What is the Best Decriminalized State to Live in?


Well-Known Member
It really doesn't matter if they are legal and in your name. Having a firearm if you have plants there makes it a violent crime. Additional mandatory 7 yrs here. If your plants aren't at your house you are in the clear.
oregon has set a precedent allowing MMj patients to keep their concealed licenses and weapons


Well-Known Member
What makes california the place with the bed bud on the planet? Do you guys have super magic growing water or something?
I always say good shit can be grown indoors anywhere, but if we are talking outdoors, it's not magic water, it's the magical soil and climate that makes for some of the best in the world, same reason why california produces some of the best wine on the planet.


Active Member

if you want to go to the extreme, then any of the three counties... even more flexible on private (personal use) grows

>>>Humbolt, Mendocino, Trinity<<<


Well-Known Member
What he said, and im not saying their is no Equal bud around the planet outside of cali.. but Cali is FLOODED with good weed, you dont gotta look hard to find some of the best.. So I know other states and countries may grow some flight, Cali just takes it more serious imo. You can goto the EAST COAST and ppl are looking for Cali Weed..
I always say good shit can be grown indoors anywhere, but if we are talking outdoors, it's not magic water, it's the magical soil and climate that makes for some of the best in the world, just like how california produces some of the best wine on the planet.

Straight Sativa

Well-Known Member
Also someone mentioned Maine, which is not a bad state either at least up north there is no one around for miles of highway. You can go 100+ on the freeway, shooting a .22 out the driver's window smoking crack and getting a blowjob all the way to the canada border without being seen by anybody.


Active Member
Maine does in fact have some of the most lenient cannabis laws when it comes to what you can get away with until it is a felony. Up to 100 plants and or 1 lb before it goes over a misdemeanor and becomes a felony. 99 plants and you keep the feds away and get less than a felony....... nice for current situation.

Does not include MMJ states for "legal" users.
