Farm Fox Liquid Fertilizers


Sup guys, just wanted to know if anybody has opinions or info about the farm fox liquid fertilizers, big bloom, grow big, and tiger bloom. Was wondering how well it works out and if it would be a good investment.

I use Happy Frog Dry Mix Organic (5-5-5) and Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom liquids as directed with very good results so far. No Burn What so ever, but was told if the leaf tips begin to yellow just back off a little. Its good shit!
Grow Big,Tiger bloom,cal/mag in pro mix.Not to shabby.

I like my soilless style , hand water method...your plant looks really good...with just trio of FFs plus cal-mg is must wondering about salt buildup? you have to maintain by flush once every month so you can keep feed your plant?
I like my soilless style , hand water method...your plant looks really good...with just trio of FFs plus cal-mg is must wondering about salt buildup? you have to maintain by flush once every month so you can keep feed your plant?

She didn't even get the trio.....keep my big bloom for my organic stuff.Love it in teas.
Bein in a 2 gl pot i was watering her every other day.3 feeds then straight water.
Oh yea forgot happy frog 5-8-4 fruit n flower. No complaints with fox farms yet. IMO worth the $$
I love them, Though I dont use the GROW BIG MUCH.. cause I do clones.. and once in new Soil.. they dont need nutes the 1st month.. so I dont use nutes for plants in veg anymore.. since the soil is fresh.
I love them, Though I dont use the GROW BIG MUCH.. cause I do clones.. and once in new Soil.. they dont need nutes the 1st month.. so I dont use nutes for plants in veg anymore.. since the soil is fresh.

So if im using new soil i wont need nutes the first month?... im going to be using farmfox ocean forest
Yah dont use Nutes the 1st 30days.. depending on pot size of course... Especially if going from seed. but from clone, you can plant a 5-8inch clone in a 2-3 gallon bag of Ocean forest and not worry about feeding until its rdy around 1-1.5 ft.

yah as he said, some plants can take it..will like it and be more vigorous. But your plants will and should be perfectly fine in fresh FF soil..
Why do people keep posting about this crap in here? Only Big Bloom is organic. If you guys want to talk about Big Bloom, that's cool, but for the sake of new growers and everybody else who isn't aware that there are no other organic liquid nutrients from Fox Farm I feel these kind of threads in here only foster the spreading of such misinformation.

Too many growers use the 'FF trio' and think their stuff is organic.
I think before anyone worries about growing ONLY ORGANIC, they need to first.. . grow lol.. If your on a 1st grow and worried about all organic your not approaching it correctly. :) Gotta learn to Mix nutes, give proper care before worrying about the final product.. and anyone who brags about organic buds with FF nutes must be new to the whole thing.
^What's your point?

In all honesty any line of nutrients should 'work', you just have to know how to use them. If what people do with the full FF trio 'works' for them they should be pleasantly surprised to hear that it could work even better if they kept their soil alive and quit using Tiger Bloom and Grow Big and the pH adjusting agents that go with it. You could grow [truly] organically with Fox Farm products, but not TB and GB. Some FF soils even have mycorrhizae which makes it even more screwy, because your myco will more than likely go to hell once you start dumping Grow Big and KOH (pH Up) on your soil.

What you would want to do is use Fox Farm Peace of Mind products, which are dry-granular and include beneficials. They make an All Purpose along with several other complete plant foods, as well as single ingredient stuff like high P guano and bone meal. All the PoM stuff can\should be used along with the Big Bloom and in teas as well.

Instead of dumping chemicals on your soil with every\every other watering you would just mix in dry food at transplant and/or top feed every few weeks. Bottled liquid fertilizers really aren't any more convenient or easier to use that's an illusion.
i grow with ff line cause it works,i care less about "organic".
i have never had ph problems.

i just do not know why people blame nutes,for burning plants/deficient plants,when they are the one puting the nutes in the mix.