Found a Baby Deer


Well-Known Member
So I've taken down Baby's fence as of yesterday afternoon and she's now free to move about on and off my farm as she pleases.

The road I live on isn't high traffic but it gets it's fair share and the speed limit is 55mph so as long she minds the cars she'll be alright.

She had a few close calls already last night but she was also very curious about what everything was and not paying much attention.

I've gone outside already this morning and she came running up when called so hopefully things continue to go well.


Well-Known Member
if you raise a deer from a fawn, dont release it, its gonna die in a week being so human friendly, lil guy is gonna walk right up to a hunter thinking hes gonna feed it...then all of a sudden, BAM!!!!!! night night nigga


Well-Known Member
if you raise a deer from a fawn, dont release it, its gonna die in a week being so human friendly, lil guy is gonna walk right up to a hunter thinking hes gonna feed it...then all of a sudden, BAM!!!!!! night night nigga
I have a blaze orange collar on her and a lot of land, there aren't that many hunters that come around where I live and it's a ways off till hunting season.

I don't like caging animals if they don't need to be and she needs the space to run.


Well-Known Member
She is turning into a proper young lady. :p
Since the fence was down all night I actually had a little trouble sleeping. After I took the fence down yesterday she went straight for the road and was hanging around it for a little while and that's when she had her close calls with the cars. I was almost positive I was going to be picking her up from the ditch today.


Well-Known Member
Damn I hav missed alot pages, had to catch up. And keep that Baby away from the street momma. LOL She is looking real good and growing.


I have 2 pet squirrels, I love peoples reactions when you have a somewhat "strange" pet and they see it for the first time.