Renting and growing? problems? office space?


Well-Known Member
ok does anyone here rent a house, apartment or office space and grow in it?

i know lots of people do apartment grows. but i'm thinking i want one big room to grow in and not a closet anymore.

how bad of an idea is it to rent out an office space that is top floor (3rd floor) and is one whole end of the building and has two rooms in it with doors. i would section it off like 2-3 times before you go out the room so no scents would escape. and the other office space would have a desk and crapola.

retarded idea? i'm high. but sounds sweet.

now that i think about it... its dumb and would eventually get caught prolly.


Well-Known Member
yeah, sounds good, but it would be hard to explain the lights turning off and on when no one was there.


Well-Known Member
windows and seams would all be blacked out. the door going into the hall would not be the entrance to the grow area this door would get you into the "office" then theres another door to ANOTHER office which would be the grow space and would be all sealed off into 2-3 chambers for vegging cloning and flowering.

EDIT: not BLACKED out but curtains then some dark cloth so it looked like it was only curtains. not liek i was going to spraypaint the windows all black lol that wouldn't be obvious though would it?

jay cas

Well-Known Member
not so sure about a office space, but a house is deff ok. just make sure your land lord isnt nosy. write it in your contract that he needs to notify you 2-3 weeks in advance before he can stop by for any reason. tell him you do alot of travelling on buisness


Well-Known Member
Stay away from office bldgs,way too many helping henery's that like to call the cops helping to take a bite outta crime,if you cant control the ENTIRE bldg its a bad idea,all it will take is for one ounce of smell to seep out or a noise that helping henery thinks might burn the bldg down to fuk you,book em dano.

Small bldg's in a run down industrial area are the way to go,usually very cheap to rent because the area is run down, you can put plywood over all windows & not look suspicious because its a bad area of town,workers from Edison are not snoopy when they come,the part of town is so fuked up their too busy watchin their own ass to notice shit with your bldg,the cops,we allready know they aint sniffing around the bad part of town & if they do drive by they aint getting out of the car,bldgs with iron doors,boarded over windows & an ass load of padlocks everywhere are a common sight in the shitty part of town,you'll blend easily.

Have power,water & internet service hooked up,this way with the internet you look like your running a business plus you now have the ability to set up counter surveilance on your grow,set up a few web cams so you can keep an eye out to see if anybody has been lurking around,dont set cams in your grow room,monitor the exits & entrances from inside the bldg only,do not put up cameras outside.


Well-Known Member
I was a little nervous at first about doing it in an apartment I have a neighbor thats right across the hall and my grow show is in a room in which the other side of the wall is her apartment. however I set up a hepa air filter and a carbon filter with a big enough fan to recycle the air and I built a window box to attach the exhaust to.

I can run the exhaust to the box open my window and still leave the shade down and nobody will ever see the exhaust fan sticking through the window. I am on the top floor so the exhaust is not a problem. so far the noise is minimum nobody sees a thing through the windows because there are shades on the outside and blackout plastic on the inside and nothing is protruding anywhere.

If you can hide all smell sound and sight I say go for it. I did and nobody suspects a thing. However I am lucky enough to have neighbors who mind there Business. I have even gone so far as to let people in my house. thats how good the setup is. Safety first or dont even attempt it,.


Well-Known Member
yeah i'm growing in my basement right now.. just had a party of like 20 peeps down there and i vent my grow right back into the basement thru a carbon filter so its definately doin its job. it was funny we got a nice house and one guy commented on how i have such a nice place with my job and my fiance's job and he goes you must have some hydroponic systems goin behind these windows here. haha i was like what?

but yeah i'm lookin into renting a house here now thats out of town a little ways and starting some cab grows to start just to be safe until i know the landlord then i'll move it into a full room.

i'll start a journal whenever this goes down.


Well-Known Member
i rent a house and I took one of the bedrooms to make my grow room, i shaded the windows , am venting out of the attic since there is a trap there, well actually i pull the air through a filter and recycle it back into the house via the air exchanger, cuz the air flo's through my cooltube and is warm, i keep my landlord at bay with the simple fact that he knows i don,t take litely to him coming around, and the fact that he is in england most of the time helps a lot.loll if you can control the peeps that come around and are maticulous about preparing your area to be totally lowprofile , there is no reason not to go for it, but office is a bitch cuz usually there's a security service or someone somewhere that has a key to get in ....


Well-Known Member
Yeah office building isnt a good idea. I dont think you would be able to stop all the smells, espcially in the final weeks or flowering. Carbon filters help grealty, but I still think there would be an odor. I would say no to office.

As for renting an apartment, that sounds like a much safer idea.


Well-Known Member
right on guys. thanks. Korvette what are you saying bad idea to? having people over? i know. but it happened once and that was it.

oh and Panhead i work for a security company right now. we install security systems and camera systems... so you can bet my house/apt/eff. will be locked down and i'll set it up to remotely view my camera system. but i won't setup the system to call the cops if there is a break in! haha



Well-Known Member
The big issue I see with office space is the "uncontrolable" aspect.

You've read the stories before I'm sure.....Little Suzy Secretary on the 1st or 2nd floor has her power strip overloaded, causes fire, you then end up in jail for no fault of your own.

Way tooooooo risky when you can't control 110% of the whole operation.

Peace - stay free - OGH


Well-Known Member
The most successful commercial grow I've seen was in a light industrial area,The front of the unit was set as a welding and fabrication shop,which explained high electrical usage. They vented into the sewers so the smell wasn't noticable. This was set up for several years and was moved,not busted!


Well-Known Member
The most successful commercial grow I've seen was in a light industrial area,The front of the unit was set as a welding and fabrication shop,which explained high electrical usage. They vented into the sewers so the smell wasn't noticable. This was set up for several years and was moved,not busted!
Venting into the sewer....fukkin brilliant, i have a set up that would actually work.

What about gas leaking back in i wonder.....the traps set up in toliets and sinks prevent that from happening, but since you are straight into the sewer i wonder if it would be an issue.


Well-Known Member
haha yeah i just looked at an apartment today. too bad its on the main floor. would like top level to vent out the window. not sure what i'm gunna do now, prolly have to keep looking.

how bad is the smell if its going thru a carbon filter then outside. would people walking by notice the smell?


Well-Known Member
Well I can say this

when we were renting in Florida a guy across the street (these were apartments) was growing and this guy came and went so many times a day and he would deal from the same apartment he was growing in LMAO

He blacked out the sliding glass door and all the back windows where he was growing with TINFOIL (aluminum foil) LOL

The guy was loud, obnoxious the area around his apartment wreaked of weed. I wouldnt even go over there in fear of being implicated for 15 more things then I was actually guilty of... if that gives you any idea of how careless this guy was.

Now if a guy like that can get away with renting an apartment and growing in it...imagine what you could achieve renting an apartment and growing in it if you were to act like a human being who actually values protecting himself from being caught?

Why dudes like that get away with growing and dealing for so long is beyond me that guy was there for 4 years and not even a knock on the door from the police that I ever witnessed. But the parties sure were fierce lmao...too funny


Well-Known Member
haha good story but it is true those guys get away with everything.

in your sig are you sayin thanks to the joint or to favre


Well-Known Member
Hey Unique;the sewer gas isn't a problem because of positive pressure from exhaust fans. I don't know about a power outage though. The grow-op I described had an old diesel generator for back-up. Kicked in automatically if grid failed.