Mind, Body and Spirit


Well-Known Member
okay...calm down...you're just you...it's okay to be you...calm down....it's okay...everything's alright....


Well-Known Member
alright to finish my thoughts on light speed... since there is no friction in space you can concievably build up speed indefinatly using rockets... now that renewable power source comes in... you just need a source of power that can constantly supply power to the rockets so that you can keep building up speed until you hit light speed... now the most important part the computer... you would need a computer that can calculate faster then light speed so that as your moving you don't run into objects... the computer would have to look ahead see what is in your path and make adjustments to your trajectory before you colide with whatever object... this is relativly simple sounding but in theory it would work... also the computer would have to let you put in a particular destination or amount of distance you wanted to go... and be able to cut the speed to the rockets and slow you down... using a reverse thrust... then you would need computers in the ship to control the life support systems and the nuclear reactor... it is just that simple and hypothetically i see no reason it wouldn't work...


Well-Known Member
so thnkr, do u believe that god has perception? uve said before that u thought of our reality as a test of god's... was that an idea that u outgrew or do u incorporate this with the karma idea? (wheel spokes)

ive had this exact same thought before :) i dont think it would be possible to make computers that go faster than the speed of light. instead of having a complex auto pilot, u could use light speed highways like in Cowboy Bebop. pretty much a path that will always be clear of debris, plus the path (made of large rings, allowing ships full clearance) will propel the ship even more. im not sure how the rings would propel the ships, but it seems like an easy enough idea to come up with. it would take a long time to make these highways tho, one light-year long highway would take hundreds of years to make.

nuclear tanks have been made, so something like this should be possible to make, minus the super computers (and i may be wrong about that). i dont want to be a negative nancy, but ill assume something this simple has already gone threw nasa already.

ive given up on space travel. i used to think about this stuff alot until i started tripping all the time. i think i should get back into it. much more productive than theology. u should make a new thread about this type of stuff. theres some really smart guys in here that may be interested in talking about this.


Well-Known Member
k first of all travelling at the speed of light is impossible...Photons in light rays are weight less meaning they have no invariant mass...now a space ship wights more than nothing therefor it will never be able to go faster than the speed of light or even at the speed of light...maybe in some other universe...but not here not comparing it to our light which comes from the sun or other stars....Remember it takes energy to move mass around they don't just move around by themselves unless some force is exerted upon them and once they have the momentum to move in space then they'll keep going and going and going untill they hit something or an energy source pushes them in another direction....a stronger force than light would be a black hole infact so strong that light will curve and enter the black hole once it is in the gravitational pull....however you don't want and can't have such force pushing a space ship because they gravitational pull is caused by a massive star collapsing on it self to become a pea-sized mass which means that the gravitational pull becomes that much stronger...(imagine sun becoming a pea...now imagin what it's gravity would be like when it's that size....the mass has not decreased it has become concentrated....so everything that comes in the gravitation pull becomes that small as well, proportionally that is....)


Well-Known Member
The light speed highway rings could be magnetized and positioned to propel the ship forward. This is used today alot for other purposes.


Well-Known Member
The light speed highway rings could be magnetized and positioned to propel the ship forward. This is used today alot for other purposes.
so u could use electro magnets with solar panels. wed probly have to mine different planets for all the materials need to make all the rings. i stopped thinking about space travel because (besides getting caught up in wanting to know the nature of reality) i thought that our generation wouldnt be around when it really started happening. but with these rings, we might start seeing people immigrating to other planets before we die!
k first of all travelling at the speed of light is impossible...Photons in light rays are weight less meaning they have no invariant mass
i bet photons do have a mass. we probly just dont have the means of measuring it. am i being ignorant in thinking this, or is this plausible? even if photons do have a mass, we'd need MAJOR amounts of energy to accomplish moving a ship so fast. acceleration to the speed of light would take a long time for sure.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i got ahold of that hawking book a while ago n i think i remember him pointing that out. its been a while so i cant remember the reasoning for it. im happy thnkr brought it up tho, i have something new to obsess about. this religion shit has seriously effected my social life...


Well-Known Member
if we could make a computer that could transmit information faster than the speed of light, it would be a time machine in a way, wouldnt it? i think if we could do this, then we would be able to dissect the principle of causality and do some really amazing things.


New Member
The only way to go faster than the speed of light is to take a short cut. Did you read the part in hawking's book about wormholes?


Well-Known Member
to be honest, i dont remember much about the book. sadly, i read it for a week and i still cant remember much of it. i can get ahold of the laymen version from a buddy of mine, i think ill do that tomorrow.

does hawking believe that black holes can be used as short cuts? wormholes, rather


New Member
No, wormholes. They are very similar to blackholes, in fact I think they are made from them. They only last a very short time, and it is believed we wouldn't have the time to get through before it turns into a singularity.

To be honest, it's been about ten years since I read about it, so I can't remember if black holes periodically turn into wormholes or not. It makes sense, but like I say, i really don't know.

I do know that we could create one ourselves if we had a power source the equivalent in magnitude to the sun. It is also believed that one day we may have the capability to stabilise one.

This still discounts time travel. We could only travel to other galaxies using this method.


Well-Known Member
I believe photons are pure energy...no mass...once fusion has occured on the surface of the sun or stars the mass is converted to pure energy and then travells in the form of photon...

ways to control fusion fuel:

One force capable of confining the fuel well enough to satisfy the Lawson criterion is gravity. The mass needed, however, is so great that gravitational confinement is only found in stars (the smallest of which are brown dwarfs). Even if the more reactive fuel deuterium were used, a mass greater than that of the planet Jupiter would be needed.

See Magnetic fusion energy for more information. Since plasmas are very good electrical conductors, magnetic fields can also confine fusion fuel. A variety of magnetic configurations can be used, the most basic distinction being between mirror confinement and toroidal confinement, especially tokamaks and stellarators.


See Inertial fusion energy for more information. A third confinement principle is to apply a rapid pulse of energy to a large part of the surface of a pellet of fusion fuel, causing it to simultaneously "implode" and heat to very high pressure and temperature. If the fuel is dense enough and hot enough, the fusion reaction rate will be high enough to burn a significant fraction of the fuel before it has dissipated. To achieve these extreme conditions, the initially cold fuel must be explosively compressed. Inertial confinement is used in the hydrogen bomb, where the driver is x-rays created by a fission bomb. Inertial confinement is also attempted in "controlled" nuclear fusion, where the driver is a laser, ion, or electron beam, or a Z-pinch.
Some other confinement principles have been investigated, such as muon-catalyzed fusion, the Farnsworth-Hirsch fusor (inertial electrostatic confinement), and bubble fusion.

Nuclear fusion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Well-Known Member
I believe that If there is anyway to control nuclear fusion, so that you can use it for fuel, it is by magnetic means because magnetic fields that hold an atom together is much much stronger than gravitaional field that holds us to the earth or earth to the sun...proportionally speaking...So if anyone can find a way to harness great magnetic fields and start a fusion will be a very very rich man and will be known for a very very long time... did anyone know that you actually never touch anything at all...never....you only feel the magnetic field of the atoms agains the magnetic field of the atoms in your skin...you think you're actually in contact with it but you are never in contact with the actuall atoms...only their energy.....the magnetic fields...when someone falls from the third story and comes to a hard and fast stop is because the magnetic fields are so strong that they do not allow him to split the atoms of the ground....when a knife cuts through butter it's because the knife does not have much surface area for the loosley arranged molecules of butter so the butter can not stop it's magnetic field from being seperated.... like taking two magnets apart once enough force is applied...


Well-Known Member
think about the sun then... how does the sun and other stars put off light... light is just a physical manifestation of energy... the amount of heat that the sun generates produces light beams... so heat is the only true energy in the universe... even in the human body energy is created by small fires which break down calories to produce energy... of course that is overly simplified but it will do for this discussion... and they already have technology which allows computers to work at the speed of light... ie. fiber optic cabling... the potential is there its just the technology to harness this potential isn't yet advanced enough... so if we could create a strong enough heat source or rockets rather that in one burst could create the power of the sun then we could propel a ship to light speed rather quickly... and in space mass and weight have very little meaning so long as you stay away from gravity fields... now consider that the sun is just a big ball of nuclear fusion... well we already know how nuclear power works and how to create it so why persay can't we acheive light speed other ways then just by utilizing worm holes???


Well-Known Member
what happened here??? did nasa see my idea and start to put it to work...lol... or did we just run out of ideas...