1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:leaf:whaz up dawg?:leaf:man, can u believe its friday again! wow, this week went by super quick. i like the green liquid in the jar.. man that looks delicious.lol..i bet that will get you super fucked up.
your plants are so dense and bushy and beautfiul. they will award you with so much dope you will have to go buy some more curing jars.
is it ok to use yellow leaves to make cannabutter?

have a wonderful weeked sweetie pie.:hug:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
If ya shake it more than twice, your playing with it!!! hahahahahahahaaha
heheheheh well my folks never knew what to get me for Christmas. toys or trousers with deep pockets :)
:leaf:whaz up dawg?:leaf:man, can u believe its friday again! wow, this week went by super quick. i like the green liquid in the jar.. man that looks delicious.lol..i bet that will get you super fucked up.
your plants are so dense and bushy and beautfiul. they will award you with so much dope you will have to go buy some more curing jars.
is it ok to use yellow leaves to make cannabutter?
have a wonderful weeked sweetie pie.:hug:
hey ambs yeah it seems like last month and this have already flown past. 6 weeks holidays as a kid seemed like months now it feels like about a fortnight. or maybe i just dont remember stuff happening...

anyway... yeah ive just decanted the mix and strained it out, dyed a lot of things green in the kitchen. self included.:) glad my lass is still in bed she'd do her nut.

the plants are hanging in there, i culled two males of the qrazyquake and kept the stinker of them to go through the likewise stinky of the two girls. ive not really known males to stink bad, this ones a right pen and ink. the clones look like they've been through A war tho i'm seriously thinking of re doing the lot. tho most look like they'll have pulled round in another few days. the heats fucked a few of them tho.

i personally don't use yellow leaves for anything really. its probably just a mental block but i have a thought they have been discarded already for a reason.

have a wicked weekend yourself pet, i'm cooking/drinking tonight and go karting tomorrow!
Hey don, it turns out my L x CC self pollinated on the preflowers. thats a seed poking off the bud it was at one of the nodes
sweet trubs, I knew it couldnt be just me with all three pheno's doing the same.

so i'm evaporating the everclear. but really i'm wondering how much of the stuff i could add to a bottle of lemonade and not kill muyself with. anyone know?

mr west

Well-Known Member
Is it everclear, urll be ok ish with half a shot topped up with lemonade, its tastes like funky bitter lemon, id take it from there i personally didnt feel it much on half a shot but its a safe way to start mate. Smoking quick dried dog kush to get the brain fizzing lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
haha aye its everclear, i'm not drinking iso lad!!! tho maybe if you filter it through bread?!!?!? naaah maybe not eh.

i'll see what the guests think, once they've had a few that is haha


Well-Known Member
still up fae last night Don? or is this the health kick thing, getting you up early? have a good un lad.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i wish haha. i had a carb day yesterday. the missus said i've not been having enough carb on the carb days so she made me eat pizza n dime bar cake. stomach bloated up, indigestion all night... that and my lass cant half snore for a little bird

worth it though my lass makes an awesome pizza marscapone and prosciutto.

having a good weekend fella?


Well-Known Member
Mmmmmmmmm.....Dime Bar Cake. Only ever had that in a place caled Snack Attack on the Costa Del Sol. Near a place called la Cala de Mijas. Post recipe p


Well-Known Member
It's been a busy one, finished yesterday at 4, and then started to do some write ups and stuff that needs doing. Friday was hectic at work and the combo of hash cake and a night out left me quite frazzled. Was supposed to be cycling down to Naarden today (fortified town) but it's pissin it with rain so the wife got up, grumbled about it and returned to bed. Just finished chopping a Casey Jones, slurp.
i wish haha. i had a carb day yesterday. the missus said i've not been having enough carb on the carb days so she made me eat pizza n dime bar cake. stomach bloated up, indigestion all night... that and my lass cant half snore for a little bird

worth it though my lass makes an awesome pizza marscapone and prosciutto.

having a good weekend fella?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Mmmmmmmmm.....Dime Bar Cake. Only ever had that in a place caled Snack Attack on the Costa Del Sol. Near a place called la Cala de Mijas. Post recipe p
was just a bought one fella, http://www.almondy.com/
It's been a busy one, finished yesterday at 4, and then started to do some write ups and stuff that needs doing. Friday was hectic at work and the combo of hash cake and a night out left me quite frazzled. Was supposed to be cycling down to Naarden today (fortified town) but it's pissin it with rain so the wife got up, grumbled about it and returned to bed. Just finished chopping a Casey Jones, slurp.
hash cake and work usually dont mix too well lmao. fair play to ya man.so jkust a day chillaxing eh. i'm just watching old bear grylls n the sofa. that mans a dime bar for sure....

mr west

Well-Known Member
Morning everybody peeps, I slept like a champion and am having the wake n bake of champs too DOG joint>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
woot woot, DOG bong with some OG blonde pollem!!! Get it in ye lad.

EDIT: Upon reflection I actually wanted to cycle 60km today, but now I am actually happy it's raining, lmao. Let's see what happens, sun might still come out. Rain, don't fail me now!!!!

mr west

Well-Known Member
theres blue skies where i am looks like a nice bright sunday here. I think the JW's will be oot in force today, just thier luck its naked sunday today haha


Well-Known Member
Im meant to be painting my garage but alais it pissing down. Thankyou rain. Going to introduce the A/C unit tonight, get these temps down