My First Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
After a week of slacking I've finally started the process of lolipopping or whatever you'd like to call it .. what a nightmare .. this is going to take days lol.
good luck and stay legal. in this day in age there is no reason to do illegal grows (unless you are not in california). its def worth it to get a lot of cards // grow permits, even if you have to pay for the cards yourself.


Well-Known Member
XJ-13 buds

my clones.

Look at that bad ass tomato plant.

over view

So I was wetting down the plants the other night and heard a loud ass crack and I discover my big Jack Herer snapped off a huge branch .. lucky for me the bandage fixed it lol

my lolipop job

top view


Well-Known Member
Ok So today I started my 4 TAG plants on Open seseme and started my 3 jack Herers and the XJ-13 on Beastie Blooms. This is also the second Time I've Fed My 4 bubba Kush , 3 black berry kryptonites , 3 grape apes , 3 OG Kush and the Green crack some stuff called Urea its 47% Nitrogen >,< . I hope it helps lol.

I've also finished lollypoping my first 10 plants and am on to garden2.0 Tomorrow. good times , good times.


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm new but I 'hear' in California anything under 250 plants is 'small', so I doubt you'd get into any major trouble (unless your selling with no card). Your clones look great, good luck!
You are wrong the feds come looking after 99. Good Luck dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
You are wrong the feds come looking after 99. Good Luck dirrtyd
yea man, even up here in Can they come kicking in doors after 99 plants...... they do consider it "small" but its big enough for news crews to show up, and thats all they need........

@ Mwooten seriously nice grow man..... i hav't checked in for like a month and DAMN those things have taken off man. thats going to be ALOT of weight. Gratz on your first outdoor grow, and first giant outdoor harvest :D


Active Member
That xj-13 looks identical in height, thickness and width to my headbands. Any guess on what dry finished yield would be? You guys have been doing this for years so I'm sure you have a rough guess.


Well-Known Member
Lol , this is my first grow. so I've no idea what your yield is going to be.

I took this while pruning today.

and some of my lolipopping.



Well-Known Member
Some are taller than my fence. The chainlink is just my gardens fence though and the fence between the neighbor and I had trees behind it so she cant see anything. though even if she did she wouldent care.


Well-Known Member
haha have more than your own body wt in tree....epic grow man, btw are they showing preflowers yet? I couldnt see any :joint: