Couldnt help it !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

so today i against my better judgement i clipped a few buds off my ww dried it and tried it ............well i was really hesitating this cause i still got a month 1/2 of flowering left and well i can say that it was bomb which really surprised me i mean i was fuked up off a .5 and that hasnt happened to me in a long time off so little unless in a bongsmilie but have you ever done this ? whith good results and this must mean my buds are going to be DANK !!!!!!


Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Don't make it a habit. It can get out of hand. Just remember that the taste and buzz are going to be phenomenal once you dry and cure it properly. I was on that kick for a while. I would even dry the buds in the microwave (stupid move on my part). I don't do that anymore. I'm patient. I'd rather go without than smoke sub-quality weed. ;)


Well-Known Member
actually check my journal about microwaving it can be done very well you just got to do it properly i have a very good thread about it
Don't make it a habit. It can get out of hand. Just remember that the taste and buzz are going to be phenomenal once you dry and cure it properly. I was on that kick for a while. I would even dry the buds in the microwave (stupid move on my part). I don't do that anymore. I'm patient. I'd rather go without than smoke sub-quality weed. ;)


Well-Known Member
Don't make it a habit. It can get out of hand. Just remember that the taste and buzz are going to be phenomenal once you dry and cure it properly. I was on that kick for a while. I would even dry the buds in the microwave (stupid move on my part). I don't do that anymore. I'm patient. I'd rather go without than smoke sub-quality weed. ;)
but thats what im saying i got higher off this prema bud than fully cured honestly but here is the thread about microwaving its very informative


Active Member
actually check my journal about microwaving it can be done very well you just got to do it properly i have a very good thread about it
If this is an acceptable method to you... Your prob. not a med. user! Why would you do that! Have some respect for this plant.... Man!


Active Member
Just walk up and put it in her ass... then wipe it on her cutains!

Sorry.... Sorry... I could not resist!


Well-Known Member
Dude its a fucking plant not a baby kitten lmfao
If he treats his plants like kittens .. and you treat yours like "a Fucking plant" I can bet ya his results will be better then yours.

First thing you need to do is get some bud so you dont rape that girl before she is ready.. If you make it to the end you will be blown away compared to your sample you took.. the full high will be much better .. and those little buds you clip off will become big buds.. Now you know how good it can be .. LEAVE IT lol.. I know its hard.. thats why I wouldnt NEVER grow if I didnt have supply onhand .. too tempting .. and you will end up ruining the harvest you could of had


Well-Known Member
if he treats his plants like kittens .. And you treat yours like "a fucking plant" i can bet ya his results will be better then yours.

First thing you need to do is get some bud so you dont rape that girl before she is ready.. If you make it to the end you will be blown away compared to your sample you took.. The full high will be much better .. And those little buds you clip off will become big buds.. Now you know how good it can be .. Leave it lol.. I know its hard.. Thats why i wouldnt never grow if i didnt have supply onhand .. Too tempting .. And you will end up ruining the harvest you could of had
ok did anybody read the first post at all in anyway i said it was a one time thing and i cant help its dry here im mean nutthin not like i had a warning of this dry spell .......and yes it really was that good and no i didnt just start smoking last week ive been smoking for atleat 18 years now and no i dont plan on raping my plant geez


Well-Known Member
if he treats his plants like kittens .. And you treat yours like "a fucking plant" i can bet ya his results will be better then yours.

First thing you need to do is get some bud so you dont rape that girl before she is ready.. If you make it to the end you will be blown away compared to your sample you took.. The full high will be much better .. And those little buds you clip off will become big buds.. Now you know how good it can be .. Leave it lol.. I know its hard.. Thats why i wouldnt never grow if i didnt have supply onhand .. Too tempting .. And you will end up ruining the harvest you could of had
ok you go give your plants some kitty food make sure they dont miss the litter box and while your at it get a laser and play with them..........dude yes i treat my pot plant like a plant cause thats what it is you know some dirt some water and light ohh dont forget the fertilizer lmfao :p


Well-Known Member
it was sarcasm and maybe you shouldnt insult growing technics when you cant even refrain till harvest lol.. The point was the more care you put into your grow the better the result.. sorry your too shallow to understand.. good luck with whatever plant survives your lack of patience


Well-Known Member
it was sarcasm and maybe you shouldnt insult growing technics when you cant even refrain till harvest lol.. The point was the more care you put into your grow the better the result.. sorry your too shallow to understand.. good luck with whatever plant survives your lack of patience
wow you think your pretty high and mighty and tht was pretty bad sarcasm on your behalf like i said i treat my plant like a plant cause that is what it is the thread asked not for your opinion but like stories etc and how the fuk did i insult growing techniques when i use them my self that makes no sense at all and my plant will be fine im not some 5 yr old in a candy store im an adult with responisibilities a job and i was curious now my curiosity has been quenched im fine im still trying to figure out where you come off thinking im going to rape this plant of the buds i didnt put the money and time into it to do that DUHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! :P GET SOME COMMON SENSE INTO YOU and ask before you thrash