Hey guys thanks for taking a look at my thread! I live in California and I am growing for the first time. I know I got a late start to the season but I said hey what the hell! A few weeks ago I bought some good weed from a friend that had seeds in it (well as good as it can be if it has seeds in it I guess ) and a few bong rips later, I came up with the idea to grow.
I had three seeds but chose only one at first, which was the healthiest looking of the three. I germinated it in a shot glass of water for 24 hours and planted it in a party cup full of soil. Initially I was just planning on growing one plant but after some more thinking, I didn't wanna be screwed if it was a male so I decided to plant the other two in their own cups five days later(after placing them in a shot glass of water for 30 hours).
After a couple of days, the first seedling broke the surface and began to spread it's leaves. Five days later the other two broke their surfaces as well. Add a couple more days of sun to that and that brings me all the way up until now. Plant #1 was planted on June 10 and the other two (2 and 3) were planted on the 15th.
Soil: 0.07-0.01-0.03 Potting Soil with perlite, peat, and other ingredients I can't remember but will find out. It has small pieces bark in the soil.
Water Source: City water that I let sit open for at least 24 hours before using. I'm planning on getting a pH meter to find whether or not the pH in the water is good.
What I Have On Hand:
-Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food - 24% Nitrogen, 8% Phos, 16% Potash
-16-16-16 Fertilizer
I'm willing to spend money on nutes and such but obviously i'd like to keep expenses to a minimum considering im only growing three plants. I'd say with the fencing in my backyard, the plant is getting about 12 and a half hours of direct sunlight a day. It's been pretty hot here the past couple of days, right now its 96 outside and it's been hovering between 65-70 at night. I've been keeping the soil moist and every couple of days or so i give it a pretty good watering.
I'd appreciate any advise or comments on how to make my grow successful. I know there are some people on here who have grown for a long time and even those who are more recent but know a thing or two, I thank you in advance for your time and advice!
Sorry for the bad quality pics, my only camera at the moment is my iPhone.
PIC 1: My three plants (1,2,3 from left to right) taken on June 17
PICS 2&3: Taken today (June 21)
I had three seeds but chose only one at first, which was the healthiest looking of the three. I germinated it in a shot glass of water for 24 hours and planted it in a party cup full of soil. Initially I was just planning on growing one plant but after some more thinking, I didn't wanna be screwed if it was a male so I decided to plant the other two in their own cups five days later(after placing them in a shot glass of water for 30 hours).
After a couple of days, the first seedling broke the surface and began to spread it's leaves. Five days later the other two broke their surfaces as well. Add a couple more days of sun to that and that brings me all the way up until now. Plant #1 was planted on June 10 and the other two (2 and 3) were planted on the 15th.
Soil: 0.07-0.01-0.03 Potting Soil with perlite, peat, and other ingredients I can't remember but will find out. It has small pieces bark in the soil.
Water Source: City water that I let sit open for at least 24 hours before using. I'm planning on getting a pH meter to find whether or not the pH in the water is good.
What I Have On Hand:
-Miracle-Gro All Purpose Plant Food - 24% Nitrogen, 8% Phos, 16% Potash
-16-16-16 Fertilizer
I'm willing to spend money on nutes and such but obviously i'd like to keep expenses to a minimum considering im only growing three plants. I'd say with the fencing in my backyard, the plant is getting about 12 and a half hours of direct sunlight a day. It's been pretty hot here the past couple of days, right now its 96 outside and it's been hovering between 65-70 at night. I've been keeping the soil moist and every couple of days or so i give it a pretty good watering.
I'd appreciate any advise or comments on how to make my grow successful. I know there are some people on here who have grown for a long time and even those who are more recent but know a thing or two, I thank you in advance for your time and advice!
Sorry for the bad quality pics, my only camera at the moment is my iPhone.
PIC 1: My three plants (1,2,3 from left to right) taken on June 17
PICS 2&3: Taken today (June 21)
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