First Grow - 2 x 1000w


Well-Known Member
well being new to mj growing and also being organic means i can't help you with your next choice :0 lolz, but do you got any in mind ?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, from what I've seen from alotaball and steeZz' plants I'm going to give GH a try. If my plants end up with different colors (like they are now) then I know it's something I'm doing lol


Well-Known Member
I just now got a sign of any problem with my nutes, and it turns out its a deficiency from not enough bloom nutes hahaha.

up the dose! rawr.


lol no worries man, I was only teasing. As the lights were going off I poured a quart of water in each of the cheese and kush pots. I'm sure they'll be fine :)
i've been told watering at night time can increase fungus risk. have you ever had any fungus problems?


hey i've just been kinda skimming this thread so sorry if i missed it, but i havent seen any mention of pH. have you been measuring your pH? sorry its just i saw some yellowing in the beginning that looked like a pH problem but no mention of it.

EDIT - nvm, just read closer. doof!


Well-Known Member
I just now got a sign of any problem with my nutes, and it turns out its a deficiency from not enough bloom nutes hahaha.

up the dose! rawr.
What were they doing/what did they look like? My kush plants are fucked right now. The red leaves are all the way at the top of the buds now, with very little green even showing anymore ... and to top it off, I'm starting to see the same fucking thing on one of my cheese girls. I'm starting to get pissed again!!

Hey justin, thanks for skimming thru my journal. That one time I watered just before lights out because I fell alseep, and when I woke they plants were wilting/drooping pretty bad. I've never had an issue with fungus or bugs *knocks on wood*. I run a 70 pint dehumidifier during lights off. The rH during lights off gets down to about 35%, never over 40%. Not that it can't happen but it hasn't...yet. Also I wasn't checking any ph up until about 2 weeks ago. Since I got my digital ph tester I've been ph'ing everything. Most of my plants have a 6.5 run off and have for the last two weeks. This is what has me super confused about the leaves turning red on my kush girls... it's not improving in the slightest either.


Well-Known Member
Note: I had to rush my ass home tonight since I unplug my inline fan after lights off. I got here at 12:15 (15 minutes after light on). Temp was only up to 82 so I got lucky this time... what else I noticed is all of my lemon skunk girls were drooping pretty bad. Mixed up their nutes at 6.5 and fed them with the quickness. All run off was 6.5...


Well-Known Member
Yea i've been noticing too my desert dreams feed schedule is kindof fucked, and its pissing me off.

seems like, beginning of lights on it'll be dry, but still chillin... then you check it before lights off, still chillin somewhat...
then 12 hours later its like fucking dead. ugh.


Well-Known Member
Do you follow the GH feed schedule? Being a noob I'm curious if most people follow their nutrients feed schedule or go just off of what they think they should be feeding...


Well-Known Member
Do you follow the GH feed schedule? Being a noob I'm curious if most people follow their nutrients feed schedule or go just off of what they think they should be feeding...
I read the schedule to get an idea but reading and knowing your plant is way better than any feeding schedule. They are good for a foundation but I never feed what they say. Listen to your plants and let them tell you what they want!!!




Well-Known Member
I read the schedule to get an idea but reading and knowing your plant is way better than any feeding schedule. They are good for a foundation but I never feed what they say. Listen to your plants and let them tell you what they want!!!


Yea, that's what makes zero sense to me... I have no clue when my plant is going to need 10ml of bloom per gallon of water as opposed to 15ml per gal


Well-Known Member
Random pics I took tonight out of boredom... :joint: <---the real reason

HPS light is on but I pulled them into the corner and used the flash to get some cool shots.



Well-Known Member
Yea, that's what makes zero sense to me... I have no clue when my plant is going to need 10ml of bloom per gallon of water as opposed to 15ml per gal
Well thats why you should document all your feeding for each strain...You dont go giving them 100% right off the back so you monitor them as you start them low doses 1st and gradually raise with each feeding. Knowing how to identify deficiencies will help you read your plants too so when you see that your having a "K" deficiency and you checked your last feeding of "K" and gave the plant 10ml then you know next feeding she gets 15ml....Thats how you learn your plants. You say this now but watch after a few more grows you will be feeding your plants without a schedule! You just got to give it time. I will say this, you follow a feeding schedule to the tee, you have a great chance of burning up your plants. I know I cant follow Fox Farms Feeding schedule, my plants would look like Fried Chicken!!! LOL

By the way you got some dank ass budz dubz!!!! You have no reason to worry about those buds they are insanely beautiful!!! Keep up the great work!




Well-Known Member
they look great, the plants are going going ... GONE!! haha. very quick flowering

EDIT: is that nute burn or nute deff on the ends of those leaves, i keep checking the chart but i don't see any thing that does that and the leaves stil are large and broad like yours are ?


Well-Known Member
Well thats why you should document all your feeding for each strain...You dont go giving them 100% right off the back so you monitor them as you start them low doses 1st and gradually raise with each feeding. Knowing how to identify deficiencies will help you read your plants too so when you see that your having a "K" deficiency and you checked your last feeding of "K" and gave the plant 10ml then you know next feeding she gets 15ml....Thats how you learn your plants. You say this now but watch after a few more grows you will be feeding your plants without a schedule! You just got to give it time. I will say this, you follow a feeding schedule to the tee, you have a great chance of burning up your plants. I know I cant follow Fox Farms Feeding schedule, my plants would look like Fried Chicken!!! LOL

By the way you got some dank ass budz dubz!!!! You have no reason to worry about those buds they are insanely beautiful!!! Keep up the great work!


Thanks BKB :) I'm not so much worried as I am annoyed by the red leaves. It's a battle between the kush ladies and I... and I seem to be losing the fight. I don't like to lose!! lol What you say about reading your plants makes sense now, but it will definitely take some time to get used to their feedings. That is the toughest part about all of this IMO. Once I understand how and when to feed everything should be smooth sailing...

they look great, the plants are going going ... GONE!! haha. very quick flowering

EDIT: is that nute burn or nute deff on the ends of those leaves, i keep checking the chart but i don't see any thing that does that and the leaves stil are large and broad like yours are ?
Thanks bro, I'm not sure what that is either. Your guess is as good as mine lol The leaves are curled under with red all over them. Maybe I can donate pictures of my plants to one of those deficiency guides lol