The sensi line is about $60 each according to amazon which isn't much more than I pay for DG locally. The sensi line is still giving you the same NPK ratio as Connoisseur so you can probably expect the same performance out of it, which is just ok. If someone held a gun to my head and made me buy AN base nutes, I'd go with their 3-part that they copied off of GH. At least there you can achieve something like a 1-2-2 NPK ratio just with base nutes alone. Add a touch of hydroplex or magpro which both match up well with the base nute NPK and your yields should only improve.
I'm really not as frugal as I come across on here with the cost of fertilizers. I just prefer to be sold on a fertilizer by it's performance, not what the marketing department comes up with.
Feeding is a balancing act. I could have used their full lineup but after base nutes and the 'boosters' I was using, there is no room for anything else. AN is just giving it's users a less than ideal starting point which I don't think can be corrected by any amount of boosters.