Watching grass grow

Ok so it has been brought to my attention that I may be a little on the crazy side because when I'm stressed I like to sit and watch the "grass" grow. I do it cause it helps me think but apparently I'm a little off my rocker. What do you guys think?.


New Member
If you didn't do that you wouldn't have such good crops, there is times in my life when I neglect my garden, It can end up costing you, even if the cost isn't immediately obvious


Well-Known Member
I spend a lot of time with my garden. Your girls need attention. Talk to them, feel them, give them a little company as much as possible and they will reward you.


Active Member
yeah dude my fam is the same way especially my fiancee she thinks its so weird that i can just stare at my plants and go smoke with them... but I love just watching them change from a little bean to the god bearing fruit that we smoke... so yeah man watching plants is good in my books and a lot of other people on this site agree that it is totally normal.

But if ya get a boner i think that crosses tha line.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude my fam is the same way especially my fiancee she thinks its so weird that i can just stare at my plants and go smoke with them... but I love just watching them change from a little bean to the god bearing fruit that we smoke... so yeah man watching plants is good in my books and a lot of other people on this site agree that it is totally normal.

But if ya get a boner i think that crosses tha line.

Getting a boner is no way close to crossing the line. Marriage would be too far.
I am so glad I'm not the only that does this. Just like my dad always told me as a kid "find something you enjoy doing and do it" I happen to to enjoy growing. It can be nerve racking at times but like mrgreenthum said "I love just watching them change from a little bean to the god bearing fruit that we smoke"


New Member
I catch myself staring after a vapor bag then checking on my girls. Hour later I am wondering why the !@*&! am I in here wasting my time... Damn you.