neem oil ?


Well-Known Member
whats your thoughts about neem oil during flowering? and when to stop if possible, and how much to use ?;-) thanksbongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
read the bottle lol i use bout every 2 weeks along with BT for the caterpillars and im stop about a month before i harvest


Well-Known Member
mine said something like 2-3 tbls per gal. and use a few drops of dish soap to dispurse it in the water


Don't use it past week 2 or 3 of flowering......2-3 tbsps to 1 gal. is correct........i use it every week 2 be safe


Active Member
tycoon has the right instructions, but never spray chemicals on flowering bud, even those safe for human consumtion were never meant to be combusted and inhaled. try to control your pest with natural controls like ladybugs. after this harvest bleach everything and spray for bugs using real insecticides, then start over clean, and dont track those bugs inside.


Well-Known Member
whats your thoughts about neem oil during flowering? and when to stop if possible, and how much to use ?;-) thanksbongsmiliebongsmilie
*how many weeks into bloom? --wouldnt suggest using neem oil if your about to finish .. or nearing :)

--buds taste funny with that stuff on them, FYI



Well-Known Member
my plants are outside so cant control the enviroment lol
@laywhoish: wuts ur purpose of using neem oil?


Well-Known Member
tycoon has the right instructions, but never spray chemicals on flowering bud, even those safe for human consumtion were never meant to be combusted and inhaled. try to control your pest with natural controls like ladybugs. after this harvest bleach everything and spray for bugs using real insecticides, then start over clean, and dont track those bugs inside.
its outdoor (this is the outdoor section)


Active Member
its outdoor (this is the outdoor section)
gotcha, just replying to new post didnt check the sections. though outdoors you dont need much pesticides because of the balance of nature, all the pest are ever present outside, and so are there natural predators, so in a sense they are already controlled or no vegitation at all would grow. best way ive found to control outdoor pest is to carefully consider WHERE you grow. pest are more present in tall grass and weeds were they can safetly hide from lizards and spiders, and other predators. you can plant in breezeways where insects have trouble staying comfortable. just check around and find a good spot.


Well-Known Member
my plants are outside so cant control the enviroment lol
@laywhoish: wuts ur purpose of using neem oil?
my plants are outside as well hence outdoor section LOL ......dont see how people over look that..... and grasshoppers and other huge ass bugs ive seen andits been gettn eatn but only on one main cola hasnt happend sense ive killed some and threw others off but i dont wanna risk losing such a nice crop so late into the season especially sense its my first outdoor crop , and its showing pistils sense the 14th of july .....dont know why flowering hasnt started hoping this week ........thanks for all the help 420tycoon! and everyone else!!!


Well-Known Member
gotcha, just replying to new post didnt check the sections. though outdoors you dont need much pesticides because of the balance of nature, all the pest are ever present outside, and so are there natural predators, so in a sense they are already controlled or no vegitation at all would grow. best way ive found to control outdoor pest is to carefully consider WHERE you grow. pest are more present in tall grass and weeds were they can safetly hide from lizards and spiders, and other predators. you can plant in breezeways where insects have trouble staying comfortable. just check around and find a good spot.
true to some extent but it would be hard to move a crop thats in the ground already for a few months and is in preflower ;-)


Well-Known Member
some of mine are getting eatin a little too but the 2 main bugs in my opinion that will do the damage is spitermites and butterflys/moths(they lay there eggs on ur buds and the eggs hatch and all these tiny worms are in ur bud rotting it form the inside out


Well-Known Member
glad to help! iv only been using neem oil and used only but 2-3 times all yr. the yard is deffinetly full of naturals predators. endless amounts of ladybugs and praying mantis's. and i even have a wasp nest pretty much on top of my 7 1/2' plant ina pole. my only problem is the damn moths.... ugh