Guys: How long do you like hair on a woman?

Ive had really short as in an inch long and bleach blond spiked, and now i have long natural hair almost waist length, i prefer long hair, i wash it every few days, ponytails contain it if i don't care to style it, but even styling is super easy when ur hair is long and healthy, wash at night, air dry, flat iron the next morning, or if i want waves and curls i use Mark anthony's beach waves, works amazing with no crunch, lovely smell of tropical coconuts.

Morgan Lynn ur hair cut is super cute!!! luv the colour looks great on u!! Rock what suits ur personality and face structure ladies, and men ;)
I rock whatever is convenient that morning, not how others will react to it :D Fuck dressing up to try and impress people, i'd rather have that extra 30 minutes in the bath or alseep in the morning :p That's how i see it :D

Im either a strange one, or possibly just a bloke :D But more blokey bloke than most haha, my flatmate has all manner of beauty and skin products in the bathroom. Fuck that, that's not how blokes work.
My hair is at the bottom of my shoulder blades when straightened. I know I'm lucky to have the amount of hair I do and love wearing it down, despite the ridiculous care routine.

I love girls and guys with long hair, but it also depends on how you style it. I don't like anything too masculine or trying to be modern/edgy with assymmetry and ultra short power-woman pixies. But I have seen some super pretty girls pull it off. I like spikes and scene hair, done well.

Omg Nuno Bettencourt has sexy hair, as did Axl Rose before the cornrows. I had/have a huge crush on Axl Rose.

I like stroking and running my fingers through a girl's hair. As I'm a very tender and touchy-feely person, I enjoy much of the same.
No offence but i don't listen to women's opinion on how another girl looks :D I've never understood a girls inability to tell another girl how she looks, everyone is stunning, um, nope, not at all :D

Drawn into a hair thread for some reason :p Strange.
No offence but i don't listen to women's opinion on how another girl looks :D I've never understood a girls inability to tell another girl how she looks, everyone is stunning, um, nope, not at all :D

Drawn into a hair thread for some reason :p Strange.

Excuse me, I think I can do a little more than describe all women as 'stunning' to avoid their wrath. I have ways of giving constructive criticism with the sensitivity men oft seem to lack.

I am an artist, I know my aesthetics.

... And I like my women! X3
I met a lovely Russian today at work, or did i? I have one of those minds that churns out 1001 viable reasons for something having took place, but the small bits aside i had but to wonder why she was interested in my name, she comes in often enough with her mum but why the need for a name? :D

Hair was a bit thin though.
No offence but i don't listen to women's opinion on how another girl looks :D I've never understood a girls inability to tell another girl how she looks, everyone is stunning, um, nope, not at all :D

Drawn into a hair thread for some reason :p Strange.

Some women have a special ability to actually compliment another woman honestly. It's a good trait to have.
Long enough to pull if that's what they like, depending on your style I really dig sheik hair as long as it meshes. A hot girl with tattoos piercings and sheik hair drives me nuckin futs
I've always liked women with long dark hair. My wife's Mexican and her hair hangs down to her ass, she's always getting complimented on it.

Can't see much in the pic.


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'Bout this long.
I think guys tend to like girls with long hair. I have very very short hair and I love it. It's really easy to manage and I don't need to buy 100's of dollars worth of hair crap.

short hair or long on you wouldnt matter because your a very attractive young lady...