Bag seed from 3 different people. Let the Mystery Begin


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ok.. im doing this because im FIRST attempt ended in heartache. i had a 4 ft monster that ended up being MALE THIS MORNING.. so like any cold hearted father who founds out his daughter got a sex change... i kicked that dude out my house

now im opening of my bag of mystery seed (the last 3) and im starting over with proper documentation. .. i will be updating this EVERY SINGLE DAY.. because basically, im a loser, and as a loser, i have nothing else to do with my time then to share my every moments with strangers.. maybe i should start a (sike, i already have one)


7.21.2011 - dropped the 3 seeds into a small tub of tab water... once they sink to the bottom i will place them in the normal "wet napkin" for germinating

i do the tub of water first because i have wayyyyyyyyyyy more success getting them to pop when i do it this way...



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at 12:22 pm today i took them out of the tub of water and placed them in the moist napkin and wait for them to pop... im excepting them to pop by at the most saturday morning then i will put them on the window sill until the first set of leaves ... the Pot sizes will go, Plastic Cup, 4" pot, 6" pot... the 6inch pots held my 4 footer just fine, and when i pull HIM out to discard, there wasnt any signs of root bound, so i doubt ill need to jump to a 8" or even a gallon pot

im heading to homedepot to purchase some seed starting soil.. the stuff i originally used for my first grow was from shoprite and it was like mud.. i REALLY didnt like it, so im going to find some better stuff

the nutes i will be using are Shultz Expert.. and i guess ill perchase some type of blooming agent when the time comes, but honestly, i didnt have it the first time dont know if its really needed

the lighting system will be 8 5000k cfls with 1750 lumens each and i will be trying 24 hour light cycle... simply because i have NO IDEA how to wire the timer so that it works, and im not really good at waking up in the middle of the night to turn back on the lights for a 20/4 hour cycle like i had previously used... somedays it would be 20/4 some days it would be 18/6 because i couldnt wake up, or get home in time.. so im just gonna let them run 24 hours....

im NOT going to veg them to 4 feet again... i was being greedy as a first timer, and just wanted a huge yield.. and in the long run, all i did was waste 2 months of my life.. if i would have just vegged them for 2 weeks, i would have found out if they are male/female ALOT sooner, and also avoided the problems that i came across... so this time.. im going to veg for 2 weeks and just try to finish this process out


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was just checking up on the 3 seeds in the wet napkin, one of them is slighting opened already with white insides exposed... there is no signs of progress on the other two... hopefully by saturday afternoon there will be tails on at least 2 of them... after further consideration, the third one looks a little on the small side.. and the seed is white in comparison to the other 2... i dont know what this means, but judging from the size, nothing may come from this one... im just going to say that i have 2 seeds until further notice


i still have my FIRST grow doing, although i had to toss my 4 footer, because it was male (sad day) the other two that were butchered (the over hanging lights fell down and broke thier main stem in half, leaving only the lesser branches) are still there and one has shown to be a female...and the other hasnt done shit yet.... ill update them if anything interesting happens

(question: i know how to recognize a male, and a female... but how do u recognize a herm? do the pistons and balls come at the same time... or one before the other.. cause i would hate to toss the plant cause of balls, then later pistons came)

ps. sorry if my diary appears jumbled and all over the place.. i type as the thoughts come into my head...without any consideration to make cohesive sentances


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ok.. so i didnt have to wait till saturday afternoon anyway... i come in at 8:30 and guess what i see... 2 popped just like i thought... i tossed the dud out the window..

so i used some moisture control soil

i put one in a spare 4" teracotta pot that i had

and the other in a plastic cup that i drilled some holes in the bottom for drainage

and now the fun begins.... they will sit on the window sill until the first set of leaves.. and then its under the lighting system i have

i made it out of pvc pipe, sockets, power strips, and other random stuff i bought at HD... cost was around 70 total for everything


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o yea... for future reference for me..

today marks DAY 2 - from Seed out of bag... i wanna see what the total time is


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anyone can feel free to chime in at my time if they find something they would like to suggest


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yes.. it is bagseed... i want to be able to get a decent yeild and fully understand what im doing before i invest in imported seeds.. and thanks for checking it out


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7/23/11 8:35pm

the one in the plastic cup has broken ground.. BOOYAA.. 1 day.. still waiting on the one in the terracotta pot.... pictures will be coming, but i have a installation guy putting in a new air conditioning, and i dont need to draw further attenton to the weird constraption in the middle of the

Day 3 from conception (removing the seeds from the bag)


Well-Known Member
lol i guess you or someone in that house LOVES shoes!

This time around, try to up your pot size , try 1gal of soil = 1 ft of plant. Also, look into other soil options. Mixing your own to fill a few 3 gal pots will = just about the same as buying all that MG shit, personally MG sucks. You can find a post here on a nice cheap soil recipe, buying topsoil and mixing in your own additives (or PM I know of a few), or even walk threw a nursery, you can find a handful of premium soils for or just = to or just a few more $'s then MG and far superior in quality.


Active Member
Haha. Yea. I have an addiction to shoes, I own over 42 pairs and counting... but about the pot size.. I still don't understand the need for such huge pots.. I know everyone suggest getting 1 gallon pots, but for what reason.. I have yet to see the plants roootbound in 6" pots.. galllon pots just seem overkill.. anyways..

Update: the second seed broke ground, the first one in the plastic cup is already one inch above ground... I'm looking forward to this a lot..

Day 4


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Day 5: the one in the plastic cup is about 2 inches high now, while the one in the pot is about one inch... im concerned tho because that particular one is yellow, not livid green like the first. hopefully it will gain some color within the next couple days...

side note.. my females from the previous grow (both are not confirmed females) are exceptionally yummy looking.. pistons EVERYWHERE.. i cant WAIT till i see some actually flow activity.... my room is sooo hot now, its hard to go down there.. its hot, humid and stinky... good thing fabreeze solves the smell problem extremely well... the humidity is something i just have to live with. i keep a fan blowing in the room.. so while the area where the plants are is noticablly cooler, the rest of the room will make you sweat within 2 minutes


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Day 13: sorry i have been unavailable. I lost my wallet and phone and had to get life situated first.. but im back with some updates.. POW

anyways.. the bean in the plastic cup has been transplated to a 4" pot... they are under a set of 5 27watt CFL's - 1750 lumens each - 8750 lumens total.

the funny thing is, they are OBVIOUSLY two different strains.. the one in the plastic cup is moving sooooo slow, but the late riser is looking real beautiful. i wish there was a way to identify what i had :(

anyways... picture time...

and the funny looking one

- a couple days ago

- notice the first set of leaves are rounded instead of pointy.. is this normal?


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the big one is on its 4th node.... how do i properly top?? im still kind of unsure how to do it


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DAY 17:

update - so, i transplanted into 2 8" plastic round pots with removable bottoms that i bought from HD for 2.67 each.. in the transplant, the bottom parts of the roots broke off.. and i was extremely scared

i also topped the largest one... well.. i think i fimmed it.. either way.. alot of happen.. i thought i ruined the big one..but it turns out to be jumping back from my abuse... he also got nute burned and went through some serious necrosis in a 6 hour span.. but luckily thanks to the topping, the serious new growth will replace the soon to be death frst set of leafs

the smaller of the two is now equally as large... he caught up quite quickly... im very excited..... once this grow is complete, (i it is a success) i think ill be ready to upgrade to some seeds where i actually know what they are, and possibly even a 150w hps for flowering... since i already have spend over 100 usd at HD from just going in blind and buying things with trial and error

im currently using 5 cfls for vegging, which gives out 8750 total lumens... should i double it, or is this enough... and just worry about doubling it for flowering.


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Day 19: LOTS OF NEW GROWTH, ill post pictures tonight... i topped both plants, and they look wonderful. i dont know when i should put them into flowering, i wanna veg forever, but i dont wanna put in all this work to find out they are boys... that would be disheartening.


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Day 20: ill probaby switch to flower in day 30.

but anyways.. here are some pictures... the first plant that i topped (or fimmed, i dont know what i did really, all i know is that i got 4 tops out of it.. hahahahahah... i tried to do it on the second plant, and i dont think i got it right)

- this is one that i topped newly.. so the new growth hasnt kicked in yet

- it turns out this plant suffers from sun burn... luckily it bounced back in full effect, sooo much new growth i dont even care about those leaves anymore

this grow is going a MILLION times better then my last one.... the stem is just abot as thick at 20 days as it was at 40 days on my first grow... in my noob opinion i feel that the deeper pot and less waterings have helped this grow tons...


Active Member
i see i have been talking to myself since so if this continues, ill just update every 10 days or so. womp womp.. this turned out to be not as fun as i hoped.