found a hermy in my tent full of plants :( plz help


Well-Known Member
well I was watering and I bumped a branch of the only Sour Diesel I have and noticed some dust flying around, I thought wtf bumped it again and saw the dust, moments later I noticed the pollen sacs, some of which had opened. this is very frightening to me as my whole 4x8 is full of ladies in their third week of flowering. the SD has nice buds on it obviously they arent mature but what am I supposed to do to make sure none of the pollen further spreads but somehow harvest the buds on there? Thanks!


Active Member
Two options. remove it completely to avoid further damage, via seeds. two i believe there is a chemical people put on the sacs after they rip em it..they say put it on for 10 days while removing the pollen sacks. personall i would remove them


Well-Known Member
i think spraying the plants/room down with water will "imobilize" the pollen and help prevent your fans from pollenating the whole room...but you also could take the girls out of the room, steralize it, and put the girls back in their clean home...but all after you kill that hermi!


Well-Known Member
i took the branch with the sacs off the plant sprayed it down and now spraying all the other plants, is it bad to get them wet under the hid ?


Sorry i think your screwed get rid of that plant right away happened to me last crop all my plants had seeds in them messed up my whole 36 crop grow.


Well-Known Member
IMO (nobody jump on my dick plz), safe to spray water on the plants... i actually spray my plants down with RO water EVERY morning when lights come on, top and bottom of leaves, budds too, all the way till week 7ish...keeps them stoma clean, and believe it or not, buds too, they actually taste better when harvest time comes around...oops...there goes my big secret!


Well-Known Member
removed the branch with all the sacs on it PART_1312564438862.jpg

i then put the plant back in the tent because I didn't see any more male sacs anywhere but today when i looked i found one little group of sacs that had already exploded and like dried up =/ so I cut that branch off and once again see no indication of male sex but now im scared to put this lady back in my tent again Im thinking i should prolly just kill it rather than risk ruining all my other plants no?
its about one month into flowering


Well-Known Member
Tja, they will seed :( if you put it back or not. From what you are saying, it has already happened. Spray everything down, remove the hermie, and pray for the best.... At worst you can make a shit load of hash,butter, oil etc...

Good luck,

BTW, between you and me, I think you could have caught these pollen sacks far earlier. Live and learn, I have been there.


Well-Known Member
unity I sure could have I was not looking though I thought I was in the clear after I saw hairs on all my plants :( this sucks all the other ones are looking so amazing huge beautiful colas in there and I fear I've ruined it! upon closer exam there are little balls forming everywhere so the whole plant has gone im choppng and trimming right now


Well-Known Member
Dutch Masters makes a product called "Reverse". It will halt all male reproductive parts on the plants you spray it on from developing. I have some in my Arsenal, just in case. Be sure to buy "Penetrator", too. You need that as well to use with the Reverse. I have heard a lot of good things about them, and the one time I used it, the seriously stressed out plant did not go hermie, so it seemed to work.

On the downside, you go through it very quickly. You don't dilute the Reverse stuff at all. (The Penetrator" goes a lot farther.) If you have a lot of plants, I would just buy the gallon. Let us know if you use it how it goes, it could help a lot of us.

EDIT: You need to spray that stuff on the ones that got jizzed on by the hermie. You could use it on the Hermie, too, but it is probably best to not waste it on one that has already spent a lot of its energy making seeds.


Well-Known Member
sucks, not sure how bad my others got pollinated...... also the vegging plants are in the same room the tent is in but in a closet, should I be worried these are now pollinated too/?


Active Member
I had a hermy that ruined my whole crop. Dont put it back in the tent, eventhough its probably too late. You might want to try a sample off your plants since when females get pollinated they stop THC production. Sorry for the bad news!


Well-Known Member
am I going to want to harvest early if they are indeed seeded to lower the seed count or I am screwed and should just let them mature as if they were not seeded?


Well-Known Member
could this hermie also have pollinated my whole veg closet which is in the same room?
Plant can't be pollenated unless it's got female flowers... So no, ur veg plants r fine.. It's possible some pollen it stuck on the plant, but just spray them down n upl be fine


Well-Known Member
i swear theres more bananas forming on this SS I cut down 2 days ago its hanging upside down and i keep finding male flowers all up in the buds could male sac growth continue after its cut down? I hope this fugger is not jizzing all over my house...the sacs have to be fully mature and open or can the little bananas still have pollen in them then when it drys out it further releases pollen?


Well-Known Member
i swear theres more bananas forming on this SS I cut down 2 days ago its hanging upside down and i keep finding male flowers all up in the buds could male sac growth continue after its cut down? I hope this fugger is not jizzing all over my house...the sacs have to be fully mature and open or can the little bananas still have pollen in them then when it drys out it further releases pollen?
In short, yes plants still mature a little after being chopd... But not enought for te pollen to do anything other than contaminate the area for future grows


Well-Known Member
so another one is producing male flowers in the form of bananas coming out the bud. so this is the third one, this time lemon skunk. i am going to chop it and hang with the other hermies in my basement but heres my concern: will the bananas on there release pollen (near the intake of my central air unit) while they are drying? should I try to remove all bananas? is pollen gonna go everywhere while im shaking this thing trimming the leaves off? the male flowers seem young and fairly small but I do not know how big they get before they release or contain viable pollen... Thanks!