A proposed Challenge To Atheists

the only insane person on here is you! you look really creepy bro, is that a disease or something you got going? IS that why you medicate with cannabis?

you just made the cause better for atheists. The mere fact that you would be tortured or killed in the middle east just says to the rest of us normal common sense people just what religion is, subjugation, brain washing, stupidity, death in the name of some desert wandering pedophile or warped, sun-stroked hippie. bla bla bla

sounds like you're making the rounds on many web site forums preaching your beliefs to others and it's upsetting you that a lot of people tend not to believe in the insane
Nah man what you just said about organized religion referring to being mulsim. CHRISTIAN RELIGION IS FAR MORE ORGANIZED you hypocrite.
the only insane person on here is you! you look really creepy bro, is that a disease or something you got going? IS that why you medicate with cannabis?
why is Christianity more organized then any other religion? you are the true hypocrite... and that statement was not intended for you either... unless you got a skin disease or something...

did you not see what i said hypocrite... who was the one who said, "you only read what you want and disregard all the rest" you did douche!!!

if you claim to be so bible savy, you should have known about the streets paved of gold... that is from the Christian bible bro... you are truly a douche hypocrite...

Nah man what you just said about organized religion referring to being mulsim. CHRISTIAN RELIGION IS FAR MORE ORGANIZED you hypocrite.
Sounds like I taught you a new word..
why is Christianity more organized then any other religion? you are the true hypocrite... and that statement was not intended for you either... unless you got a skin disease or something...

did you not see what i said hypocrite... who was the one who said, "you only read what you want and disregard all the rest" you did douche!!!

if you claim to be so bible savy, you should have known about the streets paved of gold... that is from the Christian bible bro... you are truly a douche hypocrite...
yes, organized religion where everyone is taught the same thing and told the same thing, you will be gifted with 72 virgins or a streets paved of gold... its what you want it to be... personal experiences make it what it is and no, im not mad or insane like you say... please, prove to me that i am insane?:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
here it is.
Choices always were a problem for you
What you need is someone strong to guide you

Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you...
Like me
Like me
Like me
Like me

If you want to get your soul to heaven
Trust in me, now don't you judge or question
You are broken now, but faith can heal you
Just do everything i tell you to do

Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
What you need is someone strong to guide you
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
Let me lay my holy hand a, hand upon you

My god's will
Becomes me
When he speaks
He speaks through me
He has needs
Like i do
We both want
To rape you

Jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now
Open my eyes, blind me with your light, now
Jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now
Open my eyes, blind me with your lies, now

If you want to get your soul to heaven
Trust in me, now don't you judge or question
You are broken now, but faith can heal you
Just do everything i tell you to do
Jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now
Open my eyes, blind me with your light, now
Jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now
Open my eyes, blind me with your lies, now

Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow
Let me lay my holy hand a, hand upon you

My god's will
Becomes me
When he speaks
He speaks through me
He has needs
Like i do
We both want
To rape you!
Olylifter420, you are no Christian. I can tell by the demeanor of your text and the way that you try TO hard to be a Christian. True Christians are such in all aspects of their lives. I believe the saying goes, "standing in your garage makes you a car as much as going to church on sunday makes you a Christian. Maybe you should think about that Olylifter420, because your the reason that people have such a negative, judgmental view of Religion. Practice what you preach before you preach it, or you look like a hypocrite.
yes, organized religion where everyone is taught the same thing and told the same thing, you will be gifted with 72 virgins or a streets paved of gold... its what you want it to be... personal experiences make it what it is and no, im not mad or insane like you say... please, prove to me that i am insane?:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
Even if you don't see it, we see your insanity. Us normal, "atheist" people, who understand Science and the finer arts, can see your ailment. Your brainwashed into thinking that Dogs are soulless, teenage children should be murdered for disobedience, and if you eat from the wrong tree the rest of mankind will have to suffer for eternity. We see this, you don't, some call that insanity...
just as you have no problem with religion, i have no problem with atheists... these dudes think i am "brainwashed"

I also never said that you are going to hell if you dont follow what i believe... find a quote where i did...

im not judgemental, i did this to see the reactions of atheists' and to see if they like when someone goes around and calling their belief system bullshit...

just as many do here towards religious people

but it shows, that the atheists that responded on here are too narrow minded to see what i was trying to prove...

Ive seen this before and yes... i might be Christian, but i aint going to let some stupid retard talk shit to me either...

What you fail to see is that God is all forgiving and i highly doubt He will hold this against me if i am standing up for myself...

Do you understand why these two things directly conflict with another? If you don't then how can you truly claim to be a Christian?
Hello fellow brothers'

i would like to take the time and propose to you a very simple challenge.

This will only apply to those on here bashing religious beliefs and complaining on RIU about how us religious people on RIU are doing the world bad!

The challenge;

I would like to see you guys go into the middle east with a camera for documentation purposes and take your stupid dumbass "religion is bad, it kills people and stop trying to shove it in our ears, your religion is false and your God is a douchebag" bullshit and tell al queda or mushadin, or taliban and tell them the same things you say on here with the same demeanor and smuck attitude that you give us religious people here on RIU...

I doubt it that none of you will even attempt it because you know you will get tortured and killed on the spot.

SO quit your whining on here ok..

Lol nah most atheists are smarter than that ;)
Why the hate though man? Some atheists will shove god is false down your throat but others dont.... kinda like Christians and everyone else on the planet

Youre just proving that you happen to be on the wrong side of the tracks oh well
Maybe you should Smoke Moar:P

Also i would like to point out that IF someone was stupid enough to do that and they obviously were killed it would support our argument that religion kills people :lol:
oly, you basically, threatened to kill and torture all atheists.

it almost comes off that way, though it really came off as, hey you dudes are so lucky we christians arent (any longer(mostly) as nuts as the muslims.

(both,btw, which the majority of, claims they follow a peaceful loving god.)

now, when this is true and they actually follow a peaceloving god and are, actually, nice. (not insanely trying to get you to bend knee´s to a dude, thats definetly not there, usually including paying a tithe of some sort and giving up liberties at the threat of death or mutilation, (loving indeed!)

this is all well and good, who doesnt like nice people? (bad people)

but when you come around, trying to convince us of the legitimacy of an ancient book (a collection of various writings by multiple writers, picked into a book by a collection of ex roman senators)

a book that says you should stone someone for disobeying their father f.e lol

its kinda like me going around you should believe that in the beginning there was nothing but cold and fire, then dew formed into a bad giant and a cow. (later the gods were born, which created man out of a tree)
and blablabla what it basically boils down to, we should sacrifice a dude sometimes, possibly you, and some farm animals. yearly at least.

but im being nice, mostly, im not.

skinning you alive for your preposterous believes (which is what you claimed atheists have)

(of course really killing you to preserve the genepool and cutting out all the deadwood and dumbknots)

or stoning you to death, just for fun, because i dont have a god and therefore any rules and dont have to be good.

well, no, i dont HAVE to be good, no threat of hell deters me from insanely beating you to death, slowly...

no, its because i actually do care about you (i like everyone,thats nice, in fact, i love them)

i dont want to hurt you. it hurts me to see you hurt.

but, im not perfect, i have this flaw, i like to rant at idiots (stupidly hoping they will stop being idiots)

yeah i gots angerproblems (Same as you i believe :)) well, not really a problem, havent smacked anyone in a decade (well, mostly, but thats a long story and an unintended pcp trip)


but, stuck in a country full of people that would want to kill me or torture me for my believes, id either go away or fight.

see, people that go around saying "god is all loving and good, accept this and these here bunch of rules, or die"

are obviously A)nuts OR B) manipulating nuts people so they can satisfy their sick powerhunger and sadistic tendencies on a large scale.

and that kinda people are really fucked up to be around and really dangerous for my family.

kinda like a sickness, that needs to be stamped out.

thankfully this sickness isnt that widespread and is dying out and will die out (as history of christinsanity shows..)

love and be loved.

now that would be great, wouldnt it?

a world full of that..

a world full of happy people.

no judging, just fun.

no one angry, no hitting or killing, just playing (fucking is playing f.e :))

working only to get what we need (food, housing and stuff for playing with (well, going to space and exploring is one way of playing)

because everything else is insane and our planet doesnt support it and especially not our current way of living..

hehe.. now i cant always stop myself, but the rant of an angry man,only serves to fuel the anger of another man. (or spawn it)

now and anyways..

religions are full of contradictions, writings of perhaps divinely inspired men combined with an empire of powerhungry men.. (why do you think, f.e it was forbidden for "regular" people to even read the bible for so long?)

there is good stuff in there, love, forgiveness, joy.

which conflicts with the bad stuff.

probably the more hate and anger in you, the more drawn you are to the angry hatefilled intolerant parts of the "divine texts"

but there is nothing divine about that.

not in my opinion anyway... killing peaceful people for their believes is quite sick. (now, killing violent people, its not a good thing...they are just angry and misguided, but if its a life and death choice, then keeping the peaceful guy around is the better option in my opinion..)

forcing opinions and believes (and rules and ideas) upon someone, is monstrous and sick and disgusting...only thing worse is torturing and killing for the same.

there is nothing godly about such things, hellish yes.

heh, the devil is on the earth and it is us and god is on the earth and it is us.

if god is the ultimate expression of good and the devil of evil..

see, many people seem to think, they are crap and thats it and just sit around waiting to be saved (lol or something..)

but we can choose, we can choose to be good, or we can choose to give in to anger, greed, selfishness, hate and the negative emotions,

so according to the relgions, choosing to be god or the devil, lol

or in essence, choosing to be a good man or a piece of shit (that hopefully might one day turn into dust and later (in the next life lol) grow into roses(or before turning into dusts, we can always use another good person around..)

heh. that would be nice.

that is what it boils down to, a livable in world..

and personally, i find it always best when people are just happy and doing their thing..

(though i occasionally give up hope of it ever being so and stupidly rant and rave at the world and all in it..lol)

have a good one ya´all, im off to toke and watch some stupid movie :)