Help!!!! I might have overwatered her.


Well-Known Member
Help!!!! I think she is showing signs of being overwatered. But her shoots has been all fucked up from earlier. I flushed her last week tuesday, and have been watering her with regular water. yesterday I gave her water, but it wasn't a drench watering. So I check her pot and soil today and seemed like it was dry. Checked it with my moisture meter, and it saids that it was a little moist only, almost dry. So I felt that it was time for her watering, so I gave her Tiger bloom and big bloom half regemine. Now her leaves look like these. I'll post one picture from the other day to compare.



Well-Known Member
and how you gona perform airating?

I poked holes in the soil so air can seep lower into the soil easier. the holes are like the size of a pen in diameter. hope this can speed up her recovery, by having the soil dry out faster. what do you think?


Well-Known Member
he already have moisture meter.didn't you read the first post?

THANKS Cheetah

Yeah, I think the holes are working because her leaves are slowly recovering. I'll take some pics when i get home from work. She's looking way better. I hope she recover's by tomorrow so she can become a montser bush. Her clones are doing ok I think, but I'm not 100% sure. One thing they are all still standing, crossing my fingers that all clones survive!!!:clap:


Active Member
Looks to me like a fertilizer crunch, try never too let the soil get too dry, I would get a seedling matt and put her on it with a small fan circulating air towards the surface of the pot to help dry her out when you are able to water again, use a extra mild dose of fertilizer, it is better to "flush" your plants with plain water only in the last 2 weeks or so before harvest, and very mild nutrient solutions during flower and veg, less shock to your babies..............Good luck


Well-Known Member
wait 3 days then water with just water shell perk up. just be bloody PATIENT!