lol well Im calling it as McCain even though he's not my choice by anymeans but if I have too look at whats left there I have no real choice as if we as the voters mean much since we dont elect the president the electoral college chooses who they want but.No way another Clinton will win the first one screwed us to bad and Obama I see alot of as being from his state and he isnt ready for this job and with his open border and illegal alien come on in policies nope never vote for him.McCain well he scares me with his border policy and his main man in mexico wanting to make the US,Canada and Mexico one open nation..please god dont let that happen..I give it to him as his will gain some of the moderate republican vote,a ton of the liberal vote as he is liberal no matter what he says and with his softness on policies will get the democratic vote that wont vote for hilary and can bring themselves to have a black president so he wins by default.So basically gonna have to stick it out 4 years and see who jumps back in for the republican party and hope its a better choice.At least his name sounds presidential lol