I hate


Well-Known Member
getting drunk and having to work the next morning at 6 am and only getting a few hours of sleep. im tired as fuck and start a new job in about 1 hour.
what do you guys hate?
lol im curious... if you knew you had to start a new job today, why get drunk last night? surely you had the foresight of "man, i really shouldnt show up to my new job hungover, might be a bad idea"
I hate people that get drunk the night before they have to start a new job.
not a new job new place of the same job, i just moved to a new farm, and why hate on them, the ones to be hated on are the ones who are not man enough to get up after it on time.
i hate irresponsible drunks haha.

lol im curious... if you knew you had to start a new job today, why get drunk last night? surely you had the foresight of "man, i really shouldnt show up to my new job hungover, might be a bad idea"

let me ask you this. why not? and i was not really hung over, just a small head ache and a piece of shit bed is my problem.

i hate my fingers right now, i harvested onions all day and now it wont come off my fingers, not even after 1 shower and 10 hand washes. i love the job though
I hate alcoholism.

I was up until 5 am smoking a ridiculous quantity of weed and watching movies, I'm totally fine.

When I see the STATE people are in after (and during!!!!) a night's drinking it's enough for me not to want to ever, EVER get drunk.

I love you and all, but I have to say you're a silly thing, dear x