Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)

You cant say shit about canada. Look whos dollar is stronger. Not to mention we have a tremendous amount of girls and we dont go to jail for growing. We have the most land per person and the strongest beer.
You guys have checkers and jack in the box. very light beer and over populated cities. Your economy is very weak.
Ill give it to you that you are army strong.
Cali and here (BritishColumbia) are the only places i would want to live

Checkers? Like the game? Jack in the Box.... I've never seen or been to one.. McDonald's would have been a better example. Also, we have most of the same beer as you Canucks. And if you didn't know, California IS part of the U.S. It's not a country. And I can't tell you how many of you drive here to do your Xmas shopping. Our stores and malls are full of Canadians around the holidays. Also 1 dollar of your money is equal to 1.0091 in a U .S. dollar. Not much difference. 403,640 your money = 400,000 our money. That 3,640 isn't very much. Also, people go to jail all the time in Canada for pot growing. Sounds like you don't know your own country very well.
And at least the U.S. isn't like the quiet passive kid in the corner that no one ever notices or even acknowledges that they exist. - Just kidding on the last part. I really like Canada, but your simple view of us is distorted a great deal.
I guess you don't know this since it sounds like you aren't very knowledgable about the US, but many of us don't live in overpopulated cities, we drink any type of beer that we please, and can eat at restaurants offering some of the finest food you can imagine. People aren't jumping fences to get into Canada...
Thread owner's screen name is Homebrewer. He's a hobbyist beer maker. I was just amused by the unlikelihood of there being such a person on Santorini, but who knows? Just a stoner moment. HB???

ok I get the beer thing but the "unlikelihood of there being such a person on Santorini" well you'd be surprised of the people you can find in Greece... You are talking like it's some third world place somewhere lost in Africa or as if Greeks are some primitive nation or something... Unless you are on of those that think Spain is in South America. No offense, I'm just saying...
Sorry man. no offense taken. I've been all over Greece (not Santorini) never been to Spain, but Portugal, France, Italy, Egypt (three years) blah, blah blah, Don't look for an insult where there is none.

ok I get the beer thing but the "unlikelihood of there being such a person on Santorini" well you'd be surprised of the people you can find in Greece... You are talking like it's some third world place somewhere lost in Africa or as if Greeks are some primitive nation or something... Unless you are on of those that think Spain is in South America. No offense, I'm just saying...
Hell yeah for Jack In The Box!!! Even they know that stoners are a good chunk of their market group. Ya'll ever seen the Jack In The Box commercial with the long haired dude in a VW van pull up to the drive thru. He looks high, talks all slow and asks for like 30 .99cent tacos. To all the stoners that know..... that damn taco go hard at late night after a mad session of smokin'.
Sorry man. no offense taken. I've been all over Greece (not Santorini) never been to Spain, but Portugal, France, Italy, Egypt (three years) blah, blah blah, Don't look for an insult where there is none.

Of course no offense taken cause I didn't offend you. You did, an entire nation actually. And no I wasn't looking for an insult and even less for an argument mate, but the way you put it was... well lets just say it could have been nicer. And I'm still not looking for a fight and seriously no harsh feelings but I do want to make my point clear here.

I'm just tired of ignorant racists (not talking about you here btw just generalizing a little) that think that the rest of the world asides their country, and I discovered that phenomena mostly in US btw, doesn't exist or is just some third world shithole in South America. I have been all around the world visiting over 50 countries and have lived from 6 moths to 2 years in 4 different countries over 3 different continents. I've learned to respect other cultures and I expect other people to respect mine. Especially since it's one of the oldest in the planet and the most contributing to what you call today civilization... And yes in case you haven't realized already I'm Greek living in Spain. And I do grow my weed in Spain and used to brew my own whine too with my late father in Greece and I don't have a phd. So if I,some random greek guy, could do that, then I bet there are many more in Santorini that can plant pot and brew beer... Don't make it sound like it's rocket science cause it's far from it...

Yeah, the funny thing is that people are like pack animals- they tend to think their team is better, but at the end of the day we're all human beings, and we're all pretty much the same. Everyone wants to be happy and have a loving family and what not. I'm american, but I don't consider that anything to be more proud of, I'm just another citizen of the planet that happens to be in this spot of the world. Some people think patriotism is good, I say if it infers we are better- than it's a hunk of BS :)
Of course no offense taken cause I didn't offend you. You did, an entire nation actually. And no I wasn't looking for an insult and even less for an argument mate, but the way you put it was... well lets just say it could have been nicer. And I'm still not looking for a fight and seriously no harsh feelings but I do want to make my point clear here.

I'm just tired of ignorant racists (not talking about you here btw just generalizing a little) that think that the rest of the world asides their country, and I discovered that phenomena mostly in US btw, doesn't exist or is just some third world shithole in South America. I have been all around the world visiting over 50 countries and have lived from 6 moths to 2 years in 4 different countries over 3 different continents. I've learned to respect other cultures and I expect other people to respect mine. Especially since it's one of the oldest in the planet and the most contributing to what you call today civilization... And yes in case you haven't realized already I'm Greek living in Spain. And I do grow my weed in Spain and used to brew my own whine too with my late father in Greece and I don't have a phd. So if I,some random greek guy, could do that, then I bet there are many more in Santorini that can plant pot and brew beer... Don't make it sound like it's rocket science cause it's far from it...


God damn, you are one whiny little bitch aren'tcha?
This thread needs to get back on the topic of weed!
Here is the next round of durban poison, on day 24. With these three I started them under a MH 600 for 2 weeks, and switched to bloom nutes without adding any extra grow. Bud production looks on track with the first round, but even bigger plants this time. Stretch was minimal, and nodes are pretty tight for a sativa strain. I'm still running .8EC at the most, sometimes dropping down to .7EC. Style of grow is ebb and flow, with a dwc going on under the basket. I flood the bucket to the top 4 times a day, it's half full the rest of the time... and bubbling.
This thread needs to get back on the topic of weed!
Here is the next round of durban poison, on day 24. With these three I started them under a MH 600 for 2 weeks, and switched to bloom nutes without adding any extra grow. Bud production looks on track with the first round, but even bigger plants this time. Stretch was minimal, and nodes are pretty tight for a sativa strain. I'm still running .8EC at the most, sometimes dropping down to .7EC. Style of grow is ebb and flow, with a dwc going on under the basket. I flood the bucket to the top 4 times a day, it's half full the rest of the time... and bubbling.

looks amazing man you got a journal?
No Journal for me at this time....
Here is a pic from my first try using dynagro, I tried it last winter when Homebrewer first compared it to GH. I was running about 1.5EC and using a little hygrozyme. it was quite the failure..... This is day 45
Homebrewer... you ever use DG with coco coir? If so whats your thoughts?

I've never used DG with coco. I've actually never used coco before but I can't imagine DG wouldn't work with it. You might give the DynaGro folks a call as they really know their shiz. See if you can chat with Ryan (I think that's his name, been a while since I've called them).

In regards to burr's post and feeding levels, I was feeding at close to 2.0 EC when I first tested DG. I was just kinda going off their recommended schedule which happened to be close to the levels that I used to use with GH. After lowering those feeding levels down to just a touch over 1.0 EC, both brands really excelled and these days I take a backwards approach to feeding. I don't look at the how much my plants can take, rather I shoot for the minimum amount I can use without showing signs of underfeeding.
I've never used DG with coco. I've actually never used coco before but I can't imagine DG wouldn't work with it. You might give the DynaGro folks a call as they really know their shiz. See if you can chat with Ryan (I think that's his name, been a while since I've called them).

In regards to burr's post and feeding levels, I was feeding at close to 2.0 EC when I first tested DG. I was just kinda going off their recommended schedule which happened to be close to the levels that I used to use with GH. After lowering those feeding levels down to just a touch over 1.0 EC, both brands really excelled and these days I take a backwards approach to feeding. I don't look at the how much my plants can take, rather I shoot for the minimum amount I can use without showing signs of underfeeding.

I've got a feeling that the hygrozyme played a roll in the burning of my plants. My theory is that a typical dwc root develops a protective skin to help deal with the direct nute contact.I think the hygrozyme removes this skin, and opens the roots up to absorb lots of nutes. I've yet to hear anyone growing with dwc and hygrozyme getting good results.
@ reverof i am currently using coco on my outside grow.DG works fantastic. my feeding is @ 910ppm & p.h is @ like 6.0 if i knew how to load pics i woud do so for ya.ive been turned on to DG for about 1/2 a year or so and it is the real deal.Yo HB whats going on?
Checkers? Like the game? Jack in the Box.... I've never seen or been to one.. McDonald's would have been a better example. Also, we have most of the same beer as you Canucks. And if you didn't know, California IS part of the U.S. It's not a country. And I can't tell you how many of you drive here to do your Xmas shopping. Our stores and malls are full of Canadians around the holidays. Also 1 dollar of your money is equal to 1.0091 in a U .S. dollar. Not much difference. 403,640 your money = 400,000 our money. That 3,640 isn't very much. Also, people go to jail all the time in Canada for pot growing. Sounds like you don't know your own country very well.
And at least the U.S. isn't like the quiet passive kid in the corner that no one ever notices or even acknowledges that they exist. - Just kidding on the last part. I really like Canada, but your simple view of us is distorted a great deal.
Just yankin ur chains. someone metioned canada not being a country. So being canadian i had to say something.
Well i know for under 200 plants you get 9 months probation more than once to, My old naibour got busted. Over 200 plants they can throw the book at you. I didnt refer to cali as there own country. They deffinetly stand out for the marjiuana. So does BC. DOnt even get me started with the canucks lol.
We dont do 5 years in jail for growing either so dont kid yourself