First Time Grow Aerogarden

Whatsup guys first time growing here i ordered some papaya seeds off nirvana only planted two but they seem to be going strong im using the aerogarden with everything it came with including the nutes only thing that isnt stock is the air pump

theyre about two weeks in now and the the one on the left seems to be doing better
well any advice and criticism is helpful tell me what you think so far

thanks guys:leaf:

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Well-Known Member
No criticism here pal! That's nuts! You're ballsy dude. Aerogarden on your first attempt? I still haven't grown any aero! Good luck man! Let me know how the kit works!
thanks man :) ive tried once in soil in a really ghetto grow box made out of speakers and aluminum foil with a cfl in a reptile cage light lol

how would you say theyre looking? i know its still early but they grew a shit load in these past two weeks


Well-Known Member
They look great man! Honestly, it looks like it's growing done right. The leaves look really full so far. Just make sure they get plenty of light!


Well-Known Member
Supz Zauren. Your plants look awesome! Nice and fluffy leaves. Shades of green are very healthy. The only con I see with your setup is that they might get crowded soon ;) Then again if you handle em right you may end up likin it :D Keep em comin!
forgot to mentioin i added another light hanging from the side im probably going to put another one on the other side as well because it seems like theyre starting to block the light from each other

also im wondering when do you think i should top em because i wanna keep them short and bushy i know theres lots of information on it but in your opinion when do yout hink i should?

thanks guys
:leaf:well i fimmed the back one today i gotta go away for a few days so hopefully they do good and show me some serious growth when i get back im gonna pick up some floranova nutes on the way back start using those maybe grab some more lights also:leaf:
came back today i was gone for four days and they did fine by themselves came back to them looking like this

probably going to flower in another week or two

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alright well the girls seem to be doing pretty good i am very proud of myself for keeping them alive this long. I started flowering about 2 days ago just bought a timer so i dont have to do it manually :clap: i will continue to update with pictures every week hope you guys like what ya see

Havent updated in awhile just too lazy :p the girls are doing greaaat popping buds outs getting frosty but unfortunately i didnt really think about it and let the pplants grow into the light to much and the tops got burnt :( some buds were singed but idk they seem to still be growing so im not gonna chop em off or anything(unless you think i should 0_o) but it all seems to be going good IM SO EXCITED ! :hump::hump::hump: cant waitttt these nextt few weeks well heres a few pictures i know i have more but ill be putting those up later with some new ones im definetly gonna be updating alot more in its last few weeks so stay posted let me know what you think and just to remind ya this is nirvanas papaya

stay blazing :joint:

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so to anyone who has been reading up on here i took some pics today girls are still looking good :) i always feel like im talking to myself here lol but whatever im enjoying showing off my plants and im learning alot and just enjoying my experience with my first grow i cut off the burnt tops today hopefully some new gorwths will appear im pretty mad that i let the plants get burned in the first place but hey what are you gonna do next time around i plan on doing alot better anyway well enough talking heres the pictures STAY HIGH:leaf::hump:

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hmm im noticing that in the pictures i put up you cant really see the thc on her but on my iphone if u zoom in it looks frosty as fuck lol but i know soon enough it will get frosty enough to be able to see without a phone

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Well-Known Member
Hey man. Shit looks looks good. The burnt tops should have at least a lil new growth. As for your next grow I would suggest going DWC or Soil. IMHO I don't like aero gardens to much. Any ways keep it up man.
thanks yo and im definetly going with dwc i got the aerogarden pretty much as a test run you know just to mess around with see what she likes lol cant wait to see the ending though


Active Member
thanks yo and im definetly going with dwc i got the aerogarden pretty much as a test run you know just to mess around with see what she likes lol cant wait to see the ending though
The best part about the aerogarden. After you used it to learn the concept of DWC and the basics of reservoir maintenance, it makes a kick ass cloner.
You will seriously love using that thing as a cloner after this grow.

Root cutting in aerogarden.
Transplant into buckets.
:clap:Nice my man! I was thinkin about the aero. Did you ever top these or not? If so, how did you do it?

Shits lookin sweet!
thanks yo yeah the aero is pretty cool to fuck around with learn what she likes and not i wanted to see which works better so i fimmd the back plant and i didnt do anything to the front one and DAM the back one exploded lol all i did was wait for a new growth, i think it was the 4th node and i trimmed off about 75% of the new growth with some scissors. im pretty happy for my first grow so far my room is starting to smell pretty bad lol cant wait for the end stick around ill be putting more pics up STAY HIGHH!!!