Scroggin W/ CFL's


Well-Known Member
Hps is amazing compared to cfls. Soooo glad i got one now. Couple pics will take more later.


The pics are not that good. will take better ones.


Well-Known Member
Thx guys ;p.

The spectrum of light i have in there now is amazing. Actually seems like sunlight now. Still have to setup my cfls, Will be working on it today, going to update with some more pics, also going to make a 2nd co2 bottle.

Its soo much easier to work on my plants now. Its great.


Well-Known Member
HighLife, in the first few days of your sativa how tall would you say it got?
It grows up to 3" or 4" pretty fast. Mine always look stretched at first but then they stop growing vertically after 3 - 5 days and produce leaves instead. They grow crazy lol. :D


They are loving that hps. Still trying to figure out where i am going to put those cfls :eyesmoke::leaf: These pics were taken over a 5 day period :D:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Im sure you've thought about it, but since you got the HPS now just hang/ mount like 4-5 CFLs around the sides of the plants. Use the HPS for up top, then the CFLs to penetrate the sides... Im sure your plants will LOVEEEE you


Well-Known Member
Im sure you've thought about it, but since you got the HPS now just hang/ mount like 4-5 CFLs around the sides of the plants. Use the HPS for up top, then the CFLs to penetrate the sides... Im sure your plants will LOVEEEE you
You know they would. :D. I just need to figure out how i will mount the cfls then ill start working on that.

My canopy is taken up 18"x 20". They are getting more light now with the hps than they ever did with my cfls.. I might still have to scrog, not sure yet. They still want to grow that's for sure.(16 days into flower)

I was able to to tighten down my ropes a little more making the tops more even.:leaf::leaf:

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Well-Known Member
I'm so jealous, your new plants look so much cooler than any of mine, you'll get mad yield under your hps for sure, I still need to make my setup more pro


Active Member
First grow check it out!
people need to accept that not everything about this plant is a miracle. the fabric is so itchy, I don't own anything made out of hemp

Wash the hell out of that shit! It will get softer than a newborn babies ass! You won't ever want to take it off!!


Active Member
glad to see you got that hps. funny how i got my 400 and didnt expect it. so what i wound up doing was keeping my cfl's on top and since my box is not big enough for my hps i sit it outside using IT for side lighting. backwards right? trust me, my plants dont care and the diff was visible in a day. goodluck. watching close


Well-Known Member
sorry foolet, he was quoting my signature because my sig bitches about how I don't like hemp, and I guess it's true that I haven't given it a fair shot as clothing.
(btw, thanks for advertising my grow! =D)


Well-Known Member
Being confused for 5min.. Wake up smoke a bowl then read my thread :D :D. I was lost there for a sec, dont worry foolet, i did't know what was going on either.

Thx for the comments guys.

I got this sick 2011 product catalog with my sun system. It has soo much stuff in it. Going to order FoxFarm Nutrient Trio for soil. Its nice because it comes with a feeding schedule, that helps so much.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
nice, I went with maxi-bloom for flowering just because a friend let me use some of his for free, but I think soon I'll pick up tiger bloom and big bloom, despite the price tag =(
guess it'll be cool to see how the trio works for you first!