Free psychoactive seeds?


Well-Known Member
Order Germplasm - National Plant Germplasm System, GRIN

One of the greatest things I've ever seen; free seeds and cutting from the government.
I ordered:
Synsepalum dulcificum
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Zornia latifolia
Pedicularis racemosa
Phalaris brachystachys
Salvia officinalis
Salvia viridis
Scirpus atrovirens
US government, though I've heard of canadians ordering too. It's for 'research' only, so you should put something similar down under 'reason for request' when ordering.

Just paste that list in there, and give them your info. Dunno if anyone else wants to trust it...but fuck it. I'm trying it. This is a copy paste from another site, so I dunno if it will work or not.


Well-Known Member
Synsepalum dulcificum

-Miracle berry...makes everything taste really good after eating.

Tabernaemontana divaricata

-Used in Ayahuasca, a psychedelic drink.

Zornia latifolia

"The dried seeds are smoked as a hallucinogenic substitute for Cannabis"

Pedicularis racemosa

Thats the only link I info, but it looks really pretty!

Phalaris brachystachys

Contains DMT! :hump:

Salvia officinalis

A type of Salvia.

Salvia viridis

Another type of Salvia.

Scirpus atrovirens

Not too sure about this mentioned "herbal remedies"...

There you have it! Enjoy!@


Well-Known Member

How was that spam dude? I'm trying to help you guys out...getting free seeds :confused:

Edit: I see how that looked like a spambot. My bad dude. But, no...I'm a real person, and thats a real site. Don't check it out if you don't want to, but...from what I've heard its legit.


Well-Known Member
hey, where do you see what they have to offer? i've heard of people getting seeds and plants from the usda just never where from. guess this is it. thanx for any help, i have no idea where to find the plants/seeds they offer


Well-Known Member
hey, where do you see what they have to offer? i've heard of people getting seeds and plants from the usda just never where from. guess this is it. thanx for any help, i have no idea where to find the plants/seeds they offer

To be really honest, I don't know. I just copied a friends list, and pasted it into the order form. I'm sure with a little poking around, you could find it...but, those are the best ones they have in stock :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol if you get a chance ask your friend i've been looking at it on and off for about an hour and havn't found anything


Well-Known Member
i've found some things in there, lol veggies for my garden mostly, i didn't see any of those things you listed tho, kinda confused by that. for organization i'm going to to put in personal use for a college project. i doubt they would have a problem with that. then your not impersonating any establishments. and you give them a general idea of what its for. i'd really like to see a list of everything they have tho


Well-Known Member
Order Germplasm - National Plant Germplasm System, GRIN

One of the greatest things I've ever seen; free seeds and cutting from the government.
I ordered:
Synsepalum dulcificum
Tabernaemontana divaricata
Zornia latifolia
Pedicularis racemosa
Phalaris brachystachys
Salvia officinalis
Salvia viridis
Scirpus atrovirens
US government, though I've heard of canadians ordering too. It's for 'research' only, so you should put something similar down under 'reason for request' when ordering.

Just paste that list in there, and give them your info. Dunno if anyone else wants to trust it...but fuck it. I'm trying it. This is a copy paste from another site, so I dunno if it will work or not.
LOL the gov't is probably going to kick in your door come harvest time>>>>:joint: