poplars 2011 outdoor medical journal


Well-Known Member
dosed up fat with the 48 hour bubbled earth juice grow, which had soul synthetics infinity (organic bacterial food pretty much) added probably 150 ML of it, to give the bacteria something to eat while it bubbled.

gave them 150 ML per 5 gallons, split each 5 gallon bucket between 2 plants, sometimes 3 if they were smaller.

stoked to see the effects of this in the next few days, I'll wait a day in between and give them another fat dose.


Active Member
Lol.... Bubbled Earth Juice sounds like a hippy smoothie. Damn, so blowed.... my bad for the randomness.


Well-Known Member
Put in parenthesis it's like the tree damnit!!
yep thatsd what it was named after... v ery fitting as I grow trees...hehe..... one of my sativas is getting to be around 4 and a half feet tall :) I think it may hit 5 and a half feet by end flowering, possibly even 6 foot


Well-Known Member
I just had to tie all my shit down this morning. I was slacking and the were peaking over the 6ft privacy fence. I got Cole train which branches are flimsy looking. Must be from the trainwreck. Sleestack looking good. Blue widow looking good and getting musty. Critical mass which is fucking huge. Exile which is almost as big as critical and lemon skunk which is not bushy at all. All TGE others are about 5-6ft around!!


Well-Known Member
I just had to tie all my shit down this morning. I was slacking and the were peaking over the 6ft privacy fence. I got Cole train which branches are flimsy looking. Must be from the trainwreck. Sleestack looking good. Blue widow looking good and getting musty. Critical mass which is fucking huge. Exile which is almost as big as critical and lemon skunk which is not bushy at all. All TGE others are about 5-6ft around!!
it'll be cool to see it all come bud season. it's almomst here.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna put up my temporary greenhouse I built and vent the smell threw a carbon filter if the smell gets to loud. Your plants are looking nice by the way. What about a purplechitownsourkush? Long name excellent results!!


Well-Known Member
Man those look nice..would love to grow out side..but i have a grasshopper infestation like you wouldn't believe.........rep...


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna put up my temporary greenhouse I built and vent the smell threw a carbon filter if the smell gets to loud. Your plants are looking nice by the way. What about a purplechitownsourkush? Long name excellent results!!
nah I'm not gonna cross SK with anything, just gonna continue to inbreed it and climatize it to this area. it may one day become desert valley sour kush because of how much the climatization is going to change the genetics over time... but until i get to 2nd or 3rd generations outside I can't call it that.

Man those look nice..would love to grow out side..but i have a grasshopper infestation like you wouldn't believe.........rep...
yeah that sucks I'll get the occasional green one that I"ll flick off the plants and kill, but other than that no serious bug problems luckilly...


Well-Known Member
so I saved so much money at this place that I ended up getting 5 gallons of the bat guano concentrate, an extra gallon of buddha grow, and some oregonism xl. the rest is in the pics ;), spent around 450 dollars. thank god oregon doesn't have sales tax.

ended up with 13 gallons of high quality organic nutrients :)


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good man!
Did you sativa strain ever work out? I remember you had a thread about it a while ago, but I haven't heard much about it in some time.


Well-Known Member
fed the fuck out of my plants this morning, they all got some buddha bloom, a good shot of bat guano concentrate, some buddha grow (some more than others(the desert valley hazes) because they're still kinda veggin, this shit is THICK and goupy ), then a little trinity in each to give the microbes some extra juice.... the shit was a brownish golden liquid, with bat guano residue making a thin layer at the top, none of it smells very bad unlike earth juice....

expect to see some serious growth in the next weeks


Well-Known Member
new pics!





purple kush:


desert valley haze:

another dvh, there's another one you can't see but in the main garden shot you will be able to:

chitown sour kush seedling:

another angle:

other sour kush bubba seeming clone:

shots from atop a 7 foot pool ladder:

and the one little desert valley haze has some wavey growth at the tops seems kinda stunted, mind you I've already taken precautions to avert sulfur and magnesium defiencies, this plant ahs been exposed to a complete line of nutrients that it's sister plants are handling perfectly, I'm thinking that this may just be a dud pheno just like the 2 midnights that had something pissing them off for a while until they got over it.
