Well-Known Member
Alright... Freaky, I was just playing Stellar on my guitar. Aqueous Transmission was the first Incubus song I heard, and my favorite to date. It's a good "headphones in bed" type song... Real good. Nice choice... I gotta say, impressed me with that one.
The "panty drop" lol was on an ex and I's anniversary and I wrote a beautiful song... on piano and guitar... about her. Aren't I a sweetie lol. You KNOW it's time for some loving after that!
Energy is good, the dead fish thing that some girls do is just plain gross
Muse - Stockholm Syndrome
Stellar is actually my favorite incubus song. I love it.
But I am listening to
YouTube - Incubus-Are You In?
Sweet you wrote a song, but personally that would make me feel uncumfy for some reason... I dont know why it just does. I always let people know from the get go not to be getting all cheezy on my ass by poetry and singing. Im a bitch I know... hahha. But hey...its just the way I am. The last dude I was with used to always tell me to listen to these mexican songs that he felt defined me and our relationship, I listened to one... and never listened to another. He never knew though... I guess it was the thought that counted.
Some women love that stuff though, actually most do, so Im sure that was a good night for you.