need help..overwatering prob.


Active Member
102_3172.jpgım using fucking 102_3165.jpggarden soil on 7 gallon rubbish pots for 2 plants.its too hard and heavy..stucking the drainage.ı opened lots of big holes to fix it.but they ar102_3167.jpge getting stucked again after some waterings.and leaves got drooped 2 day ago..was careful about watering untill but ı fucked them up now.
ım th102_3169.jpginking to potting them at garden directly with the same soil.guessing that its gonna help.get in 2 weeks of it ok to repot them at 102_3170.jpgthis stage?lights will be changed to sunlight from 400watt hps. that can put back them into veg or cause any stress etc.?
thanks for any help.



Active Member
yeh looks like a bit of root strangulation. you say the soil is damp and sodden? you could put a fan on your soil to try and get a real good air circulation to the roots. looks like a simple problem. i wouldnt' change the light cycle unless shit starts dying, don't panic you've probably just stunted em for a couple of day's to a week.

you should also put less water on your plant. generally if you see water comming out of the bottom you've watered too much. do not soak your roots. they need air just as much, if not more than water. good luck and don't forget the fan. should sort you in a couple day's or so. if this doesn't work post more info on your problem .


Active Member
yeh looks like a bit of root strangulation. you say the soil is damp and sodden? you could put a fan on your soil to try and get a real good air circulation to the roots. looks like a simple problem. i wouldnt' change the light cycle unless shit starts dying, don't panic you've probably just stunted em for a couple of day's to a week.

you should also put less water on your plant. generally if you see water comming out of the bottom you've watered too much. do not soak your roots. they need air just as much, if not more than water. good luck and don't forget the fan. should sort you in a couple day's or so. if this doesn't work post more info on your problem .
ı roed and dried the top of soil.but its getting damp like an inch deep,probably sodden at bottoms.brought them sunlight to dry.will put the fan as you said.can ask you again in a couple days.thanks so much for the help.


Well-Known Member
If the plant has been overwatered and not getting the proper oxygen to the roots there is a simple way to fix this. Add 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water, then allow to dry out as normal before the next watering. This will add oxygen to the soil for your roots and should perk up your plant in a hurry.
Good Luck and Happy growing


Well-Known Member
The leaves drooping straight down looks more like they need water?
Ever try using a moisture meter from Lowe's or Home Depot it's like
$6.00 get the one with just a moisture meter! The 3 in 1 meter isn't
as good and the light meter and ph meter are useless!
Did you know you can click on your pic hold the button down and drag'em
down to the bottom of your post so that it is easier to read and you'll get
better responses!

Then again your water might be too wet!:lol:


Active Member
If the plant has been overwatered and not getting the proper oxygen to the roots there is a simple way to fix this. Add 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water, then allow to dry out as normal before the next watering. This will add oxygen to the soil for your roots and should perk up your plant in a hurry.
Good Luck and Happy growing
wer can ı find %3 hydrogen peroxide?


Active Member
The leaves drooping straight down looks more like they need water?
Ever try using a moisture meter from Lowe's or Home Depot it's like
$6.00 get the one with just a moisture meter! The 3 in 1 meter isn't
as good and the light meter and ph meter are useless!
Did you know you can click on your pic hold the button down and drag'em
down to the bottom of your post so that it is easier to read and you'll get
better responses!

Then again your water might be too wet!:lol:
ı dont know how leaves drooping down..this is why add pics and ask you think they need water?ım not in usa no lowe's here home depots does not selling moisture meter also.but will look for it.anyway thanks for the info about dragging pics.


Active Member
If the plant has been overwatered and not getting the proper oxygen to the roots there is a simple way to fix this. Add 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide to the water, then allow to dry out as normal before the next watering. This will add oxygen to the soil for your roots and should perk up your plant in a hurry.
Good Luck and Happy growing
got that %3 hydrogen peroxide and used it..they are bouncing back immediately..thanks so much for the advice.


Well-Known Member
glad it worked. hydroperoxide is basically a water molecule with an unstable oxygen attached. roots will fucking snatch this unstable oxygen right up if theyve been starved. depending on your soil mix most plants really only need to be watered once or twice a week.
if your soil is really fuckin packed and soaking and slimy i suggest mixing in a few hand fulls of sand or perlite into your mix. drainage amendments are crucial in soil with high levels of organic matter.


Well-Known Member
The weight of the Soil is compacting itself, you need alot of perlite in that container. Make More Holes around the entire pot up untill 1/2 way to the top ! and use a bamboo stick or iron clothes hanger to POKE into the SOIL.


Well-Known Member
Yes and as the other man said, kinda looks like NOT enough water.. IF the STEMS begin to bend/droop its lack of water.