Capt. Stickyfingers
Well-Known Member
You cant say shit about canada. Look whos dollar is stronger. Not to mention we have a tremendous amount of girls and we dont go to jail for growing. We have the most land per person and the strongest beer.
You guys have checkers and jack in the box. very light beer and over populated cities. Your economy is very weak.
Ill give it to you that you are army strong.
Cali and here (BritishColumbia) are the only places i would want to live
Checkers? Like the game? Jack in the Box.... I've never seen or been to one.. McDonald's would have been a better example. Also, we have most of the same beer as you Canucks. And if you didn't know, California IS part of the U.S. It's not a country. And I can't tell you how many of you drive here to do your Xmas shopping. Our stores and malls are full of Canadians around the holidays. Also 1 dollar of your money is equal to 1.0091 in a U .S. dollar. Not much difference. 403,640 your money = 400,000 our money. That 3,640 isn't very much. Also, people go to jail all the time in Canada for pot growing. Sounds like you don't know your own country very well.
And at least the U.S. isn't like the quiet passive kid in the corner that no one ever notices or even acknowledges that they exist. - Just kidding on the last part. I really like Canada, but your simple view of us is distorted a great deal.