy? Nothing its actually been a huge detriment to our econmomy and our ability to be fiscally responsible. How did his tax policies do for our country? Oh thats right its what started the killing of the middle class. So welfare has helped our economy and budgeting?

Every president who has allowed these things to continuwe is just as at fault as the man who started them.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
well what does it boil down to? as i see it, you have a group of people,TP, trying to reign in spending. you have another group, the dems and rino republicans wanting to keep spending like they have a money tree in the back yard.

so in your mind, who is going down the right track?
Nobody, I have no interest in the economy or the games played considering the overt history of manipulation in the markets. I watch where it goes (especially when it comes to companies signing deals), but as far as the domestic bickering - absolutely no interest whatsoever, its all hogwash. It's distraction, and a divisory technique developed to occupy the discourse of the general public.


Well-Known Member
S&P making a downgrade is no big deal IMO. If the other 2 ratings agencies also downgrade USA, than we might have a problem, but S&P downgraded Japan a while ago and NOTHING happened.

jeff f

New Member
S&P making a downgrade is no big deal IMO. If the other 2 ratings agencies also downgrade USA, than we might have a problem, but S&P downgraded Japan a while ago and NOTHING happened.

are you sure it isnt because s&p are a bunch of racists just looking to make obama look bad ;)


Active Member
It's working, the liberal agenda is doing exactly what they wanted. They think we can't think for ourselves so the government should step in and make our decisions for us because we are not capable. Keep drinking the kool-aid boys before you know it they will have all the stupid bastards, illegal aliens and lazy no good pieces of shit in this country pooring in the votes to keep perpetuating this lunacy.