Nasty Smoke Session


Well-Known Member
that video just proves how much she sucks...
Damn i see 2 hardcore guys listening to this "nobody" wangsta chick hahaha wow u will get beat up n laughed at in any hood. i know these types of kids i went 2 school with these lame fucks,i punked they ass around for being lame James n his bf.


Well-Known Member
Damn i look up to ganjajames,look how much rep he has but doesnt grow, ima ask him all my questions about growing cuz he has blocks below his name. :D
every1 else should ask him when u need help,hes the doctor of growing mj :)


Well-Known Member
i veg under a 6 bulb t5 fixture flower under a 1000 hps ffof from start to finish and i use big bloom and grow big.. that's pretty much it.
theres nothing special about how i grow or my setup, compared to others it's rudimentary at best. i have 6 kk's from reserva 3 weeks into flowering

and yeah i don't have a journal bc posting an illegal grow on a website that doesn't even let you delete your threads doesn't seem the least bit safe to me.

oh by the way i saw all your threads with those stretchy ass seedlings under 2 cfls... i also saw the thread posting pictures of them all burnt to shit..
you got a real green thumb dont you? lmfao

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
violence n shooting,rape is not permitted on RIU check your language, this will not be tolerated., yes sheriff :lol: illusions of grandeur comes to mind :D

I'll talk about her being raped all i like until an admin hits me with a hammer thanks :D Not to mention RIU is an internet based forum. How do i go about commiting violence shooting or rape on here? Magic mouse?


so thats what happens when you droppout of high school

this thread is an inspiration to work my ass off in real life and never take any hard drugs

those people are horrible

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lmao. Even Jamie and Tyrone be stomping all over her :lol: I have a hard time not seeing this as an intentional troll thread :D


Well-Known Member
nasty smoke session, ...



Well-Known Member
oh my. v nasty just flat out sucks, she is most likely some rich lil girl who had a rich daddy and now she has alot of xtra money and time to waste on BS. this is not rap or any type of music genre its shit.