Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hello Mr. HC, pleased to make your acquaintance. I have been to your thread a couple times in result to searches for terms, eventually I read the whole bugger as there is tons of information along here. Anywho, I have a question for you. You mentioned that you have collected pollen and put it to the freezer for preservation. Did that work? e.g. Have you used this preserved pollen yet? It has been my understanding that it wouldn't keep in the freezer but that would be a revelation especially if there was an extended period for which it would keep.
Welcome to the cave cowboy.

The pollen that I used recently had been in the freezer for a few months and I only spluffed a few of the lower branches...I havent looked for any seeds yet but that run is at 6.5 wks and I'll prolly be taking a peek up they're skirts soon. I'll let you know how it turns out! And as far as freezing the pollen, this is the first time I have tried that but the suggestion came from a reliable source.

Later man!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info and the welcome, Ill be watching fo sho
btw, crazy wicked sick red buds! I have seen many beautiful incidentally colored buds over the years, those are among the most lovely I have seen. That would be one of those "recessive" genes, I don't suppose your cataloging your males?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info and the welcome, Ill be watching fo sho
btw, crazy wicked sick red buds! I have seen many beautiful incidentally colored buds over the years, those are among the most lovely I have seen. That would be one of those "recessive" genes, I don't suppose your cataloging your males?
No problem man anytime! We'll see just how recessive when everyone elses' flowers,,,,unless it's a straight up BR or BSB you will prolly have to hunt for that colored pheno with the crosses but time will tell. There is a select group of growers testing out my gear with me and eventually things will get whittled down and the cream will rise to the top ; !). I'm quite new to the breeding game, would you mind explaining cataloging the males. Chris turned me on to some cool software which might help since I don't write much down lol.

Getting a very nice high going with some Breeders Boutique Livers dom LCC topped with some mighty fine hash this morning! Just potted up some Uber Kush crosses,,pic to follow

mr west

Well-Known Member
LOL yeah shes in no rush to have the cherub yet lol, fink it'll go the distance +, I have nibbled my finger nails off lol. Dogs spanking my arse today and this was 7 weeks ffs :D>>>>>>>>>:joint:


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, that edit**(livers x cc) looks proper. I have heard legends of the livers cut, if its half of what I hear and yours is livers dom your a happy camper I'm sure. By cataloging your males I mean, are you maintaining those genetics to observe the contributing traits?


Well-Known Member
looks like some roms came in today....ill make sure a few of these jump on board. is this considered the old or new gen romulan?


Well-Known Member
Any chance of a flat in one of you'r tower block top's lol! Great job again Highlander. I just love all the color's :)

I trust all's good mate!

p.s You'r p.m box is full dude, i'll try catch you later.



Well-Known Member
Yo HC just dropping in to say I'm pretty sure the C4 x CB is a girl!! She got flipped and is just starting to show so I'll keep you posted over the next couple of days


Well-Known Member
Good Morning HC Family! Finally found some work....gonna be weed eating around a trailor park that has been negleted for a couple of years. Me and my friend worked about 6 hrs yesterday and managed to get 10 trailors done, now it's off to finish another 4 and some ditches alone. Should be a pretty productive day.

I lost a BSB seed from knocking over a cup :/ so I went ahead and planted a LQ in it's place :) All but one C4 of my original 6 have popped so far....I'm sure it'll just be a tad bit slow though.

Hope all is well for everyone else. See you guys later!

.........it's a great day for coffee √

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member

"Stunning stuff HC. Hope you are having a good weekend me old china.

Peace, DST"

Afternoon my man in the Dam! Things are going good over here,,,worlds have collided and are now morphing into a happy medium (my chick has kinda moved in) lol. She even came into one of the gardens and commented on how good things looked but I'm quite sure that was just a little buttering up on her part. Work has slowed to a standstill and with the US economy sliding down the shitter again folks are clutching their money pretty tightly. Always nice to have something to fall back on I guess hehe.

Later my friend, have a good one!

Oh yea, that edit**(cc x livers) looks proper. I have heard legends of the livers cut, if its half of what I hear and yours is livers dom your a happy camper I'm sure. By cataloging your males I mean, are you maintaining those genetics to observe the contributing traits?
How's it going cowboy. The Livers x Cherrycheese is Dons gem and will be available to the public soon via BB, I have a couple of different phenos (enjoying a bubbler of the purple pheno right now) and a couple of those babies almost ready to be flipped.

My males get binned after the pollen is collected and that same pollen gets used through out the cubing proces

What ever was the verdict on our experiment?
Hey Psychild, how's it going bro! The unseeded plants grew much more calyxs and the seeded girls were more leafy. Amount of trics appeared to be the same

Any chance of a flat in one of you'r tower block top's lol! Great job again Highlander. I just love all the color's :)

I trust all's good mate!

p.s You'r p.m box is full dude, i'll try catch you later.

All is good pops! How about with you and the little yin ; ?) Looking forward to fall or at least autumn lol. Starts early up here,,,another couple of weeks. Been on bud rot look out lately because of the high humidity but so far so good. Dehumidifier is a must right now but doesn't help with high temps

I'll talk to ya matey!

Yo HC just dropping in to say I'm pretty sure the C4 x CB is a girl!! She got flipped and is just starting to show so I'll keep you posted over the next couple of days
Anytime you feel like posting a pic of her feel free. Very cool if it's a girl too CLove,,,way to go man!!


Well-Known Member
Good luck with the live in lady HC, hope it works out. The economy is furked the world over. We just got some contract that will see us through the next 5 months so we are lucky I guess. Take it easy and keep yer head up, Peace, DST