questions on rain n shit

uhm uhh wut?

Active Member
its suppost to rain for almost a week, plants are outdoor in ground, soil is still a bit wet from last watering cuz i transplanted... which was the third water... and my regular schedule is water water feed, havent fed in a while but plants are still nice n green, also wanna know if the rain will slow down growth, and if i should feed nutes before all the rain.


Well-Known Member
no it wont slow down the growth but it wont produce much resin when the plant sufffer stress from windy, heat, and tough weather as opposite cozy in the indoor, they dont suffer stress...the rain is good shit ! the rain have highly nitrogen and some good traces....but highly acidly but you shouldnt worry about it since its in the ground. i do the outdoor as well...just in the container...thats way my plant wont get stress too much...for example if outside is really windy, over 100 temp, or very cold, ill just move them to in my living room to keep warm up till the weather is nice. so to answer to your question, your plant is getting nutes from rain for a while...if the rain is stopped then give a few days till the ground dry, you can start feed em :)


Active Member
If you havent fed them in awhile...go ahead and feed them before the rain. Rain=good...less work for you watering. Floods are something different. I lost 15 early in the season to unusually heavy rain./ Flooded my patch lost 15 outta 30.


Well-Known Member
no it wont slow down the growth but it wont produce much resin when the plant sufffer stress from windy, heat, and tough weather as opposite cozy in the indoor, they dont suffer stress...the rain is good shit ! the rain have highly nitrogen and some good traces....but highly acidly but you shouldnt worry about it since its in the ground. i do the outdoor as well...just in the container...thats way my plant wont get stress too much...for example if outside is really windy, over 100 temp, or very cold, ill just move them to in my living room to keep warm up till the weather is nice. so to answer to your question, your plant is getting nutes from rain for a while...if the rain is stopped then give a few days till the ground dry, you can start feed em :)
i dnt no where u heard this bullshit from


Well-Known Member
yea that kids tlkin out his ass idk how the fuck a windy day is gonna make ur plant stop producing resins and the rain def doesnt feed ur plants, i hate when ppl come on here and tlk like they have decades ex. when its rele there first year growing, its ok to not no sumthing but dnt go around tlking like you do no and give bullshit answers to ppl, bc there gonna think ur rite and end up learning false facts altering there growin techniques.


Well-Known Member
yea that kids tlkin out his ass idk how the fuck a windy day is gonna make ur plant stop producing resins and the rain def doesnt feed ur plants, i hate when ppl come on here and tlk like they have decades ex. when its rele there first year growing, its ok to not no sumthing but dnt go around tlking like you do no and give bullshit answers to ppl, bc there gonna think ur rite and end up learning false facts altering there growin techniques.
Mr.Marijuana420, thats fine you always can disagree with my statement from based my exprience...anyone can do that by themselves like yourself you have your own method...thats fine by me...I just want to help people to get better growing that they re deserved it. they need a medical marijuana, i will be much appreicate if anyone or you can share with me or anyone for better grow, this forum is mean to share the information and tips that will enable us to be better grower, i dont claim to be knowledge all of the grow, im just like you and everyone...feel me? i learned a lot from my growing for example i did killed my like 30 plants with trial and error. it helped me to understand of the principle of cannabis. everyone is entitiled to their opioion like you. no hard feeling from me :)


Well-Known Member
im just sayin that ive nvr known for a windy day to cause a plant to stop producing resins
alrighty i never say stop produce resin :) i said it wont produce much can expreiment with your favorite seed and lets say one plant indoor and one plant outdoor, i gurantee that you will see difference.


Active Member
rain has the benefit of naturally filtered water through evaporation. i dont believe it contains nutrients though in places with smog in the atmosphere it can take on acidic qualities. rain for a week can complicate a well tuned grow, usually heavy rains are accompanied by thick clouds that will block out sun, slowing your plants growth. also extended hard rain can flood your area and suffocate your plants, hopefully you built your garden out of the flood plane, if not you can build up dirt around your garden to direct flood waters away. if the conditions become undesirable (cold, flooded, lack of light, etc) it can slow your growth to a standstill. personally i prefer drought to flood, i have had seasons with nothing but rain and had a mediocre harvest because of it. but a week of rain shouldnt cause too much damage the plants will likely grow at a steady pace and love the rain water.

whats up

hey i was wondering if a plant is outside and just got its first pistoles like a week ago and the plant is outside in a pot n it is going to rain is that ok? thanks for anyone who answers
I don't know about the wind but in my expereance too much rain sucks! Right now where I am from it has been raining for a month and they haven't had enough sun so they look brown and I have some mold starting. I haven't even been feeding them because I'm scared of root the rain sucks!


Well-Known Member
Stop fighting! Every one is entitled to their opinion on this site. They should all just be taken with a grain of salt. Due diligence, get your answers than cross with other information, than use deductive reasoning. Bla bla bla just messin'