Aerogarden club

I have 7 going in my AG Deluxe right now. I soak my seeds for 12hrs and then germ them in a paper towel until they have a root a little over a 1/4". Then i plant them in the AG and they will all sprout within 24 hrs. I have had a 100% success rate that way. I tried just putting them straight in the AG and the success rate was a lot lower.
hi all just a question here.. I got my fox farm trio tiger bloom grow big and big bloom I have only been using the aero nut. I am flushing with reg water now cause i have a little noot burn how long sould i flush with reg water before I introduce the fox farm
I would flush for one day with 5.5 pH distilled water and a flushing agent if you have it and then start with the FoxFarm nutes the next day. When mixing the nutes adjust the pH to 5.8 and then add the nutes to the water one at a time and the to your res. I mix my nutes in a 1 gallon plastic picture and then pour it into the res.
can some one tell me what root burn looks like, and i watched a guy crack his stem on his plants he said it was for mor O2 whats the real deal on that and his plants looked real good.
I switch over to fox farm nutes and i real am impressed the plants started out on the aerogarden nutes and they did pretty good, But then i switch over to the fox farm nutes and in days i saw a difference thank you to all who have been setting us up with this great info another cool thing that was passed on to me by this cool guy which i saw a difference in min. it's like redbull for your plants it's yeast place hot water in a container with lid and add your hot water and yeast packet and cut small holes in the container and bam theres your CO2 i was using my old plant trimmings in a small container but this is so much better thank you for the tip and i hope it helps you guys out to
I switch over to fox farm nutes and i real am impressed the plants started out on the aerogarden nutes and they did pretty good, But then i switch over to the fox farm nutes and in days i saw a difference thank you to all who have been setting us up with this great info another cool thing that was passed on to me by this cool guy which i saw a difference in min. it's like redbull for your plants it's yeast place hot water in a container with lid and add your hot water and yeast packet and cut small holes in the container and bam theres your CO2 i was using my old plant trimmings in a small container but this is so much better thank you for the tip and i hope it helps you guys out to
You can also use carbonated water in a spray bottle and foliar fee with it for a good source of CO2.
So I am thinking of picking up a Aerogarden tomorrow. I am completely new to this all. I tried outdoor growing last year, but plants turned out to be male :(. I am not look for much, just something small, self contained solution for growing 1-3 plants. I have read many post and maybe its me, but dont get alot of the lingo... First off, the Aerogarden out of of the box - will I need anything else (well besides seed) ? Do I have to make any mod's to the system, lights etc...? I saw on here about the timer, I think I understand that. Any help anyone could provide would be great! I am sooo sick of it being dry here. This looks like the solution to keep me going.

So I am thinking of picking up a Aerogarden tomorrow. I am completely new to this all. I tried outdoor growing last year, but plants turned out to be male :(. I am not look for much, just something small, self contained solution for growing 1-3 plants. I have read many post and maybe its me, but dont get alot of the lingo... First off, the Aerogarden out of of the box - will I need anything else (well besides seed) ? Do I have to make any mod's to the system, lights etc...? I saw on here about the timer, I think I understand that. Any help anyone could provide would be great! I am sooo sick of it being dry here. This looks like the solution to keep me going.

Yea you'll wanna make mods. Depending on which model you buy, you'll need to get a figure 8 extension cord, an airstone with air pump, additional lighting is a must. You'll also want to consider buying real hydroponic nutrients, pH meter and/or EC meter, getting reflective mylar. Depending on your grow room, box, etc. you may need exhaust fans, filters, and what not...but yea, i've been using the AG for 3 months, and i'm about to harvest. My advice would be DON'T buy it. Only because, you can read up in these forums and figure out how to make a much better system for half the cost. Not to mention, soil is the easiest method of all. :mrgreen:
Thanks for the info! I found a local Hydroponic's store near by. I am going to stop by there tomorrow. See what they have thats small.
Thanks for the info! I found a local Hydroponic's store near by. I am going to stop by there tomorrow. See what they have thats small.
I would consider a do it yourself system. There are some D.I.Y. threads on this forum, and I've seen ppl set up home made grows and yield just as much or more than the AG.
In your opinion, whats the easiest way to go for indoor growing. Like i said something small 3 or so plants? I have seen several set up's. I dont have alot of money to spend, but I know its trial and error.
In your opinion, whats the easiest way to go for indoor growing. Like i said something small 3 or so plants? I have seen several set up's. I dont have alot of money to spend, but I know its trial and error.
Here is one that I've been considering . Only because I already have all the lights. All I need is the tubs and the exhaust stuff. With the AG, you can't really fit many plants. If you have the money for HPS and want to do hydro, there are several D.I.Y. examples in the GrowFaq. GROWFAQ
Here's a pic from a few days ago. There are two females, but one is a tiny 8" strain and the other is just huge. :mrgreen:
That's why next time I'm doing something a little bit different, and i'll just use this AG for cloning.


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Here's a pic from a few days ago. There are two females, but one is a tiny 8" strain and the other is just huge. :mrgreen:
That's why next time I'm doing something a little bit different, and i'll just use this AG for cloning.

Did the AG work at all for just growing plants?
Yea it works fine for me, just has it's limitations. I'm satisfied with the results of this grow, but there's a lot I plan to do next time to better my outcome.
understandable. How long did it take you from start to harvest with the AG? thanks for the answers, like i said i am totally new to this.