Natural but no growth

I have been growing for about 10 months now, have grown 40+ plants but the plants have never achieved the flowering stage. The plant grows rapidly but then the leaves slowly turn yellow, shedding and then falling out.

These plants are not from 10 months time. They are a indication of what exactly my problem is: plants growing well and thriving rapidly but suddenly the leaves turn from green to yellow and then fall out completely.

I give it Miracle-Gro at times but that's all I have. No advanced nutrients or chemicals here. Just growing it naturally in India. Here are the pictures. If anyone can advise on how to deal with this problem through LIMITED SUPPLIES please post a response otherwise don't.



Active Member
one plant per pot man, theyre all fighting for nutrients, and it looks like you over water them on top of it,get em there own pots and dont water till soil is dry and they should be ok


Active Member
one more thing, is that dirt? it looks like mud. i would get some quality soil with perlite for proper drainage too hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck batman! they have been vegging for 300 days? must be near a record.
They should flower approaching autumn, make sure the night cycle has no interuptions.
Holy fuck batman! they have been vegging for 300 days? must be near a record.
They should flower approaching autumn, make sure the night cycle has no interuptions.
No. Revisiting my statement indicates that I grew for 10 months but none of them ever flowered, not that these very plants have been alive since November.
one plant per pot man, theyre all fighting for nutrients, and it looks like you over water them on top of it,get em there own pots and dont water till soil is dry and they should be ok
Alright then. Kill all but one? You say it, I'll do it and post up the pictures.

Update: Ok, done. The one with the widest, largest stem lives. By the way, the picture of the pot filled with water was several weeks ago. Everything's dried up.

I'll post new pictures up tomorrow. It's nighttime here.
Does anyone have suggestions to make as this thread will be pushed further and further back until it is no longer recognizable from the pages of this current forum?


Active Member
You need different soil man, your not going to get anywere with that stuff your using!!!!! Home Depot or something,, the cheep shit only cost 5$... Thats going to be your First Step to the right direction!!! Also like dude said "One plant per pot"... A 5gal would be perfect for u!!!! Good Luck...
You need different soil man, your not going to get anywere with that stuff your using!!!!! Home Depot or something,, the cheep shit only cost 5$... Thats going to be your First Step to the right direction!!! Also like dude said "One plant per pot"... A 5gal would be perfect for u!!!! Good Luck...
Man, if I had access to the most pH balanced soil and materials, I would've posted in another section or never have posted at all.

I was told one plant and so I killed them all.

Soil? Is that the main culprit? What I don't understand is that these plants are growing as you can see for yourself. Once I managed to get seeds from a plant although several plants were growing along with it. Seeds mean the plant reached the flowering stage but was pollinated.

I appreciate the advice but on this topic it doesn't seem applicable.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
That is the worst soil I have ever seen. It looks like a bucket full of silt. Get better soil. Your plants can not get enough drainage and oxygen from that soil.


Well-Known Member
I see no sign of calyxes or preflowers, after ten months... My conclusion is you are not growing cannabis, you are growing something that looks similar like horseweed.
I see no sign of calyxes or preflowers, after ten months... My conclusion is you are not growing cannabis, you are growing something that looks similar like horseweed.
Jesus Christ. Did you not read what I wrote to one of the users who replied? Let me make it clearer. These VERY plants HAVE NOT BEEN GROWING FOR 10 MONTHS. I have been growing for 10 months and am NOT producing bud on a regular basis.

If I sound aggravated it's because I keep hearing responses without any regard towards prior postings which provide deeper insight along the way.
That is the worst soil I have ever seen. It looks like a bucket full of silt. Get better soil. Your plants can not get enough drainage and oxygen from that soil.
It's mud but when exposed to the constant heat, humidity and rain that is circulating throughout the year, it looks that way.

And if I can't get the soil best suited to my needs, then what? Give up because I do not have the right equipment? Give me a break. Cannabis is a plant, one which you see growing before your very own eyes. I told you before but let me reiterate: I am growing in INDIA & growing it NATURALLY precisely BECAUSE I don't have the PERFECT equipment.

I'll post pictures of "better looking mud" before it is put in the sun for your understanding.


how often do you water then. ok no stores. how about access to small gravel somthing to serve a purpose like perlite for aeration and drainage purposes so you mud doesnt suffocate the roots.
how often do you water then. ok no stores. how about access to small gravel somthing to serve a purpose like perlite for aeration and drainage purposes so you mud doesnt suffocate the roots.
I water every other day. Right now its monsoon season but it scarcely rains. If I don't give it water within 3 days, the plant begins to wither.

I'll attempt to get gravel or something of the like.

As for drainage, there are holes at the bottom of the pot which prevent the water from being completely holed up inside the pot. That and the heat here is so intense that in 2 days time, regardless of the amount of water or algae depicted, everything dries out. Hence the "silt-like" composition.


Id ask some more exp soil growers first and check around on the mixture ratios for the perlite substitute to dirt maybe 60-40 but id def check other threads for the correct ratios.


Active Member
yea i used sived river gravel before to break up some compost, trick is to add enuff that when you squeeze it together with your hand it still breaks apart when you poke it with your finger, but that soil does look pretty bad, maybe you should try different grades of gravel or something, keep in mind if you do this you will probibally have to water more regularly in future grows

The Weedster

Active Member
I was thinking the same thing about that muddy looking stuff... Gravel and maybe even some kind of dead hay or grass that can hold the moisture around the roots longer with some of that silty stuff coated around all that applies.... That is just a guess to be honest but I do remember my mom tilling her garden with hay and mulching it on the top soil to break up the clay and mud and she had high yield out of everything she grew... She couldnt afford hi quality shit but she knew how to work around it...


Well-Known Member
I think as everyone pointed out the soil is the main culprit, plant roots suffer and drainage is not great, always wilting and struggling.

Fear not you can amend the next grows soil with organic material sourced from lots of places, most soil as you say is made from plants and stuff so maybe making your own soil from added compost and degraded leaf material or many other intresting ways. Maybe you could plant straight outside in soil where plants grow well already. Lots of alternatives and ideas just find the ones you can work with.

As for this plant i dont think it will ever bud well. I know this can frustrate some growers not to get some good bud but it is a learning experience. Not having acsess to good soil and shops is a bummer but as you point out it shouldnt stop you. Muddy soil is bad though. Some might mix in leaf homous and degrading bark which is all available and easy to prepare given time. Loads of soil recipies so see what it is that you have available also fertilizer wise too.

Yes yours is a more challenging grow but you will suceed eventually, as for this plant i see little hope but dont be put off, is a learning experience, try some ferts or what you have available and remember the soil might be staying wet through the bottom of the pot and the top half appears dry, try watering less more often to avoid overwatering.

You are determined and that is all you need, wish i could help more dude especially with the plant you already got but look to build on this grow and build up a better soil. Repot up from smaller to bigger pots as the plant grows and be creative with whats around you in your natural enviroment if you cant get to a hydro shop. Peace