to all who are leaving...

I am in the same situation fdd2blk! Early 40's live and work in the same place, work an average of 2 hours a day, go and come when I please and I don't have a payment except utilities! LOVING LIFE!
I think I'll medicate again... Yeah!

Let me "TESTIFY" as to how I came to be in my current position!

I challenge you all to just stop doing the things that seem and feel wrong to you! If you feel resistance back-off a little bit and make a course change! I went from working for a fortune 25 company! 6200 sq. ft home with a theater(I mean theater with concrete walls... touch screen controller... curtains opened... screen dropped... ETC) 4 new cars, 2 new Harley's, Stripper pole in the billiard room.... YOU GET THE PICTURE RIGHT! I was one of those guys. I had to have $7600 every month just to keep the shit I had. Food, gas everything else was on top of the $7600 nut! I was 350 lbs to boot and just under 6 foot tall.... Not a good combo!

Smoked weed for the first time in my life at the age of 39! I grew up around it. My older siblings and cousins had the shit in they're closets when I was like five. That's when I started listening to Cheech and Chong albums... and I mean vinyl kids! But for some reason I never tried it!

Fast forward 2 years.... I sold it ALL! I mean all! Even like 90% of our clothes. Sell all of that shit that ties you down. It means nothing! Focus on shit that really matters I own a small business that pays the bills(financed buy the previous owner! What a dear!!). Low payments, place to live included. Two newer vehicles paid for! I am 125 lbs lighter(225), Living in a state that has a MMJ laws that works! Living for what I should.... To enjoy the only life I get for sure! I believe in a higher power... but I am not willing to just sit on my ass in this life and wait on another! WE as a race... The Human Race can do what ever we set our minds to do! I was fortunate enought to have a father that believed he could do anything he wanted to and he walked that walk for me to see and learn. So, I say... Stop the rat race. Get out of the big city and grow some weed, grow some hemp seed for food, grow some food... real food !!!! You think getting your hands dirty planting a few plants in a closet or backyard feels good(I know it does), but living life that pure and easy is the way to go!

Buy Gold, Silver and Lead! If they try to take your gold and silver, well just giv'm the lead!

I'll shut-up now and get off my soap box, but I challenge you all to right your ships courses! Do the things you long to do! Be with the one you need to! Don't wait until it's too late or your too old to do it anymore.

Overgrow The Government! OTG!
Sorry about that! I just had one of those real good and high moments. Thank you for not beating me down for dragging this good thread off track! Bless you all for even reading it!!
Good for you! would you say that you ever felt so liberated in your life before? Don't get me wrong people... You still have to work! When you quit the "Easy Life" and choose to pursue this path... There is you and your maker!
Good for you! would you say that you ever felt so liberated in your life before? Don't get me wrong people... You still have to work! When you quit the "Easy Life" and choose to pursue this path... There is you and your maker!

yes, i feel "free".

i could never understand why my boss insisted i "look busy". he knew as well as i did there was NO reason for me to be hanging out sweeping all day. i had better things to do with MY TIME, even if i wouldn't get paid elsewhere. i felt "owned" by my boss. i literally had to do what i was told or risk being fired. in the end, ... i was fired. i pretty much pushed it to see how far i could go though. i spoke my mind before i left. i was told when i was handed my last check "i just can't get over what you said to me last week". i giggled a little as i drove away.
Good for you man. The truth hurts and change is good.... But you go first! That's the average mentality! You can't be that way. Go sink you teeth into life and ride that dirty, rotten SOB for all your worth!!!!!!!

One of my favorite crude tee shirts reads... "It ain't gonna suck it's self!" Rude, crude, but damn true! Somebody's gotta start sucking sometime if a blow job is what's gonna make you happy!
fdd2blk, one of the greatest lines in rock n roll history(in my humble opinion) is one which I would guess you'll recognize from your name fade too black.
Let me "TESTIFY" as to how I came to be in my current position!

I challenge you all to just stop doing the things that seem and feel wrong to you! If you feel resistance back-off a little bit and make a course change! I went from working for a fortune 25 company! 6200 sq. ft home with a theater(I mean theater with concrete walls... touch screen controller... curtains opened... screen dropped... ETC) 4 new cars, 2 new Harley's, Stripper pole in the billiard room.... YOU GET THE PICTURE RIGHT! I was one of those guys. I had to have $7600 every month just to keep the shit I had. Food, gas everything else was on top of the $7600 nut! I was 350 lbs to boot and just under 6 foot tall.... Not a good combo!

Smoked weed for the first time in my life at the age of 39! I grew up around it. My older siblings and cousins had the shit in they're closets when I was like five. That's when I started listening to Cheech and Chong albums... and I mean vinyl kids! But for some reason I never tried it!

Fast forward 2 years.... I sold it ALL! I mean all! Even like 90% of our clothes. Sell all of that shit that ties you down. It means nothing! Focus on shit that really matters I own a small business that pays the bills(financed buy the previous owner! What a dear!!). Low payments, place to live included. Two newer vehicles paid for! I am 125 lbs lighter(225), Living in a state that has a MMJ laws that works! Living for what I should.... To enjoy the only life I get for sure! I believe in a higher power... but I am not willing to just sit on my ass in this life and wait on another! WE as a race... The Human Race can do what ever we set our minds to do! I was fortunate enought to have a father that believed he could do anything he wanted to and he walked that walk for me to see and learn. So, I say... Stop the rat race. Get out of the big city and grow some weed, grow some hemp seed for food, grow some food... real food !!!! You think getting your hands dirty planting a few plants in a closet or backyard feels good(I know it does), but living life that pure and easy is the way to go!

Buy Gold, Silver and Lead! If they try to take your gold and silver, well just giv'm the lead!

I'll shut-up now and get off my soap box, but I challenge you all to right your ships courses! Do the things you long to do! Be with the one you need to! Don't wait until it's too late or your too old to do it anymore.

Overgrow The Government! OTG!

i think this deserves its own thread.

what exactly are you saying here, i should drop everything and go grow weed?
Is that a fucking penis? No seriously, what the fuck is that?

A piglet, sandwiched in between two BIGGER pigs..

I thought the SAME thing :?

But ugghh...

I honestly liked my Eat Fresh signature

Made it REALLY easy to find my posts.... plus it was .png with transparent background so it looked real slick

And yeah Florida, i'll be here when the dust settles too ;)